Thinking of using this on my (2005) Prius: Seems like a cheap-and-convenient way of monitoring tire pressure. Does anyone here have any experience using these? TIA
Had a set installed on my Prius, the clear plastic cap on the end cracked, tire went flat. Plus they are limited to the pressure range, if you buy the 40 psi range caps, they will show red if you lower pressure back down to 32 psi. Instead I have a set of high grade steel valve caps with a rubber seal inside, they will hold pressure even if the valve leaks. They were made for aircraft tires and wheels. And I check tire pressure every 2 weeks.
<_< Here's a link to a Prius owner who had a TPMS problem using metal valve caps. I, too, had replaced the original plastic caps with chrome caps in part due to the difficulty of threading the plastic caps back onto the valve stem but retired the chorome ones after reading this post's thread. I would add, however, that frequently dealers' opinions or instructions are not accurate. Here's the thread:;hl=valve+caps joyjit joined in 2005 but doesn't indicate the year model of her/his Prius. If it's a 2005, it would not have the Toyota built-in TPMS.