I am looking for some information. I want to use a VHF radio in my 2004. What problems will I run into when installing and can I screw up the electronics in the car? The warning makes it sound possible, but the dealer said it should be possible. Also, any opinions regarding the use of a glass mount mirror? I dont want to deface the car. Thanks for any assistance.
I have been looking at varius sites on the same topic. I have found only one info piece on this and it was a third hand comment on a "friend's" Prius with a VHF FM radio. The comment indicated that the 2M radio worked OK with just a slight interference noise slightly above background but easily squelched out. Antenna was a handheld whip on a window mount. I take delivery on a 2007 Pruis tomorrow and intend to take my RS HTX handheld with me and see how it does. One caution is the small capacity of the 12v battery in the Prius, if you left the radio on for a long period with out driving the car it could discharge the battery. One option is to by the Coastal Tech mod for the dash accessory plug and use a small solar charger to keep the 12v battery charged. I'll post again on my handheld tranmit / receive experiment. dmr N6DMR