<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Mar 5 2007, 02:46 PM) [snapback]400487[/snapback]</div> it is ok for her to exercise her free speech - i do not agree with it any more than i agree with maher's comments on vp cheney - esp now that he has life threatening blood clots in his leg. i wonder how maher feels now. i dont hear any liberals denouncing maher do you? we should all grow up - free speach is here to stay - do your best to deal with it as long as it does not cross that "line".
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Mar 5 2007, 03:34 PM) [snapback]400516[/snapback]</div> My guess? He probably feels that karma has reared his head yet again. We'll probably hear all about it Friday night at 11 pm.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Mar 5 2007, 03:34 PM) [snapback]400516[/snapback]</div> Oh, I see, it's ok to start a war and be responsible for the deaths of thousands of people but it's not ok to make a joke about the death of the guy who started that war. OHHHHHH!
Here's a response to Coulter's bigoted remark from John Amaechi, who is intelligent, articulate, and a class act- the exact opposite of Ann Coulter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC5kBN3KtOI...ted&search=
Ann Coulter is a self-serving, narrow-minded pot-stirrer. She's only interested in shock value, to lenghten her 15 minutes of fame. I believe she has the right to say what she wants, because that's what freedom of speech is about. I also believe Godiva has the right to write to her publisher and threaten to boycott, and to encourage others to do the same - that's not censorship as some here have alleged (but it is indicative of the spin the party she backs uses). Airportkid had it right, she does more damage to the people she believes she's standing up for than her simple mind can comprehend. Sometimes, when someone's digging themselves into a hole, the best thing to do is let them continue digging. Or give them a bigger shovel.
I cannot believe that the right is comparing Bill Maher's remarks to Ann Coulter's. Did anyone actually watch that Bill Maher episode? She publicly calls Edwards a "faggot". That was NOT a joke. How can anyone not be offended by that? Isn't that a hate crime in most, if not, all cities? Here is a link with Bill Maher's conversation. As you can see he never said he wished Cheney would have been killed. http://newsbusters.org/node/11169
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Mar 5 2007, 07:29 AM) [snapback]400293[/snapback]</div> I've been thinking a lot about the use of political invective, and when its appropriate or not. The "outrage" these comments generate when the "pros" who do it ... Ann Coulter, Al Franken, and Bill Maher ... always come from people with the opposing view. I don't see anything more offensive about this comment than any other anti-gay joke (was it that long ago that Sam Kenison was hailed as a genius with his homo-phobic routine?) Coulter actually lives for these controversies, just as Bill Maher, Al Franken and others in this genre of punditry do. As a joke, I think Coulter's use of "other F-word" was inappropriate because even though Edwards is a "pretty boy", there really is nothing effeminate about him. Married to the same woman for quite a while, with a good-sized family, its probably the last thing you'd want to accuse him of amongst social conservatives. I think her joke was intended to reference the recent trend for people who "mis-speak" to enter "therapy" to absolve them of their sins ... Michael Richards with his racial comments and most recently an actor from "Grey's Anatomy" who called another actor a "faggot". But it misses being funny, and was therefore inappropriate because it gave the media something other than the truly amazing thing that came out of the Conference: social conservatives are supporting Rudy. I think a better use of political invective is Laura Inghram's title of "My Silky Pony" for Edwards ... it speaks to his polished appearance that is often compromised by his public "enthusiasm" that just doesn't ring true. (He reminds me of VP Dan Quayle in this regard). But that kind of political invective is for the venues like the Daily Show, Colbert Report, whatever show Maher is on now, and the occasional spots a conservative gets on political shout-fest shows like McLaughlin Group or Hannity and Combs. At a PAC meeting, it is ill advised to have someone like Coulter on the stage. None of these recent folks, including Jon Stewart on the Daily Show, are especially skilled at the gentle political invective we enjoyed so much from the likes of Mark Russell or, years ago, Mort Sahl. But in today's world, where the suspense thriller has been replaced with buckets of blood horror slash-fests, its what passes for insightful humor. BTW Godiva, I wouldn't encourage Random House like that ... for these folks, they view ANY response as good response, because it means passions are inflamed and that sells books. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(BORNGEARHEAD @ Mar 5 2007, 08:17 PM) [snapback]400689[/snapback]</div> Technically, she didn't. She said she wanted to, but didn't want to have to enter therapy. Calling someone a name is not a hate crime in any state in this country. It is in Canada, but all of the US's hate crime laws involve an actual crime ... such as assault or battery ... with extra charges added if there is the use of ethnic, racial, orientation or gender-related slurs. In fact, in this case, its not even a tort that Edwards can sue over; political speech about public figures, especially politicians, has the closest thing to absolute protection under the First Amendment. Its why President Clinton couldn't sue people who claimed he had people killed, and why President Bush can't sue anyone for saying he "lied" about WMDs. Godiva has about the only response you can have as an individual. Take your money elsewhere. But most of us have developed an insatiable appetite for offensive speech, so the likes of Ann Coulter will continue to say outrageous things, and will continue to make money.
I think Michael Moore is a bumbling baffoon with an agenda.. so I just ignore him. Much like I ignore Coulter. None of these right-wing/left-wing figure heads are good people. They're all "Smiley Gland Hands" if you ask me.
There have always been rabblerousers (left and right), but I'd say over since Vietnam, it's been steadly increasing and impeading intelligent discussion.