Report: buying rubber floor mats/ Seeking rubber cargo mat

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by MadDebSalsa, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. MadDebSalsa

    MadDebSalsa New Member

    Jan 18, 2004
    Madison, Wisconsin
    I would call this a utility modification -- with all the snow, sleet, ice, rain, mud and slush in Wisconsin I don't even consider carpet mats for a family vehicle -- not appearance, but topic seemed to fit better here than elsewhere.

    With past station wagons had great experiences with rubber mats (floor and cargo) from MacNeil Automotive. Very heavy duty, decent tan color matches, years of great protection of carpet. (When it was time to sell an older vehicle, carpet was immaculate and helped resale value for sure.) Especially like the raised edges that keep tracked in snow+slush from oozing onto the carpeted floor. Before taking late Nov. 2003 delivery of my 2004 Prius I checked online and found with Prius models listed as having rubber floor mats (alas, not cargo) available even for '04s. So I refused to take/pay for the Toyota mats and ordered from MacNeil. Delivery UPS was prompt.

    But the rear mats left crucial carpeting exposed while the front mats did not fit at all! -- only a narrow strip of carpet was covered. The size was totally inadequate. FYI the mat model #s were W31TN and W20TN. My best guess is that they had not accounted for the Prius redesign. They took the mats back but customer service guy acted surprised by the return (you have to get a return authorization before sending back merchandise). I wonder if anyone had ordered an '04 set before me; they'd be worse than useless to keep! :cussing:

    I had better luck with -- rubber mats are a much better fit, especially the crucial front mats. Called "RubberTite". :)

    Pros: fit is fine and price is cheaper
    Cons: rubber is more lightweight and possibly not going to be long-wearing; no raised edge so tracked-in stuff can overflow onto carpet if you don't mop up excess.

    Still want a rubber cargo mat. :cry: I work for a food pantry and I carry many loads of groceries.

    And of course wish that matdepot would sell a heavier-grade mat set with raised edges. OR that would make an accurate set of templates for front, rear and cargo mats for 2004. And for my purposes and weather conditions, maybe a one-piece rear passenger floor mat would be ideal, leaving no exposed carpet.

    Anyone else have rubber mat struggles or success?
  2. sparkymarvin

    sparkymarvin Member

    Jan 22, 2004
    At the airport.
    2004 Prius
    Hi there,

    Finding mats for the Winter has been hard for me too, but when I find some mats that fit the 04 Prius I will definetly post it on PriusChat.

    In the mean time I've found a temporary solution.


    I went to Building 19 and bought two bath and two hand towels. The total cost for me was $3.76. I actually think they match my seaside pearl exterior.
    The towels wrap around the official Prius mats tightly (so it does actually look okay), and they hold the dirt in place. The thing I like most about them is you can just throw them in the washing machine and they are clean again.

    It's a pretty good fix for the Ican'tfindwinterfloormatsformyPrius blues.
    (Hmm... maybe I should take pictures to see what you think.)

    Good luck with your matquest.

  3. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I got some at Wally World for about $8 each for front and $5 each for back seats. They have the deep grooves and are a perfect tan color match just like the expensive ones...except they're not expensive and if they're too groddy to keep after a season or two I won't feel the least bit bad about trashing them and getting brand new ones from Wal-mart again.

    I think someone will have a cargo mat soon, but I don't know who, when or where.
  4. I purchased a set of 4 heavy rubber mats that fit the Prius beautifully...front and back. They were $20 total at Costco.
  5. rockluvr

    rockluvr New Member

    Jan 3, 2004
    Denver, Colorado
    I got a clear cargo mat as well as clear plastic floor mats at Walmart. The cargo mat is just a tad wider than the hatch area, but usable as is or you could cut it to fit. The floor mats are heavy duty and have raised grooves on them (I think they were truck mats) to catch the sand, snow and ice. They are working well for me. Inexpensive - I think the cargo mat might have been $15 and the floor mats $10/front or back set. Sorry I don't remember the brand.
  6. RobertO

    RobertO New Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Renton, WA
    As her man said: Get the Kraco 4-mat set at Costco. $ 20.00.

    They're almost a good fit and the 2 color choices are close enough.

    Especially for $ 20 bucks.
