I'm trying to find a copy of the Prius manual in French. I assumed that one was available, because the car "speaks" French as one of its display options ("Madeleine's" display is now in French, except for the air conditioning and the radio: comme c'est curieux, comme c'est bizarre!). When I first asked my dealer about it vis e-mail, he replied with "Why in the world would you want it in French? Isn't it hard enough to understand". Pretty much a non-reply, IMO. Then, when I saw him in person (because I needed a dealer sig to get my $300 rebate check---didn't Toyota HAVE my info already?) and asked, he called someone and said he'd get back to me. Today, I e-mailed him again. And he says "According to the people in California, you can't get a manual for that car in French." True or not true? I thought that anything sold in Québec had to have a French language version.
Yeah, you'd think the manual would be available in French. After all, the car is sold in at least two francophone markets -- France and Quebec. I'm in a pretty bilingual town. I'll call my dealership to see if they have French copies available.
Give Toyota France a call or e-mail Contact over http://www.toyota.fr/forms/contact.html Or if you can wait until the end of the year, email me your details and I will order one next time Im in France and post it to you.
Merci for the replies! I'll check out Toyota Canada, then France, and let you know what response I get.