Down to the Rapture

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Beryl Octet, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. daronspicher

    daronspicher Active Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fshagan @ Mar 14 2007, 11:36 PM) [snapback]405863[/snapback]</div>

    If someone (to go to extreme for emphasis) runs around teaching people to believe in Jesus, the frog of the swamp. Do good to other people, toss coins in the swamp to make Jesus happy and one day the miracle of the frog will be there when you die to take you to be in heaven with Jesus, the frog.

    I still leave room for Jesus Christ, Son of God of the Bible to one day reach that person. But, at that point, that impacted individual more likely won't overcome the whole swamp thing and both being "Jesus" will bring about confusion at best.

    The preacher of the swamp gospel would likely be called a false preacher by even folks who understand biblical text but don't believe and by all who believe. You simply don't get to make up your own version of Jesus, and you either present the true Jesus, or you present the one you made up.

    When people preach a Jesus that strays plenty from the Biblical Jesus, but sounds good to people when they hear it... leaves off bottom line requirements for salvation and makes huge allowances for continued behaviors that strike at the heart of God, then I wonder about this Jesus being the made up kind. You continue preaching that made up Jesus and people don't ever find out they are missing the Christ Savior, Son of God Jesus and yes, I think what you say can impact a persons salvation.

    I believe one day we all will stand before God and go through all the times we said it wrong, and all the times we didn't say it at all and at that point we will more clearly understand the impact of it. There are people where we have had opportunity to tell them about Jesus and we didn't and they never get it. If we could all stay silent on the issue, then what's the purpose of going into all nations preaching the gospel... if our words don't have a part in people's salvation, then there is no need to go... just stay home, hunker down and let God find another way for the people to find Jesus.

    You seemingly tend to toss out the biblical text, pick and choose what you like from the rest and have a pretty open and bendable version of things of faith. I haven't been around when you're telling someone about Jesus and how He's changed your life, so I'm not sure what you tell people, and if they somehow come to accept the Jesus you present, I wonder what that is. When those people go away, what is their next step, do you hand them a Bible with half the verses blacked out so they have a place to learn more and grow in their new found faith?

    If you can't tell people Jesus is THE way, and the only way to present day and eternal life with God, then I don't think you're doing them any good. This makes most unbelievers uncomfortable, it may be intollerant and a lot for them to chew. I don't find any reference to the gospel of Jesus Christ being comfortable. Life changing for sure..

    Here's my depth on Joel Osteen: Yeah, huge church... I watch him now and again for 4 or 5 minutes to see what the guy has going on and I can't say I've ever found myself pleased that he's bringing people to face their sin, repent and place their future in the hands of Jesus Christ. Maybe he does... but I haven't ever seen it from him (cite lack of viewership perhaps). A friend of mine challenged me to Joel's book so I listened to it (read by Joel himself) while commutting on the train one week. His book is at best a "think you can and it will happen" message. Interesting a preacher with that big of a following has so little 'God' in his best selling book. God wants you to be happy, so think you are happy and you will be happy. God wouldn't want you to be broke, so imagine yourself with money and you'll get some.

    My other (deeper) knowledge of Joel's ministry is his interview with Larry King. I've been over that transcript a few times and it tells me that Joel is the pastor of the biggest church in America, but he doesn't know what he believes about God, Jesus or the Bible. In his case, you can't say the guy got on camera and freaked out. He's on camera all the time, he's speaking in front of thousands all the time... In that interview, he's unsure if Jesus Christ, Son of God is the only path to eternity with God. That transcript is on the web if you google it up.

    I then would say, I probably don't know enough to tell you I know that Joels ministry viewed by millions is not bringing people to see their sin, repent and follow Christ. I think his ministry sounds good to people who want to hear that what they are already doing is ok and they can just keep on doing it more. And, to boot, if you apply some of the things he says you can be happier right where you are and if you want more money, I imagine some of the things he says will bring you more money when followed. Yeah.. that's pretty popular... I can see why people buy in to it.
  2. desynch

    desynch Die-Hard Conservative

    Feb 14, 2007
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Mar 15 2007, 03:28 AM) [snapback]405947[/snapback]</div>
    Hi Mark,

    See, you seem to be equating being rational with being an atheist. In my opinion, atheists are irrational because they do not take into account that there are things out there that they may not even be able to comprehend. I cannot deny or confirm the existance of God, reincarnation, or an afterlife.. But because I BELIEVE in some of it, does not mean I am not rational. It means that I accept the fact that there may be something that I cannot fathom or comprehend, at least through these human eyes... but I'm working on it. :blink:
  3. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ Mar 14 2007, 12:25 PM) [snapback]405364[/snapback]</div>

    My Pastor speaks on the Holy Ghost as a comforter sent to earth for the believers (to COMFORT them) But the purpose of the Holy Ghost to unbelievers is to convict them of sin, righteousness, and repentence so that they will see the light and be saved. Soooooo, if you are an unbeliever and hear the "word" and are still comforted....something is wrong with how the word is being put forth.

