Hi All - forgive me for posting this here rather than in the Care and Maintenance forum but I get the impression this forum gets more traffic and I'd love to hear from as many people as possible, particularly high mileage or long time owners. I have a Package #2 2007 Prius. I'm toying with the idea of purchasing the pre-paid maintenance plan but am not sure that it would be worth the cost ($875 from Troy). Do you have the plan? If so, have you found it to be worth the extra money? Also, I'm curious what people without the plan generally pay for scheduled maintenance. Does anyone take their Prius to independent shops (rather than to the dealer) for basic stuff such as oil changes, etc? Thanks in advance!
Having a classic Prius, I can only share limited experience. I still take my Prius to the Dealer for oil/filter/rotation I usually pay about $45.00 that includes tax, waste fees etc. So you have to do the math. How long does that $800 last you? 70k miles or 3 years? If you take the recommend 5k turn around (YMMV here), you get about 14 visits to the dealer. At $45.00 that is $630.00 total. Now the plan may include more then just the simple oil/filter/rotation service. Does it include a medium and major service at say 35k, 60k? Look at what is included and if you do decide to go for it. Visit like clock work, cause its your money, when that digi dial ticks up an extra 5k.. pull up and shout "service please"
WOW, we have free oil changes for life, compliments of our selling dealer. Guess that we don't need any perpaid plan. Later Bill in FL
My maintenance data is on my web site at Paul's Prius Maintenance Page In 31 months I've spent $350 total on maintenance. I've used the dealer (because I got stuck with this port package that requires me to rotate my tires at a Toyota dealer to qualify for a free set when the original ones wear out), but I don't like the prepaid plans because you give up flexibility to use other shops.
The regular 5K mile interval maintenance consists of an oil and oil filter change, plus inspections. The 15K interval maintenance consists of the 5K plus changing the ICE and cabin air filters. Do the math. How much do you pay for an oil and filter change? How much do you have to pay to purchase the air filters from the dealer? (changing them yourself is very easy) Rarely does the prepaid maintenance cost less than what you would pay following the maintenance schedule. On the other hand, if knowing you've pre-paid makes you get the service, which is necessary, go for it!