OOPS... gee star.. i thought that was a pic of a pig... here is my dog Nails... sadly he cant live with me since i moved, so now he is at sis's house... despite his his scary appearance, he is a wimp... spoiled rotten wimp that is... http://priuschat.com/forums/album_pic.php?pic_id=839
Here's Hannah. This was taken the day I got her 2 1/2 years ago. She's put on a little weight since then. I never had a PitBull before and had no idea that they were just big sweet lapdogs... Hannah
True But no one is moving this Vermont girl anywhere hot. She doesn't even like to have the air conditioning on in the car! She'ld rather wear a parka at 20 below than go outside in shorts and a T shirt at 85.
Boy I am actually beginning to feel sorry for you. You might consider summering in the north, the far north, Iceland comes to mind. I hear there are some great deals on land in the Artic. They come with there own outdoor ice rinks.
LOL, well it is kinda hard to tell what they are when puppies are less than 24 hours old, so you are forgiven. Awww, Nails is cute! There have been two pit bulls that have lived near me. Both were very sweet. One was brindle like your Nails, the other red and white.
We actually prefer the indoor rinks. It is warmer and there isn't crud all over the ice to dull your skates
How does the Prius do with dogs? I'm thinking about getting both a Prius and a dog -- do doggies fit in the cargo area? Do they mess up the fabric seats? I'm thinking about doing leather to make it more cleanable, but worried about doggie toenails on the seats....petty things, but don't want to hurt my potential new Prius.
well my dog has long toenails and hates not being able to lick my ears occasionally when im driving so if i dont put the back seat down he will just jump over.
Um I have a "few", The black and white in the pic is not the same as the one on the side. The bigger brindle is a Greyhound and the others are Whippets. The one with the toy is a puppy there, about a week off a flight from Sweden. Anyone know of about 10 acres with a house for sale around Green Gay? Jacquie
Depends on how big the dog is. My "smallest" one weighs in at 80 pounds. Typically, when I take the nervous riders, I anchor down a crate in the truck bed, and they ride that way. Bear is a lot more car experienced, and uses up the entire back seat of the Prius. While I have a sedan, it would be pointless for me to even consider sticking one of my dogs in the hatchback area of an 04. As for the seats, I put seat covers on mine from the start, to protect them. The bonus of that is, when my car has over a quarter million miles on it, I'll be able to remove those covers, and have a perfect interior for the trade.