I'm looking for feedback from people about if they would like to see Wayne's program Palm THS II available on the PC? I've offered to do this for Wayne and he's game. But I'd just like to know if it's going to be a useful thing for anyone first because it's a lot of work. Wayne would supply all the logic, etc for this. Let me know what you think. Thanks
I'd love it, I don't have access to a palm (ok, I do, but I'm having hot sync issues) and I would like to be able to play with that from time to time.
I run Wayne's THS II on my PC via the Palm Simulator. What would be the advantages of re-writing the application so that it's native to the PC? Suanne
So people like me who can't figure out how to run the simulator could run it. I downloaded, unzipped, and for the life of me can't figure out how to work the simulator.
I've run the simulator too. But it's sort of small and difficult to use. In addition the simulator seems to always drive my Norton Firewall nuts. It's always trying to connect with something on the net or send out data. Not running on the Palm, it's sort of an ugly program on the PC using the simulator. And I can understand how lots of users will never run it if they don't have a Palm because setting up the simulator is not easy for all. The PC version, which I've started tonight, can really have some bells and whistles once we get it running and then Wayne can add features that he might not consider on the Palm. He's all for the idea and tonight I just sent him the basic framework...which is a property sheet application or what users might call a tabbed dialog box. There's an input tab, power, nomo, and wind tab. I can also add lots of additional context sensitive help as well. You can also save and load specific sessions, maybe even print out reports, etc, etc. I'm really kind of excited about it because I worked on the engine for a 100 mpg vehicle during my senior project about 25 years ago and I'm very familar with a lot of this stuff. As we learn more about the Prius we can add more to the program...extra batteries, how it might behave under a real world driving condition. Imagine the user telling the program to drive a defined (by the user) route with lights, speed limits, approximate elevation changes, etc, etc. The program might help predict the best approach as far as how fast you should try to accelerate to maximize the MPG. Of course I'm way way ahead of myself but you get the idea.