Interesting. At least it's a full hybrid (if I'm reading it correctly). I'm not too sure I understand the second mode.. other than it's seems like the first mode but... the engine is somehow managed to provide more power on the highway?? Also.. 2 60kW motors? niiice.. regeneration must be pretty good... at least I hope so.
Okay I feel like I can comment on this one. I own a Prius and a Yukon. We bought the Yukon when gas was $1.00 a gallon and a tax credit for businesses that bought a vehicle over 6000 lbs. A 25% increase on a Yukon at best gets you 18.7 mpg. An amazing improvement GM - Instead of announcing a 25% increase they should be going back to the drawing board and make a real hybrid vehicle like the Prius. I realize they are two different types of vehicles, but 2.7 mpg is not going to change the world. They probably could have reduced the weight of the Yukon and forgot the electronics to achieve the same mpg improvement. Sorry, but I've owned about 10 GM cars and vans and come from a GM family. My Toyota was the best purchase and most fun car of all of them put together. I will give GM credit for the Fierro, but it caught on fire and was discontinued! Had to vent on this one. I mainly just read - but come on GM get with the game!
I thought it was weird. My friend is a die-hard gm fan but wants a hybrid and he asked me if this was a good thing. I don’t know what to tell him. Imho its crap!
Improving from 15mpg to 18mpg saves the same amount of gas as improving from 30mpg to 45mpg. Every little bit helps, and some people have a legitimate need for a vehicle like the Yukon.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ibcs @ Mar 4 2007, 10:01 PM) [snapback]400080[/snapback]</div> Actually 15/21 is their baseline mileage. A 25% improvement gets you 18.75/26.25. Show me any other fullsize SUV which even comes close, and you win some sort of prize. Hell, the 26.25 puts the Yukon right near Highlander Hybrid territory. When the Vue Two-Mode comes out, which is lighter and more efficient, it seems like it will best the HH.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jonnycat26 @ Mar 5 2007, 06:49 AM) [snapback]400243[/snapback]</div> You should know better than to rely so heavily on estimate values. Real-World data is the only appropriate measure. And what "HH" are you referring, the current configuration or the yet-to-be-released Camry-Hybrid sibling (4-cylinder version)?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(john1701a @ Mar 5 2007, 09:18 AM) [snapback]400248[/snapback]</div> You should know better than to refer to mythological cars which don't and probably won't ever exist (the 4 cylinder HH). And the Vue hybrid was rated right on at the 20% improvement that was claimed.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jonnycat26 @ Mar 5 2007, 08:49 AM) [snapback]400243[/snapback]</div> Unless the new model has made great improvements, my real world mileage is 15 no matter how you drive it. Yes it is the AWD model, but the short wheelbase. I would have to see some real world data before I'm ever going to believe this claim.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ibcs @ Mar 5 2007, 10:02 AM) [snapback]400261[/snapback]</div> Didn't you say you bought the Yukon when gas was a dollar a gallon? That would peg the year somewhere around 1991, right? They've made remarkable efficiency improvements since then, you know... Time to step into the 21st century...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jonnycat26 @ Mar 5 2007, 07:29 AM) [snapback]400253[/snapback]</div> Camry shares the very same platform as Highlander. Both offer 4-cylinder versions. Camry-Hybrid already exists with a 4-cylinder version. What part of that equation are you having difficulty accepting? Are you actually claiming that GM will offer a more efficient SUV hybrid and Toyota will simply ignore the competition opportunity?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(john1701a @ Mar 5 2007, 10:49 AM) [snapback]400277[/snapback]</div> All I'm saying is, GM has already announced the Vue Two-Mode hybrid. Toyota's gone through 2 generations of Highlander and hasn't mentioned a 4 cylinder. I mean, come on dude... have some of that objectivity you claim to have, and talk about a 4 cylinder hybrid when Toyota announces it. But until then, don't
I'm having my hopes up for the Saturn Vue.... but seeing only a 25% improvements is lower then I hoped/read (40%). I hope gm get their hybrid system out soon
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IAO @ Mar 5 2007, 12:57 AM) [snapback]400161[/snapback]</div> Oh, come on, it is NOT crap. It's it's . . . it's not even real! It's PR. It's a bunch of pretty pictures. Pretty posters and diagrams. When it's real, I'll congratulate GM. In the mean time? Vaporware . . . what gm is famous for ... more of the same. Their numbers put it with the highlander? Heck they ought to invent higher numbers, since it's just make believe.
Isn't this old news? GM announced almost a year ago that they were first going to roll out hybrids in their Tahoe/Escalade/Yukon platform. Although they certainly are no Prius, I for one am glad to see it, because now those people that *must* have an SUV have no excuse. And, as someone else pointed out, the actual gas savings, in gallons per year, is greater than a 35 mpg car being converted to 65 mpg. I think it is right to focus on the biggest gas hogs first.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jonnycat26 @ Mar 5 2007, 10:09 AM) [snapback]400263[/snapback]</div> Actually, I live in Ohio and gas was $1.00 a gallon in late 2003 which is the model year I own. At times are gas prices have been quite low compared to other parts of the country. I'm sorry, but GM is vaperware as others have stated. Our Yukon is a nice vehicle, but don't expect to get any mileage. Currently it sits in the garage more than it is driven.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(john1701a @ Mar 5 2007, 06:49 AM) [snapback]400277[/snapback]</div> John. Toyota did not announce a 4-cylinder HH for 2008. Are you saying you have inside info that a future 4-cylinder HH is coming out?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jonnycat26 @ Mar 5 2007, 09:09 AM) [snapback]400263[/snapback]</div> Not really, according to my fuel mileage spreadsheet file regular gas hovered at or below $1.00/gallon from November 2001 to March 2002. (SE US) Rick #4 2006
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jonnycat26 @ Mar 5 2007, 08:56 AM) [snapback]400281[/snapback]</div> You just got done telling me "You should know better than to refer to mythological cars which don't and probably won't ever exist", drawing a conclusion that dismisses actual technical accomplishment. Then you turn around and use a planned design annoucement as if it was gospel. Make up your mind. Or better yet, wait for real-world data. Most of us are well aware that even once a product gets beyond a vaporware stage, it still doesn't mean full-scale production will actually result. And I clearly remember the speculation about Vue-Hybrid possibly being SULEV rating than the bitter disappointment when it only ended up being getting a LEV rating. So it's not the genuine thing until it's in the hands of consumers. In other words, choose a scope of objectivity.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(john1701a @ Mar 5 2007, 02:17 PM) [snapback]400425[/snapback]</div> John, somehow even you must be able to realize this. The Yukon hybrid is slated to come out this summer/fall. It's very real. You've seemed to accept this over on the GM boards. You've even claimed to embrace it. There has been nary a peep about the Highlander Hybrid 4-cylinder from Toyota. It doesn't exist anywhere except in your head.