sorry for the question i'm about to ask, i'm sure y'all covered it a million times, ( i did 'search' but came up with little, and john1701a's page just gave me a i did put in a little effort..but obviously not that much) but... why do the bars in the batterypack on the display turn different colors and what do they mean? sometimes its blue, sometimes its there a 'bad' color? is there a 'best' color? and for those of you kind enough to enlighten me, could i make a request? can your response be geared toward, oh say, a young lady of 24 who knows a little more than zilch about how a car works? (its been explained a million times to me, drawings, hand shows, even a nice replication made with toothpicks, sugarpackets, and salt&pepper shakers...but alas, with wide eyes, a simple smile and nod of the head, i fooled them all...) so, yeah....if the magic word could be Simple Please, that would be fantasmal! bunches of thanks!
I'm no expert, either; I've just assumed that the colors change to make it easier to get a quick, glancing read of the approximate battery level. I don't think there's a good/bad element involved. I would be worried, though, if for some unforseen reason none of the pretty colors appeared on the monitor...
blue normal operating colour green hi state of charge, usually after a lot of downhill driving purple low state of charge, usually after climbing a long hill. hope this is simple enough.
Actually it is quite simple!!! As you already know and all you need to know is that the number of bars represents the relative amount of charge in the hybrid battery. When the battery charge is low, 1 or 2 bars, the bars will be pink. When the amount of charge is in the middle range, they turn blue. When the battery is reaching full charge, 8 or more bars they turn green. It is just a second representation of the amount of charge on the battery. Think of the colors as a 3 point scoring system instead of a 10 point scoring system. The Prius computer generally aims to keep the charge in the middle, blue range for many reasons but that is not something you need to worry about. Just drive it and don't worry about the bars too much. The Prius will take care of itself and there is nothing to gain by trying to coax the battery into a higher state of charge. Hope this helps!! Jon
Jon, You are the only one who posted who's age is shown. How do you know all the others are 'older guys' And for vespastic: The descriptions are correct, however you still know little more than zilch about how MOST cars work I was actually thinking about this yesterday as a 15 Y/O skater was driving off in the family Prius (mom in the passenger seat of course). What is she going to do when she gets in a "normal" car and has to find a key to put in a slot and turn it. Will she be worried when the car jerks as she speeds up and slows down or the engine doesn't shut off at a stop ;-) Probably nothing to worry about, they most likely have her drive the other car as well
Inferences from other postings and have chatted in the chatroom with Dave. And notice the ??? after older in that post
thanks all! especially for the clear and simple explanations! i've already decided that the consumption screen is my favorite, so i won't be so distracted by the energy bars...i just got back from bakersfield, a 2hr drive, and pulled into my driveway at 53.0 mpg! that's good right? i'm actually taking my time and enjoying the ride! i love this car! i figure the only thing i really need to be aware of are any little red scary lights on the dash...everything else, i'll let the car take care of....thanks again for your help! cheers!