ack, if i answer yes i'm lying and if i answer no i'm also lying! :blink: the next poster slept in this morning.
My headache took the day off. Makes for a quiet day in the office. The next poster believes in Karma.
Not entirely. I do wish I could completely relandscape it though. The next poster cut his/her finger at work today.
no but i did burn myself on some highly concentrated NaOH... oops. the next poster has their tuesday all planned out already.
(Oh no! Basic burns are the worst!) Yes. I've got a meeting to attend and samples to test. Hopefully everything will go smoothly. The next poster needs a haircut.
I have no idea. I've seen it in the store and in recipes, but haven't ever had it. The next poster had a steak for dinner.
Nope... didn't have breakfast today. The next poster is going to or has already watched Heroes this evening.
Nope. But WILL be going either today or tomorrow (re: earlier comment about aeration). The next poster wonders if he/she needs a fresh start at work.
am working on one... i HATE getting brand new protocols up and running and it seems that my entire thesis is riddled with things we've never done... the next poster wears sunglasses.
Not anymore, I just got new eyeglasses with transition lenses. The next poster just got some great news.