Help...... I ordered my Black Prius in September. The dealership told me it would arrive by Thanksgiving. Sure. Well now they have told me that Toyota is manufacturing the Prius in blocks of a certain color. These blocks are chosen at random. The dealer says there is no way to know for certain when my Black Prius will arrive and is trying to push me to another color. Does ANYONE else know anything about the "Block Color Production" story or is it just another effort by the dealer to string me along? Many Thanks.
Sounds like a string along so that you'll be open to more color choices, thereby improving your chances of getting a car and his chances of selling a car. But, I could be wrong...
i dont think its a string along. i just think they cant get ANY prius and want to close your deal as soon as they can fred from nashville waiting on a black prius since nov 24 03
Colors??? When I "put my name on the list" the dealer asked top 3 colors I would except???? and don't pick black because you won't get a black, go figger, I don't know, I went for tide, seaside and salsa, in that order.
Really, though, isn't that the same thing as a string along in some cases? The dealer is trying to make a sale, so they come up with the "Blocks of unknown colors" idea to get you to be open to any color that they are able to get. I'd say that's a string-along.
Sounds like a reasonable assumption to me. I mean, what happens if a dealer has too many orders for one particular color (e.g. almost everyone wants silver)? Perhaps this dealer has an disproportionate number of customers who want a black Prius, knows they won't get mostly black cars, and is trying to get some customers to switch.
I ordered in late august and I'm getting a black in the next week or two in California. I don't know how many are made of each color, but it says that they are being made.
Get the dealer to show you their allocation sheet. It tells how many cars will go to the region, and what percentages of each package and color the region will get. I looked when I ordered the car in November and again last month. Unfortunately, it didn't show what the particular dealer was getting, but it did give a better picture of how hard it is to get a specific color and package. In my case, only 7 tideland pearls with BC package were sent to my entire region for that allocation (2 weeks, I think). Fat chance of me getting one any time soon when several people ahead of me ordered the same from my dealership alone, and my dealer was only allotted 1 or 2 cars per month!