    Short answer????? I agree with Daron's point here. What good is it to be "nice" and "accepted" by everyone you meet, if NO ONE IS SAVED!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ Mar 15 2007, 10:38 AM) [snapback]406053[/snapback]</div>
    Daron, I agree with you. Joel does not preach on repentence from sin, but he does ask people at the end of every service to make Jesus Lord.

    The problem with not addressing sin, is that man cannot in his own nature do what is right part of the time let alone most of the time.

    Looking at the world today, it is a "ME, ME, ME" concept or in other words, "Look out for #1!"

    The problem with that is that so often sin affects every part of God's creation: man, animal, and nature.

    The effects of sin are far reaching, so much so, that it affects: politically, envirnomentally, emotionally, physically, and most of all spiritually.

    Why spiritually? Because unless one is born again, or in other words has the life of Jesus Christ living in him, then that person will not be able to do what is right, (living by God's edicts), and be pleasing to Him.

    So, the bottom line is, unless one is born again, and living by the power of the life of Jesus Christ living in him, then the wicked will grow more evil.

    The bible has it that in the end days APOSTASY will take place within the church, meaning that even the believers will fall away because of the hard times, trials, and temptations.

    Like a muscle, the spirit man inside of a person if he is born again must be exercised just like a real muscle.
    The only way for that to happen is for that person to go through the hard times, trials, and temptations.

    Why? Because then that person's faith will be pure as gold.

    The Lord Himself in the old testament said that He couldn't even refine the people with a refiner's fire because there was no purity left in them. And so they were label: REJECTED SILVER.

    The Lord's kingdom is not in this physical world, but it is the Lord Jesus Christ living on the throne of a person's heart, where He is number 1; where He is First Place.

    Many do not understand this concept, and so it will be foreign to them.

    Life on this planet earth will one day end. When I don't know, but I know the signs of the times. When the fig tree bears its leaves, then the fruit will not be far behind.

    One sign is that lawlessness will be on the increase. Very rampant. And the love of many people will grow cold not only towards God, but towards each other.

    Because people don't want to have God in their lives, the Lord will let them finally what life will become and is becoming without Him.

    So when the inhabitants of the earth are finally destroyed to ALMOST the utmost, even then they will not give God the glory; and so these people if they don't want to live for God now, on the face of the earth, they most certainly will not want to live with Him in the here after.

    Especially those that are so rebellious.

    God has said that the way is narrow to Him, but only few find it. But broad is the way to hell.

    I wish that were not so, but I can see it more and more.

    Just take a good look around you.
  5. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ Mar 15 2007, 09:38 AM) [snapback]406053[/snapback]</div>

    I"m not sure what fshagen mean't by his statement, but it is quite intresting God uses the foolishness of our clumsly use of words to impart his message to be saved./

    IN one instance.. Abraham preached and no one responded at all and the whole city was destroyed as a result of no repentance.

    However on the other hand, Jonah did not want to give the call for repentance to ninevah and God has to put this through the wringer before he finally said "uncle" and did it and the whole city was saved!

    So what gives?.. who knows what God will perform?.. He is sovereign and we cannot say.. well you did it here so your being unfair to not do it there.

    Another interesting point is the apparent "caliber" of the messinger!.... while some feel if you don't have a nice suit and went to seminary, you are not fit to carry the word of God.. John the Baptist lived in the woods, wore a skin and ate bugs and was obviously viewed as a vagabond wacko who carried the doomsday message of Prepare ye the way of the Lord!

    Yet Jesus called him the greatest of all prophets!... a sidenote... he also said the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he!.. wow!

    As far as Joel Osteen, my dad when to his church when his recently deceasef Father "John Osteen" pastored it. I have also visited several times.

    My take is Joel has a lot of his mothers mannerisms and characteristics... I can definately see the mantle of allot of what his father carried placed on him.
    It was a total surprise to everyone that he took his dads place.

