Seems a bit weak to me. There's nothing really decisive here. If you dislike the administration you'll read it as a "Soviet-era directive", if not it's a bit more benign. You hardly have to try to find something jacked up with this administration... this one is trying too hard.
This is part of a much bigger picture or you would be correct, there wouldn't be a much ado about this. I've read various things throughout his administration from the censoring of the age of the Grand Canyon in order to support creationism to him mandating that all park personnel spin messages for him on the environment. If they don't succumb to this directive, they no longer have a job. All of this is obvious hearsay, so I take it all with a grain of salt. But when evidence continues to accrue, it's probable that there's some meat to his practice of censoring what information gets filtered to the public. This probably occurs with any administration but I happen to be more affected by Bush as I don't appreciate his ways and means.
My point is that there is FAR better evidence than this. The case is already so very well made that this doesn't really contribute anything more. The grand canyon stuff would be laughable if it weren't both sad and disgusting. I did like the one park employees comments about a book about Yellowstone linking that part with Satan's nostrils. I forget the quote but it was funny.
Hopefully this will help put an end to such draconian directives: "Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed a whistleblower bill (H.R. 985; PDF) that lays out explicit protections for scientists in government who expose abuses."