While on my maiden drive home from the dealer (1580 miles!). Twice I ran into gas pumps that would not pump gas into the Prius normally. The pump's auto shut off kicked in immediately and I had to hold the pump, just barely squeezing it, to get it to pump any gas at all. It took forwever to fill the tank, and then I wasn't sure exactly how full it was. One other time the pump seemed to work OK, but I think it cut off too soon and I was left without a full tank. Does this happen often? Any way to get the pump to work? Thanks. (BTW--I got 48.6 MPG on my inaugural run, cruising at 70 from mid-Washington to Missoula, MT, even in the mountains. The cruise held the speed without a problem, even going over the passes. The next day, I got 44.6 cruising at 78 across the rest of Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota--even with a headwind in North Dakota.)
What you're describing has occasionally happened in the Prius... and the A-4... and the 9-5... It's the gas station; sometimes their tanks are low and that yields a low pressure--- meaning it fills up slowly... I'm not 100% that's what it is, but that always goes away if I move over to the next pump Enjoy your new Prius! I'm sure you're going to have a ball with it!
Since you live the same place I do, you will most likely not ever encounter that problem locally. Certain vendors in certain locations seem to trigger the issue. I have always went to Holiday to buy BLUE PLANET gas (since it's low sulfur) and haven't ever had a lick of trouble. So I recommend the same for you. Congrats on the new Prius.
I had it happen once, at one station, while on a road trip. My tank was at half-full (it just happened to be a convenient place to fill up). I tried 3 different pumps at the same station and all wanted to click off immediately.
Chevron Stations here in CA suck! They uses ECONOFLOW nozzles. Literally that’s their name ukeleft: I only have a Chevron gas card so that’s normally the only place I go. And about 1 out of 5 times the Econoflow nozzles don't shut off. They just keep going, spraying gas everywhere. All over the car and pump. :roll: Not only is it dangerous but more importantly, it cost a lot!
Hi Folks, I always set the handle to fill at the slowest setting. Once in 5k miles I have had it overflow. I have never had the problem of not getting the tank full. I usually shut-off at just under ten gallons. Have a Golden day, Tom & Da Boyz PS What happened to the spell checker? TCD