    But I too see a giant church, but I don't bear that as too much merit either.

    Wide is the gate that leads to destruction, so thats a bad guage... narrow is the path that leads to life.

    I sense his dad was strong and that made Joel very non confrontational.. but don't mistake that he doesn't know his beliefs.. he is smart like a fox and knows how to not offend and how to handle himself to avoid the darts of accusation from the media. He's a great feel good preacher and maybe thats his place in the kingdom.. I personally would like to see more of the balance his dad had to do both.

    I have a problem with giving everyone a "feel good" message all the time.. it needs to balanced with getting closer to God by releaseing sin and letting more of the power of God take its place.
    It makes people think they have some kind of rights not to be corrected or told thier wrong.

    We have enough messages that tell everyone God loves you just the way you are.. that always gets interpreted as "sin Included" is the problem.
    God loves the person, but not thier sin they hold to that causes separation from them and him.

    Jesus made it clear that those that operated in such ways would not inherit the kingdom of God.

    If you go to heaven it will have to be without your sin.. because if sin was allowed in, then it wouldn't be a place with no more tears, sorrows and pain.

    Sin kills and its reward is death, so it has to go.

    I've only seen Angels speak to the believer.. I don't recall an Angel preaching to the unbeliever.. God always sends "men" to them.

    Some people are evangelicals.. they are good at addressing the unbeliever in a non offensive way and other carry a more prophetical office designed to address the believers first to bring order and expose indifferences... all working together have their place in the kingdom.

    John the baptist would have never made it as a pastor, but did great as a prophet... both affect different crowds of people different ways... some are teachers, preachers, etc.

    Everybody wants to go to Heaven.. just not today!... why is that?

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(loveit @ Mar 15 2007, 12:23 PM) [snapback]406174[/snapback]</div>

    LOL!.. we were typing at the same time and we both quoted the same scripture!.. Imagine that!
  6. larkinmj

    larkinmj New Member

    Jan 31, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(desynch @ Mar 15 2007, 12:17 PM) [snapback]406088[/snapback]</div>
    I agree with you that it is irrational to deny that something might exist just because you cannot prove its existence. Any scientist would agree with that statement. There does seem to be a misconception in FHOP about what it means to be an atheist. Everyone that I know (including myself) who identifies as an atheist doesn't claim to have absolute certainty that God does not exist. I simply do not believe that God exists- those are two different concepts entirely. I am open to the possibility that God, or anything else that I don't have knowledge of, might possibly exist. But as I have no evidence in the existence of God, it would not be rational for me to believe. I would never attempt to make that judgement for others.
  7. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    TJ, just a thought, are you taking Humaria, (not sure on spelling), for the arthiritis?

    I have a friend that is taking it and it is know to cause TB, plus other side affects. You might want to check on those side affects.

    I was really surprise when they told me that. :eek:

    No telling what else it will do. Hope that is not a significant factor in the cancer.

    I cannot remember if it does or not but will check with them and get back to you. Some of those artho drugs are not the greatest.
  8. desynch

    desynch Die-Hard Conservative

    Feb 14, 2007
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Mar 15 2007, 02:21 PM) [snapback]406209[/snapback]</div>
    Maybe you are really an Agnostic? From what I understand and what I have been taught, Atheists flat out deny the existence of God. Agnostics are more in line w/ the Buddhists who feel that if there is a God, we have no proof and there is no reason to dwell on it.

    What do you think? Are you Agnostic or Atheist?
  9. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Mar 15 2007, 01:21 PM) [snapback]406209[/snapback]</div>

    Michael... I think thats a totally fair and honest statement.... I totally respect those feelings.

    Just like I look up into the sky and cannot discount the possibility of other life on other planets.. its an aweful big place out there..... Who knows what God is doing elsewhere?... or who escaped our race some thousands of years back in the prenoah time?.. Even the bible hints that civilization was very advanced.

    Look at how much we've grown in the last 200 years.. . I wonder what a couple of thousand years could do where people lived to be hundreds of years old back then?

    I"m sure evil flourished even more as evil men set in thier ways gained unimaginable power in the earth.

    but one thing I'm sure of, its not the physical universe that sums up the whole.. there is a spiritual one thats even more real as its more pure and eternal.

    Some may want to call it some sort of a parallel universe.. but whatever.. its right here among us.

    Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is among you.... it has touched earth but there is a veil that prevents our passing to and fro except in part with our spirits.

    It takes common sense to be able to say what you said... we have no proof of many things.....

