I'm selling my '05 silver with gray leather pkg6. It has 49k miles and the kicker is it has been in an accident. When new, 11k miles I rear ended another car. It cought the left front corner and cost me a new left fender, bumper and hood. I've since put another 45+k trouble free miles on it and I can't tell the difference. I don't know what the dealer would offer but I'm sure being wrecked the trade in would suffer. I'm wondering if anyone would have an idea of fair value for this car. I have it on auto trader now at 18k obo and would entertain offers. Is $18k an OK starting point or should I rethink the situation. http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?rdpa...=&cardist=0
When I traded my 2004 Prius for a 2007, the dealer gave me $17,500. It had 45000 miles on it and I paid $21,000 for it in Jan. 05. Two years for $3,500. Not bad!
Like RBW111, I treaded my '04 Pkg 8 with 22K miles for my '07 Touring Edition Pkg 6 and was given $20,500 in trade and ~$600 discount on the '07. That was in November '06 just as the '07 shipments began to arrive. Soon after, North Texas dealers has Prius in stock for immediate delivery in a choice of equipment and colors. In my North Texas area, the adequate Prius in stock have effectively lowered values of used Prius and you may face a similar situation if there are plenty of new Prius in your area. You might want to check CarFAX to determine whether your damage/repair will show in their report. If your state would append your Title to read "Salvage" you would definitely suffer a reduction in value. Your $18K sounds like a fair market value to me.