when i feel like it. today was quite productive. more so than i had imagined. the next poster did a lot of writing by hand (scribbling in some cases?) today.
Yes... doing an inventory log of all our equipment. I'm about to go cross eyed from looking at serial numbers. The next poster would rather handwrite than type.
getting takeout for lab meeting. the next poster spent the morning doing a task they didn't expect to have to do.
Yes, kind of. I was in need of pipettes, so I had to wash some. I knew it needed to be done, just not this morning. The next poster has written on himself/herself with a pen/marker today.
Yes... dealing with Adobe issues on my computer and having to uninstall and reinstall it. Oops! No... no pen marks yet. The next poster has a project meeting in a few minutes.
I don't recall ever seeing one to wish on. The next poster was allowed to sleep in this morning (thanks honey!)
nope. hate ellipticals. the next poster has a deadline of some type approaching and has yet to address it.
Kind of. I'm letting other people work on that part, while I work on other things. The next poster has to clean the house/apartment/cardboard box/whatever tonight.
yeah sorta. the whole place is way too much of a disaster to clean all at once though :wacko: the next poster is tired of rachael ray. (she's on every damn box of wheat thins i bring to work with me!)
Yes and no. I go through spells. I do think she has sold out. Oh well... The next poster is wearing socks that don't match today.
They don't really match my outfit, but they do match each other. On two different occasions, I went to work wearing 2 shoes that did not match each other. THe next poster still hasn't corrected the time on half their clocks since DST began.
No... I've changed all mine. The next poster thinks that Twister could be an interesting game to play as an adult.