    If someone you have tremendous faith in because other things have panned out, says "there is a hell" or such.. then you believe based on faith.. since we have never seen it ourselves.. we don't know just what that place is all about.... as also for heaven....

    I must say I"m not as noble as some who believe on blind faith... I have many wonderful experiences and miracles to draw from that sets reality of God in my heart.

    So I don't know if I'm blessed or not.. but to whom much is given, more is required so maybe not?

    But sometimes in the spirit realm things are more real than in the physical world where things are always in flux and changing and cannot be trusted. After all its just energy, nothing more, just in constant flux and change.. only our spirits and souls are the eternal part of us that don't change.
  10. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    This element of faith is a funny thing to grapple with..... some times when people didn't recieve their prayer.. it was because thier faith was weak... or when they did, it was because their faith was great.

    What brings faith?.. that too is misunderstood in any depth.
    You commonly hear its from hearing the word.. but that phrase in scripture broken down refers to the "rhema word" or "spoken word".. not from a man but from God.

    Yes a man initiates it by speaking it, but if the Holy sprit does not also speak it into your heart and teach it, confirm it and reinforce it with a "knowing" that its truth, then it does nothing for faith.

    The faith that moves mountains and executes miracles comes from relationship and seeing Gods works in action.

    I've been to camp meetings as a kid and every night the faith level grows.... after a few nights, I was witness physical miracles that no unbeleiver could deny.

    I'm not talking about stomach aches or even diabetes etc that you can't see but broken bones, limbs extending, cripple crooked legs bent up with arthritis being made straight, the blind seeing......

    I had faith before, but that obvious increased it.. so no one can talk me out of what I already know.

    But above and beyond all that, "to the brain" it is no better than a good majic or side show... its what God does in my life and heart everyday as he pursues me and speaks to me and teaches me and encourages me through impossible challenges in life.
    And its what I felt on those meetings and anytime I'm in the presence of God that means the most.
    The Lord has a way of reaching deep where no one else has ever been and healing and restoring as your emotions flow like an open faucet.

    He has challenged me to step out of the boat and walk on water several times .. .its those "most scary" times that have increased my faith the most.

    I encourage TJ and anybody else going through a dark tunnel of clouds to keep looking up and grab hold to Gods promises and surround yourself with worship so you can think clearly without fear ... all things that drive evil demonic spirits away as they can't stand it!.. this too will increase your faith to stand for what is rightfully yours to have in Jesus name!........

    But if you don't first believe in "Jesus name", your sunk before you start... that name holds the keys and power to reversing all the powers of sin and hell.
  11. desynch

    desynch Die-Hard Conservative

    Feb 14, 2007
    2007 Prius
    We're all happy you found your path, windstrings. I'm glad you found what makes you happy.

    Can't you be glad some of us found what makes us happy? Our path? Even though it is different from yours?
  12. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(desynch @ Mar 15 2007, 04:26 PM) [snapback]406344[/snapback]</div>

    I think anything that makes you happy if great when compared to the alternatives.. the only thing that scares me is it could be a substitute in place of the real.... which if so, could have eternal consequences.

    Try to remember that happiness for the moment is not always a good choice.. any more than going to the red light district! LOL!... I know.. bad comparison.... but my point is if serving Budda or some other religion has found you contentment... thats good... now I challenge you to look farther beyond.

    I know you may say.. how do I know my experience is better than yours?

    The bible speaks of the presence of God as Joy unspeakable and full of glory... I guess thats about the best the english language can do?

    Go to a buddish temple and see if you can see any inner witness as to what is going on with them.

    Rarely are we touched deeply without it eventually showing externally too.

    Regardless of what I think I know and feel.. I can look at the faces of those in a power worship service that have come in off the streets and see the tears, the joy and laughter like nothing this world can duplicate.

    I remember when my mother in law first went to a service that was rich in the power of God...."she had gone to a conservative lutheran church all her life", and she literally had to get up and "ran" out the front of the church... my wife asked her what was wrong... "BTW... she is German" and she said she couldn't stop crying and she didn't know why.... as you may know Germans don't show much emotion.. especially crying!

    Even though she didn't feel fear per se.. it was not in her comfort zone.... now she loves that same presence that first scared her once upon a time.

    Even when Moses when to the mountain to be in the presence of God, the people didn't want to go as they were afraid to deal with God directly.

    When we have never known God and we come into his presence, it often makes us feel very uncomfortable as his conviction rest upon us.

