Although I love my new Prius, things were not perfect with my dealership experience and I could use some advice on how to proceed. Here's the situation: I found out after I had bought the car but before I took possession of it that it has several deep scratches on the windshield that apparently require that the windshield to be replaced. I certainly would have noticed these scratches had I of been able to test drive the vehicle, but I didn't b/c I was told it was out of gas. I had test driven the Prius on several occasions and since this was a new car, I did not extensively inspect it. You expect a new car is in pristine condition, right? Anyway, the dealership ordered a new windshield from Toyota and has arranged for someone to install it. They say that this can take place at my house. Are there any special concerns I should have about having this work done? Can you really do a good job installing a windshield on a driveway? Is there anything I should ask for from the dealership? I want to make sure that this windshield holds up as well as the factory installed one. I've never replaced a windshield and to be doing so at <1000 miles is disconcerting. BTW, the reason given for the scratches seem fishy to me. I was told they occurred when ice was being scraped off the windshield. The scratches are on the drivers side and are on a diagonal from upper right to bottom left. This isn't the direction ice I would scrape ice and also I can't imagine making such deep scratches with an ice scraper.
Windshields are commonly replaced "in the field" like that; I don't think its anything to worry about. I had it done on my last car when it was still fairly new and it came out fine.
If it makes you feel better I just bought my new Prius last Sunday and it got a big crack in it from a rock with not only 100 miles on the ODO! Getting quotes now for replacement but these days the mobile guys can do it as good as any pro
No need to worry. If you left the car at the dealer the glass guy would come over and install the windshield in the parking lot and you wouldn't have known the difference. At least the dealer owned up to it and is making it as convenient as possible for you. I'm sure you'll be fine. Enjoy the car.
Ok, thanks for the reassurance. This is the first time I have bought a new car, so I just want to make sure that any work done is done correctly. Besides this issue, I'm really happy with the car. I've been wanting one for years and I'm so glad I finally made the leap