<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Grandma Judy @ Mar 7 2007, 08:21 AM) [snapback]401564[/snapback]</div> Here is the link to the 2nd gen pdf:
I suspect this is yet another case of a driver (usually elderly) who confused the gas pedal for the brake. They then panic and continue to press down on it hard all the way until they crash through a building. It's not that uncommon of an occurance. I remember when some 80+ year old lady did that at a strip mall in my home town. She managed to fly across the parking lot, crash through the front of a KMart, and drive all the way through the store until she pinned someone in a dressing room at the rear of the store.
The gear shifter, power button, accelerator, and primary brakes are all electronically controlled and interconnected by a complex communications system. It's conceivable, but not likely, that they all could fail simultaneously. If the ECUs go down, all of those items are dead and you can't shift or power down. A massive power failure or melt-down is the most likely, but that would leave the vehicle without power; in other words, dead on the side of the road, not blasting through the side of a gas station. The type of failure described would need to keep the motor drive running while killing all of the other ECUs and having the motor controller fail to notice that everything else was dead. It's more likely that an accelerator cable would stick on a conventional car. None of this addresses the brakes, which must also have failed. The primary brakes, while electronically controlled, have a great degree of redundancy. The parking or emergency brake is just a cable to the rear drums. If there is even the tiniest bit of truth to this story, then the driver should go out and buy a lottery ticket. Tom
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(D1CK1E @ Mar 6 2007, 10:42 PM) [snapback]401384[/snapback]</div> Didn't you know? Haven't you seen "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"? My God, Tomatoes can Fly! :lol: This whole thing sounds like the writer was trying to get ratings. To me, this appears to the yet another symptom of the US News media falling all over itself to garner ratings by promulgating and pandering trash news. I see it as an excuse to not cover truly meaningful stories. Garbage sells, and toxic waste is good for you.
You should also be able to shut the car down by pressing down on the power button and holding it down for 5 seconds, no? Dave
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveLeePrius @ Mar 7 2007, 09:41 AM) [snapback]401650[/snapback]</div> Yes, but I'm sure this guy didn't know that being as he'd just purchased the car. I suspect half or more of prius drivers out there don't know about this.
This probably isn't good press and not the best color for a Prius: http://www.komotv.com/news/local/6348667.html
I am truly sorry for the gas station owner but I will bet that the driver thought he was pressing the brake pedal and actually had his/her foot on the gas. He/She could have put it in Neutral and then pressed the "P" for park. Aternatively again put the car in Neutral and then use the Parking Brake. Some people should not be driving!!!!!!
He couldn't have held it down for 5 seconds because he was pulling 9Gs coming around that 90 degree intersection. He needed both hands on the wheel for that move (esp since he was pinned up against the door). I think this proves that the Prius is the most incredible performance vehicle on the market. No other car could've pulled off that maneuver.
Don’t go bashing the fire fighters. When in doubt always error on the side of caution. They did the right thing. No one was in immediate danger why put your men at risk perceived or real. When I was in the navy as a corpsman assigned to the marines there were times that I had to determine if it was safe for me to do my job. Sometimes a marine would be telling me I know this weapons system and vehicle inside and out its completely safe. How willing would you be to put your life on the line based on someone you don’t know telling you something. The fire fighters did what they thought was best for them. I myself would have a hard time going into that building to get a damaged and wet electric car out Even though I know the prius is extremely safe. . I am in no way saying these men are chickens because when life is in danger these men run into burning buildings to get people out and even with protective gear that take guts. My dad worked in hazmat and everything they get taught about electricity is that it is a bad thing approach with caution.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Mar 6 2007, 07:47 PM) [snapback]401389[/snapback]</div> I would have thought the emergency brake would at least slow the car. On the other hand, I have been able to move the car without releasing the emergency brake, if I had forgotten it was pressed. It was pretty apparent that it wasn't going normally though. I never would have gone more than 50 feet before correcting the problem. As for the deal not giving a replacement car without thorough testing, neither would I. And I did go out and try the shifting into neutral light night after reading (I believe it was Tideland's explanation.) It does work easily. Apparently the times I got it into neutral at a car wash was just luck. I still wonder why I couldn't find anything on this in the owner's manual though. I would think it would be there. Thanks. Dave M.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tripp @ Mar 7 2007, 01:52 PM) [snapback]401810[/snapback]</div> I wonder if he had the G-Suit option? Tom
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(qbee42 @ Mar 7 2007, 03:14 PM) [snapback]401894[/snapback]</div> anyone know how old this guy was? had to be an elderly person.
The idiot behind the wheel probably heard the engine surging (as it does in any car with a CVT when the load varies), thought the Prius was "running away" on him, and attempted to step on the brake, and got the gas pedal instead.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusenvy @ Mar 7 2007, 04:55 PM) [snapback]401967[/snapback]</div> BTW, does anyone know if whatever in the car is the equivalent of the Black Box Recorder, keeps track of things like what pedals have been pressed just before an accident? Dave M.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Prianista @ Mar 7 2007, 02:32 AM) [snapback]401503[/snapback]</div> Notice in post #1 he ran into a (Union?) 76 gas station. Now he runs into a Shell station. And, apparantly in stealth mode as he "whooshed" by the pumps according to the person getting gas. I am impressed that the car can drive through a wall and stay intact. We also know he did not see the movie "Speed". Everyone knows you must keep the bus over 65mph on the interstate (even if it is still under construction). I would like to see a full follow-up report when the data from the car is analyzed but I'll bet money that won't happen. Hope he doesn't have minimum insurance. Mr. Robinson, Takoma's on the phone. They're looking for their idiot. Maybe he's a terrorist who failed his car bomb exam. We should invite Mr. Robinson to post his story in Fred's so we can flame him.