    He is so Holy that the closer you get to him, the more you realize your not!

    Its quite a wonderful thing when you are comfortable in his presence free from guilt and sin and can sit on his lap and be embraced.. not because you just believe it, but you actually feel the acceptance and love from the Lord as he embraces you.

    This is just a tiny tip of the iceberg I am speaking about.... I never hear of anything that comes close with other Gods.
  13. desynch

    desynch Die-Hard Conservative

    Feb 14, 2007
    2007 Prius


    These guys sure did feel strongly about their beliefs.. and freedom to practice them.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Mar 15 2007, 05:58 PM) [snapback]406364[/snapback]</div>
  14. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(desynch @ Mar 15 2007, 06:25 PM) [snapback]406383[/snapback]</div>
    You know the difference between Buddha and Jesus?

    Buddha, and all the other gods demand that you die for them.

    Jesus died for all of mankind.


    Buddha's way leads to death.

    Jesus' way leads to life for all believers.

    King Solomon was the wisest man of all time, and there will never be another like him.
    He asked for wisdom to rule his people, and God was very pleased and granted his request.

    One day there were two women, each who had given birth to a baby.
    Somehow or another the women were sleeping in the same room with their babies beside them.

    During the middle of the night one of the women discovered her baby had died, and so she switched it with the living baby of the other mother.

    When morning came, the real mother of the living child discover that the dead beside her was not hers.

    And so the women went before King Solomon.

    The women were arguing back and forth about the remaining living child.
    Since there was no way to "know" which mother the child belonged to, King Solomon decreed that a sword be bought to him.

    Standing with a sword in hand, he requested that the child be bought before him, and there he would cut the child into two and give each mother half.

    The one mother cried out and said no, give the child to the other mother.

    The other mother cried out and said no, kill the child.

    King Solomon gave the child to the mother who showed compassion.

    Point of the story is that OUR GOD is a God of compassion and mercy because He created us.

    Our names are engraved on the palms of His hands, and He knows the number of hairs on our heads.

    No person on the face of this earth has a right to take their own life or that of another because only the Creator has that right.

    So a person who is immolates himself is a stench in the nostrils of God.

    The bible says that some people made their child a sacrifice by putting them through fire.

    God says it never even crossed His mind to do such a horrible thing, or expect anyone else to do so either.

    It shows such disrespect for the CREATOR of the entire universe.

    The Jews, although they might not see Messiah exactly the way we see Him, at least they have the respect and dignity for God and the men He created by the Word and Breath of His mouth, by gathering up the fragments of bodies blown apart by their enemies.
  15. Loveit

    Loveit New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Mar 15 2007, 01:53 PM) [snapback]406192[/snapback]</div>
    Sssh! Can you hear Him? The Holy Spirit is speaking.

    A confirmation. ^_^
  16. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(loveit @ Mar 15 2007, 09:52 PM) [snapback]406542[/snapback]</div>
    Be careful.. we don't want to get too spooky or anything!.... :huh:
  17. fshagan

    fshagan Senior Member

    Aug 24, 2005
    Noneofyourbusiness, CA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Mar 14 2007, 08:42 PM) [snapback]405865[/snapback]</div>
    I hold God's word in very high regard, and do believe that it doesn't go out without some impact on those that see it, but you really haven't answered the question.

    Does someone's salvation depend on how well you witness?

    In other words, if you fail, does God punish others by sending them to hell?
  18. fshagan

    fshagan Senior Member

    Aug 24, 2005
    Noneofyourbusiness, CA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ Mar 15 2007, 07:38 AM) [snapback]406053[/snapback]</div>
    That's interesting ... just in case you fail, pinch-hitter Jesus will come in and bat clean up. Sure hope he isn't tired or asleep. Because if Jesus' is tired, He might not be able to convince that person that the frog swamp guy was wrong. Its a good thing you are here to help Jesus out, after all He's only God and all, and that may not be enough. ;)

    Do you see how this sounds? What did Jesus say about rocks and stones crying out? When God has a message to get through, He could use that frog in the swamp just as He used a donkey in the Hebrew scriptures. He can even use people like us. Not because we are eloquent, but because He is drawing that person to Him, and it doesn't take a PhD to explain God to a person who's ready.

