I am between an introvert and extrovert today. As a child I was more of an introvert, spending time by myself and not socializing very much. During my high school and college years, I was often referred as a "geeky" guy. As I get older I'm becoming more open to different possibilities and experiences. I would love to bungie jump or sky dive one of these days! What's your personality?
I have two different types. Ok, I'm kidding. I was extremely shy as a child. Now, I am much more adapted socially. I cannot speak in front of very large groups and am still shy at large social gatherings. I value close associations much more than casual ones. I am kind, honest and charitable. I accept people for who they are and don't believe in trying to change anyone. However, I want those remaining in my life to respect my boundaries and contribute positively to my life. I'm kind of a loner. I used to try to "help" people and I've learned this doesn't get one very far. And, I'm all about nature. This is kinda sounding like a personal ad! No replies, please, I'm married. hee hee
I am an enigma A bicyclist A unicyclist A philanthropist A tightwad An EV advocate An EV driver A protestor A man A hiker A joker A lover A dad A husband An only son A bigot A liar A responsible steward A wasteful slob A penny pincher A big spender An LED enthusiast A licensed amateur radio operator An artist A dancer A decision maker An engineer A hack A homosapien A flaming heterosexual A masculine hunk of man-meat A free willie A swimmer A snorkeler A certified open water diver A chest-thumper A dog trainer A counselor A terrible speller A dreamer An entrepreneur A CPF administrator on paid vacation A wood worker A welder A plasma cutter A carpenter A painter A friend An enemy An annoyance to the religious right A landscaper A beachcomber A sailor A kayaker A rower A paddler A reader A white male surrounded by Asian females A party animal A baker A sucker A patriot A college graduate An Eagle scout A web page creator A brewer A lover of beer A jack of all trades A master of none An energy conservation fanatic A flashlight builder A UI designer A writer A photographer A traveler A Californian A collector An actor A freak of nature A camper A nature lover A non sequitur I am sensitive Self critical Easily frustrated Insecure Iconoclastic Liberal Firm Financially responsible Conservative Steadfast in my convictions Optimistic Vain Intolerant of stupidity Thrifty "Beloved" by the French (apparently!) Compassionate Cantankerous Loud Emphatic Enthusiastic Philosophical Shallow Brutal Happy Tolerant Irreverent Arthritic
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(koa @ Feb 17 2007, 10:37 AM) [snapback]392047[/snapback]</div> I thought you were going to say: "I have such a dry sense of humor that I don't need an umbrella when it rains." I have such an odd sense of humor that I laugh at things other people don't think are funny, and I often don't get other people's jokes. I am generous with friends and progressive causes. I never took risks before I was in my middle-40's, when I got involved in nonviolent civil disobedience, and began risking (and doing) jail and prison time. Since then I've gone hang-gliding and sky-diving (once each, both tandem). During my civil disobedience time, anti-war activists called me "more Christian than most Christians" while pro-war people labelled me insane. Injustice outrages me. Discrimination disgusts me. I cannot (and don't try to) resist moving in time to music, though I am too uncoordinated to stay on the beat, and so don't try to; thus I can dance (badly) freestyle, but not with a partner unless she's wearing steel-toed shoes. I was a strict ovo-lacto-vegetarian, on ethical grounds, for about three decades, but began eating fish while living in Spain, due to research regarding its beneficial effects on serum cholesterol, approximately at the time when (for entirely different reasons) I was concluding that good/evil, right/wrong were entirely subjective concepts, strongly rooted in the human psyche in the abstract, but with no objective basis. I continue to eat no meat or fowl, because they disgust me, no longer for ethical reasons. I'm a compulsive overeater (recovering at the moment). I smile a lot and people who meet me face-to-face consider me friendly. I complain about politics and the weather. But I seldom discuss politics except on-line, or when approached by a reporter at a demonstration. Thus the denizens of Fred's see a side of me my neighbors never do. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(darelldd @ Feb 17 2007, 12:34 PM) [snapback]392084[/snapback]</div> You ride a unicycle? I'm impressed! I can barely stay upright on a bicycle, and then not for very long.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(darelldd @ Feb 17 2007, 03:34 PM) [snapback]392084[/snapback]</div> Wow. Amazing list, but you forgot "a good example" which is pretty high praise from this cynical a-hole. Thanks.
There are only two types of people: those that lump people into two groups, and those that don't. Tom
i'm on a life mission to defeat every statistic that's been published about people with my particular disadvantageous background. so far i'm batting a good average. i'm one of those people who is constantly self-defeating. i am my own harshest critic. i have learned low self esteem. it's not as bad as it once was but it's certainly not at a healthy level yet. i am learning to appreciate my positive qualities. i grew up with hard work and i'm not afraid of it. i have earned every single thing in my life with perseverance and hard work. and i won my husband over with a good dinner made of pork chops in mushroom sauce. i am a giver, a caretaker, a lover and a fighter. i'm not afraid of you. with a little alcohol in me i'm not afraid of anything. i'm very analytical, and extremely organized. it will make me a good scientist. yet i can listen to and sympathize with people i care about. and occasionally offer some advice if i know about the subject. don't ask how i am with people who have proven to me that they aren't worth caring about. i have a multi-faceted personality, and even my many facets have facets of their own. trying to put it all in words is attempting the impossible.
I'm a closet introvert (i.e. a phony extrovert, and sometimes I don't do a very good job of covering it up). I'm an artist, but more importantly an art snob. I'm a know-it-all (which may be apparent in some of my posts ). If someone proves me wrong, I willingly accept that they are right, but like to play it like I was right all along and was only testing their understanding (does that make me a jerk too?). Like Darell, I have an open water diving certification, but perhaps unlike him I am in serious need of a refresher course if I were to go diving again (haven't been diving in 14 years... jeez). I'm also a magnet for people's emotional problems. I have a very cool, even approach to life, and unstable people find that irresistible, so if any friend of mine has a serious problem, I'm the first person to hear about it. I guess I'm a good listener too, because they always come back for more.
I'm a goddess I'm a virgin I'm a blue movie I'm a bitch I'm a geisha I'm a little girl And we make love together
The poetry here has been good. Going back to Myers-Briggs, I'm an ENTJ. To take a stab at poetry... I'm a bitch I'm a lover I'm a child I'm a mother I'm a sinner I'm a saint I do not feel ashamed I'm your hell I'm your dream I'm something in between I wouldn't want it any other way... Oh, wait. I just plagiarized. (And they're all true!) I'm considerate, loud, open-minded, at times overbearing, extremely affectionate, a collector of ideas and things, plagued with shi##y self-esteem, a reader, a listener, and a talker. And I have little patience for bad drivers and stupid people. (Not ignorant people, but stupid people, who I define as people with some intelligence who don't use it).
I am who I choose to be at the moment and it usually reflects how the person I am around is acting. I suspect we all have personalities that would "surprise" those who "pigeon hole" people. I have the ability to behave in just about any way at just about any time. There are times I don't like myself, how can I expect others to not do the same.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(qbee42 @ Feb 17 2007, 02:45 PM) [snapback]392123[/snapback]</div> Actually, there are three types of people: Those who are good at math . . . and those who aren't. :lol: I have been described as a old soul by some and childish by others. I have also been called a snob and a down to earth nice guy. What others think of you is less important than your ability to get along with yourself. If you don't love yourself, how do you expect others?