The first was on "Changing Oil". It got downloaded 8,000 times. That was more than enough incentive to consider creating another when the need presented itself. Last week, it did. So I did. Rather than having the dealer charge me $19.78 labor for changing the air-conditioner filter, especially if it wasn't necessary yet, you can now easily do it yourself. Just download a copy of the new document I created. Here's a link... AIR-CONDITIONER FILTER And of course, please let me know if any of the text needs to be tweaked. Thanks!
Thanks again John! I can attest the "Changing Oil" document helped me a lot for my first Prius oil change about 2000 miles ago. Thanks for your time and helpful documents!
John, You made this so easy to do I'm going to check it tonight. I only found one thing to change. In the last sentence on page 2: This is especially beneficial since replacement made not be necessary as often as the standard maintenance schedule suggests. Change made to may. Thanks for the procedure, Gene