I just talked to Brad and they got a late start in California, so move-in day will be tomorrow, Saturday. The truck with his stuff crossed into Washington around 5pm. He hoped to start unpacking when he woke up tomorrow, around 8 to 10am, and go all day until done. His help from California needs to leave tomorrow evening and he was hoping that they could do a little sightseeing before they left, so if anyone can stop by and give them a hand I'm sure they would appreciate it.
Yeah, I found the place with nobody there this afternoon, but didn't bother calling since I couldn't stick around anyway (was picking up brother-in-law from a week-long hike in North Cascades). And tomorrow I'm down in Portland. So, good luck with the move-in, Bradca21, and welcome (back) to the Seattle area!
Oh man! I just found out 6:14 PST sorry it would have been a perfect time for me to come. Nothing to do. Will try to get there next time.
Yep, I missed Brad too. He had gone out to do errands. We met his helpers from CA, seem like really nice folks. Luckily we only live about 15 miles away. But it was a shame not to meet anyone from this group...didn't even get to see any Prii!
did you see the post for the toyota meet in chehalis on the 19th?? i know that is a ways for you to go... i dont know if i will go. its only 30 miles from me... i was in Mt. Vernon last night so was passing through anyways... oh and Brad went to get pizza and beer and his buds unloaded almost the entire truck by the time he got back he must have still been at the mattress store when you showed up.
I saw the post. Not sure if I will make it. Kinda depends on when we get together in Bellevue. That is on one of the weekends that we were shooting for. September's weekends always seem to get busy fast.
i think it will be the 25th... probably sat afternoon... hard to get a date that everyone can make, so was thinking it might be better to have a bunch of small ones instead of finding one date everyone can make since that looks impossible now.
It is difficult to find a date that will work for many on short notice. You would probably have to go several months out and get people to mark their calendars. The only problem then is that people forget to look at their calendars. The 25th is when my homebrew club goes on a pubcrawl in Seattle. I'm bummed, but I will think of you all when I hoist my first beer and try to make it to the next one.