I am sure of this: TJ is going to be very surprised when he eventually meets Jesus. The whole 'Get to know Jesus by listening to the waves roll off the ocean' is leading you down the wrong road. Try finding out about Jesus in the Bible. Oh... that's right, you are the one that's smart enough to declare the bible to be all wrong. Good luck with it all bro. Back on topic... The pediatrician blew it. There's really no way he'll be able to share his faith with that family or any other one he excludes from his business. I figure at the very least, this guy is missing the redemptive power of Christ as a forefront issue. The guy is still alive and thus can still have his sin forgiven, no matter how vast that is. I don't want any tatoos for myself. I don't think having a tatoo is sending anyone to hell, it may only be an indicator of other behaviors and lifestyle choices.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Schmika @ Feb 16 2007, 10:23 AM) [snapback]391471[/snapback]</div> I would agree with you were this an isolated incident, unfortunately Christians have created an atmosphere of exclusion and superiority by espousing their self-rightous beliefs and eschewing those who don't "see things their way". Certainly it is unfair to generalize those kinds of attitudes toward all Christians. But, much like the quoted poster, comments like "you can never change my mind on this" when it comes to what should be an open and honest discussion of abortion goes to show that these general sentiments run deep within many who claim God and Jesus as their redeemer and savior. Such attitudes are so deeply un-Christian that I can't even imagine where to start in bringing attitudes like this around. I would not become a conservative if I heard someone stating things like you mention, but certainly I wouldn't think that individual represents the majority of people who are democrats or liberals.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ Feb 16 2007, 12:33 PM) [snapback]391527[/snapback]</div> I guess this means you don't believe in the Bible, either, huh? (Ref. the Leviticus quote)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Feb 16 2007, 11:41 AM) [snapback]391536[/snapback]</div> It is unfair. The vast majority of Christians in my experience have not done what you say. In fact, the vast majority in your experience have not done what you say, but you're not aware of it. Most Christians are not confrontational, but you may not realize they are Christian, and of course it's easy to remember the ones that are confrontational or exclusionary. This ratio of "quiet" Christians to confrontational/exclusionary probably varies considerably by denomination and by some degree also geographic location (rural/urban) and of course setting (at a rally, at work, online, etc.). You need to be a bit more selective in your bias, because Christians are all around you, even at many typically "liberal" gatherings/activities like environmental causes and soup kitchens, etc.
I find it odd that many 'born agains' and evangelicals won't associate with the 'heathen' but are first in line to 'take' from the heathens any donations, good housing deals, business opportunities and government welfare. It's the majority of 'quiet' Christians who are living God's word while the 'borns and 'evangs' are trumpeting their 'values' but not living the word of God. I want as much to do with the 'borns and evang's' as they want to do with me. On the other hand, a good Christian (and usually quiet about their strong belief) is as much of an asset to society as any other religious or spiritual person.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ Feb 16 2007, 02:33 PM) [snapback]391527[/snapback]</div> Wth? Wow. Way to be all 'Christian' there, uh, 'bro'. For the record, since you brought it up: I have said 30-40% of the BIBLE is, IMO, accurate, which means a lot for such a book, that we don't even have the original text! of. What we have is: Copies of copies written by MAN. The part in LEV that is quoted earlier in this thread? OLD TESTAMENT, which is in the PAST. Where did CHRIST, to whoml I was referring, say 'don't have tattoos'? And at the time of His wanderings, Jesus hung out with the down and out, the dirtbags of society, and dressed, and looked like, one of those. He did not have fancy robes, or the like, and I'm sure He tried to be one of the people. Which means, in the unlikely scenario that He showed up today, He would look like one of the crowd. And the crowd, from the rich on down, tends to be more casual, and often sport tattoos. My one line response has generated this. Those who want to knock 'Christians', go on and do so. I can't say I blame ya.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Feb 16 2007, 02:26 PM) [snapback]391637[/snapback]</div> First of all, Jesus was not "wandering", he was a man with a purpose and a plan. "Wandering" to me denotes a lack of purpose, and Jesus' life was anything but. In his own words, he came "to bear witness to the Truth", to make God's name known, and preach the "good news of God's Kingdom". Secondly, Jesus was very respectful of the *principals* of the old laws, so I REALLY doubt he would ever consider a tatoo. Tatoos were associated with the pagans in his day, although they don't have quite that same distinction today. However, I'm sure that even today he would avoid tatooing so as not to stumble anyone who might otherwise listen to his message. Paul said it best: "Conscience," I say, not your own, but that of the other person. For why should it be that my freedom is judged by another person’s conscience?  Therefore, whether YOU are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory.  Keep from becoming causes for stumbling to Jews as well as Greeks and to the congregation of God, even as I am pleasing all people in all things, not seeking my own advantage but that of the many, in order that they might get saved. (1 Corinthians 10:29-33) Thirdly, Christians are counseled to dress modestly, and just from the comments on here you can see that not everyone considers tatoos to be "modest", so again I don't think Jesus would get a tatoo. Fourth, Jesus did not "hang out with the dirtbags of society". Yes, he often taught or took meals with persons whose former conduct may not have been the best, or people who were looked down upon by the religious leaders of the day, but your comments make it sound like all his friends were scum, when I'm sure that was not the case. Yes, some of those coming to him had a reputation of being prostitutes or sinners, but these were only the ones that were interested in hearing his message, not ALL prostititutes or tax collectors. Otherwise, he wouldn't be following his own advice: "If he does not listen to them, speak to the congregation. If he does not listen even to the congregation, let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector." - (Matthew 18:17) The point is that Jesus, and God, did not despise anyone, no matter how lowly, who come to him for spiritual healing: "At this the Pharisees and their scribes began murmuring to his disciples, saying: "Why is it YOU eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?" In reply Jesus said to them: "Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but those who are ailing do. I have come to call, not righteous persons, but sinners to repentance." -(Luke 5:30-32)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(keydiver @ Feb 16 2007, 05:22 PM) [snapback]391673[/snapback]</div> Prostitutes were among His followers. Mary Magdalene is rumored to have been one. Tax collectors, while wealthy, were not the favorite people. Lepers He not only touched, but healed. And one did not get close to lepers then. He did not wear robes, and those kind of clothes...unless you consider plain carpenter's clothes robes. He showed some respect towards the old ways, but in He also shunned them. The biggest that comes to mind? When He advocated taking care of the livestock on Sundays. My use of 'wandering' is just a use of a word. If we are to be all anal here, then I guess I should have worded it with abit more King James kind of speech. Christ was a Man Of The People. He looked like a person. Tattoos? Sheesh. I have know some very nice Pastors with tattoos. And the evangelical son of James Baker has one...or two...or three...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Feb 16 2007, 02:26 PM) [snapback]391637[/snapback]</div> Yes, definitely Old Testament. And the good Christian folk are fond of dragging that one out, along with the supposedly anti-gay verses in the O.T. when it suits their purposes. I'd be happier if they spent a little more time on the New Testament and I didn't have to occasionally read the Sermon on the Mount to some "Christian" complaining about all "those people" pan-handling.
But when we refuse to give our business to these religious nutballs they accuse us of discrimination. Hypocrisy is their favorite vice.