    My understanding of Protestant Christian theology is that one of the roles of God the Holy Spirit is to draw men to the Father, to give them a yearning for spiritual fulfillment, and prepare them for the Gospel. Our job is to be ready when people ask a question. If they aren't interested, that's fine. God is in control. Not us.
  19. larkinmj

    larkinmj New Member

    Jan 31, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(desynch @ Mar 15 2007, 05:33 PM) [snapback]406308[/snapback]</div>
    An agnostic simply is somone who asserts that it is impossible to know for certain (i.e., prove) if God exists (from the Greek words a- without, and gnostic-knowledge). While the word has, in common usage, come to denote a less assertive form of atheism, strictly speaking, one can be religious and agnostic (one can believe, i.e., have faith, in God even if one is certain that his existence cannot be proved). Likewise, one can be agnostic and atheist.

    I suppose that I identify with Bertrand Russell on this question. In 1947 he wrote a pamphlet called, Am I An Atheist Or An Agnostic? where he mulled over the problem of what to call himself:

    In any event, I know what I believe, and that's all that matters to me.
  20. TJandGENESIS

    TJandGENESIS Are We Having Fun Yet?

    Aug 11, 2005
    ★Lewisville, part of the Metroplex, Dallas, in the
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Mar 15 2007, 07:13 PM) [snapback]406338[/snapback]</div>
    But...I'm not in a dark cloud! I am free, and happy, and frankly, more at peace then ever.

    Of course, that could just be the drugs talking....

    :lol: KIDDING! With the joke, I am. Seriously, I am not in a dark cloud. In fact, I get 'blessed' all the time. I have received a meal this week for 50% off, I have been given a nearly $300 part for my car's audio, (an iPod emulator for my Highlander), and I got shot at and got to see a person come to Christ because of that.

    No complaints. It's been a good week.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Mar 16 2007, 03:17 AM) [snapback]406640[/snapback]</div>
    That is all I would ask anyone for. That they do what they want to do, and be happy for that.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ Mar 15 2007, 12:38 PM) [snapback]406053[/snapback]</div>
    Bullsh*t. Simply put, one man's salvation is another mans road to hell. What you believe, and I think you believe in God, to another, is a way to hell. Impacting a persons salvation is only up to that person. Nothing I say, or you say, will impact that in the long run. The decision always comes down to the individual.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ Mar 15 2007, 12:38 PM) [snapback]406053[/snapback]</div>

    Seriously, my 'open' version on faith, is just an open minded, educated view.

    I hand out Bibles, what ever I have on hand, and never once have I blacked out any portion. I have this, faith as it were, that people are smart enough to figure it on their own. If people choose to believe that the Bible is 100% correct, so be it. I can't stand in their way. But I will answer when questioned if I believe it is, or is not.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Schmika @ Mar 15 2007, 03:16 PM) [snapback]406170[/snapback]</div>
    Really? How? Does that mean that The Word should make you shudder and tremble in fear if you don't believe? How archaic. Jesus said the Word brings peace to one's heart.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Schmika @ Mar 15 2007, 03:16 PM) [snapback]406170[/snapback]</div>
    Well, it's good for now, isn't it? It helps bring a bit of peace to this world, right? Who knows who will be saved? Who is to say, that God won't change His mind, and bring us all home? I mean, even in the Bible, the Bible, that you and others believe is 100% accurate, God changes His mind. A few times. In fact, He even invites others to change His mind (Just say the word, and I'll save the entire city).

    You people that worship the Bible as being infallible, have to answer those questions, without some standard answer. You can't just cop out, and say, 'The Bible says it's the Perfect Word of God, so it must be'.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(loveit @ Mar 15 2007, 03:23 PM) [snapback]406174[/snapback]</div>
    You are so correct there. SO, did you put the cart away today? Did you do something for someone else, and asked for nothing in return? Did you?

    Did you for one second, consider, that in your quest for everyone to be saved, that you are thinking of yourself? As in, you won't feel happy unless the whole world hears?

    See? That is how we are all selfish. I am selfish. I want people to just get along, so I can have a happier place to live out my last days, no matter how many I have. It's selfish of me to think that I need people to stop hating each other's religion.

    I am putting my need for world peace above anything else, so I am indeed, selfish. Sorry to say.

    BTW, I am looking out for number one...and to me, the person that is number one is Christ, and His message. His message of Peace, that has been corrupted by so many...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(loveit @ Mar 15 2007, 03:23 PM) [snapback]406174[/snapback]</div>
    In some ways, you are right. People are becoming more and more criminal. And many people are growing cold towards one another. All the time. We have people who say evil things about others, just because they disagree with their take on God or Christ or Buddha....It's really a shame.

    Just take a good look around you.