I ordered my red package 7 (AM) back in mid March. All along the dealer has been telling me 6-7 months, which would have put delivery in October or November. Well, I spoke with him today and I found out that oops, it will probably be another 6 months I'm holding out hope that my '89 keeps running, but I may have to start looking for an alternative.
I'd start looking for another dealer. It doesn't hurt to shop around at rural dealers. If you're ordering a package that's not generally built in your region, it will be that much longer.
I agree with Rick. The number of cars hitting the ground in the US is increasing with almost every allocation and Production should ramp up even further in coming months. Checking with smaller dealers in smaller towns will likely yield you a car much sooner than what your dealer is telling you.
Update Well after checking around with about a dozen dealerships around the Wisconsin/midwest area I may have had some good luck finally. I actually thought I had one Friday night, I was talking with a dealer about 90 minutes away from me who had a red #9 available. Since it was a package higher than I wanted I thought about it for about 30 minutes. Well, in the time it took me to figure out I could do it and I called they had someone walk in and plop the money down for it. Well, even if I had decided on the spot there was no way I could have gotten there before the other guy and they weren't taking orders over the phone. Today I got a message from another dealer that they have a silver #7 available from their last 04 allocation that should be in near the end of september. Unfortunately since they are a rural dealership they were closed by the time I got the email and now I have to wait until Monday (all dealerships are closed by law on Sundays in Wisconsin) and hope that it is still available. If everything works out I should be a happy new owner by the end of september Wish me luck.
It's coming Good news, I just got off the phone with a dealership in central wisconsin and my Silver AM is coming in approximately two weeks. Nobody on their list wanted this one since it didn't match any of the orders and I was able to pick it up at MSRP. I can't wait to pick it up. Should be a nice drive back to break it in, though not nearly as long as some people have had.
Great News My car came in today I can hardly wait, now I just have to figure out a way to get out there (the dealership is 3 hours away and only open until 6 and 8 on weeknights).
In order to get a Prius sooner you have to compromise on color and maybe on package. Only a small percent of Priuses are paited red (5 % if I recall right) and package 7 is less common than package 9. The easiest car to get would be a gray package 9.
As much as I'd like to call in sick or take a day off, I want the wife to come along too since this is our first new car and we've both been patiently waiting now since March. She just started a new job so we'll have to wait until next Saturday I think to go pick it up, but it gives me time to say goodbye to my old car (89 dodge colt)... it's the only one I've owned since I bought it off my folks when I was 16. I'm looking forward to the 3 hour break in drive on the way back, should be a fun way to start our relationship with the new car.