if i got a driftwood, ever :roll: i looked up in the NYS registery and i would be able to get Zatarra. it means driftwood
my title came in the weekend mail, so i trotted down and got in line to legalize the plates i rescued off my Taurus onto my Prius asap, along with my new license plate trim ring from PC.com! ironically, the actual plates came in today's mail, so tomorrow i'll drop them off at the DMV and they can assign the plates to someone else: 5HAJ624.... shalom to the DMV, anyway.....
Nice plates! But I would have known it was you, regardless.................................I can spot a physics professor a mile away. [Broken External Image]:http://www.corvetteforum.com/images/smilielol.gif
Oh yeah? How can you tell? Is it our crazed, googly-eyed look :crazyeyes: or our frizzy hair :silly: or our profound nerdiness? :computer:
Well, I was going to say "distinguished, scholarly look" but the three you set forth are reliable indicators as well. :lol:
I still use it but this photo was when it was new. Now it has a few more layers of stickers and a few more miles of wear on it. jv
Newts: I mentioned the expiration just in case you had forgotten about it. I was in a parking lot just last weekend when a lady parked next to me. Her registration had expired over a year ago; she simply forgot and luckily had never been caught by the police.
I don't necessarily think it's a good idea to post license numbers on a public forum, but I took the personalized plates I've had on my Camry for some years now. Suffice it to say that McBrunnhilde is riding around in her little ValkyrieMobile!!! BTW I found it amazing how many incarnations of "Valkyrie" had already been taken here in California--I ended up with something satisfactory, but it wasn't my first choice by any means. Maybe the fact that there's a local high school named "Valhalla" around here..... Pat San Diego Salsa #7 "Gracie"
Why is that? I notice on all the TV shows with real cars that they 'fuzz-out' the license plate. I don't really understand why. We drive down the road every day with our license plates clearly visible. Unless you have special access to the DMV or police computers to look up personal info I don't see how you could do any harm, and if you have access to those things and intend to do harm you wouldn't need to search around on a Prius web site for someone revealing their license plate. I suppose that someone could connect a name and a plate number and try to gain access to something personal, but I'm hard pressed to think of what. If I'm just being dense and someone could enlighten me as to how knowing my license plate could lead someone to do me wrong I'd love to be better informed.
Evan, I'm probably being a little paranoid, but identity theft is an increasingly real concern these days. I know license plates are visible for all to see on the open road, but since a certain amount of personal information is disclosed here and on other fora, I'd rather be a little more cautious.
The State of Colorado says YES, to my VANITY plates.. I can have WRTHAW8... WORTH A WAIT... should get them in about 10 weeks, nothing moves very fast with the DMV in Colorado...
My plates arrived this week. Took 90 days + waiting 45 min at the DMV. H is for Hybrid... or Happy? The dark blue whaletail admittedly makes it harder to read with the dark blue letters- I've seen California whaletail plates much lighter and easier to read, but I guess they had some darker ones leftover. The front plates already are splattered with insect corpses- have to get a shield for them.
Hi Pat, It might have something to do with the Honda Valkyrie motorcycle. That thing's a beast! (And it's MSRP is over $24K.) Louie