From love it to hate it : how my Toyota [Prius] journey comes to an end

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by prius_fr, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. prius_fr

    prius_fr New Member

    Sep 14, 2005
    Bay Area, CA
    Hello all

    It's been almost a year that I own a Toyota Prius now. I haven't post on this forum very often, but I found it very useful with many information.

    Also this post will probably be one of my last post since I'm getting rid of my Prius: it's a matter of days now. I'm getting rid of this car, and yes, I'm glad about it: my 11 months ownership and approx. 13,000 miles was a complete nightmare.

    <div align="center">[attachmentid=6555]</div>

    I explained in this post why did I bought the Prius. I loved this car, even before buying it and I was very excited. Also by buying a new car, specially a Toyota (should I dare to mention, designer of the Toyota Production System and all the quality methods that are in use today in the automobile industry) with a prepaid maintenance I thought it would be the perfect -trouble free- commuter car.

    Oh god, how WRONG was I !

    I first talked about my problems on this post, after only approx. 7000 miles on the odometer. Briefly, the heat engine while cruising on the freeway would inexplicably die on me leaving strictly the electric engine working. Of course, if I do not immediately stop the car, after 2 miles or so the car and the battery would completely die. In any case I have to call a tow truck.

    Well despite bringing the car back at the Toyota Dealer Service Department, this problem happened all in all SIX times !! Of course it happened at the worth possible moments: while I was commuting (and get late at work), while coming back from the airport, the car full of baggages etc.

    At the fourth time, I stopped telling about it on this forum and followed the wise advice of fellow forumers i.e. start a new Lemon Law case.

    I thus contacted about 2 months ago, The Law Offices of William R. McGee. The procedure was a little slow but I think (well I cross my finger, it is not fully completed) they got the job done: I will bring back my Prius (withing the next two weeks) to the dealer and they will buy it back from me. This mean I'll get back the money I put down when I got the car + tax + fees etc. The financed part is also paid of by TFS: IMHO a very small price for all the troubles I got !

    I was given the choice to trade with another new Prius or get a refund. I chose the later since I don't think I want a new Prius, not even a new Toyota / Scion / Lexus (whatever model be it).

    While the Lemon Law process was engaged and in the process with the layer, the problem happened one more time. Needless to say I was soooo pissed.

    <div align="center">[attachmentid=6556]</div>

    Heck yeah I understand now why the Priuses are Zero Emission Vehicle: they don't work and they are more useless than a bike ! :p No, I fully acknowledge that all the Prius are not like mine ; maybe out of 10,000 Prius produced at the chain, not even one come out lame like this: I just got a wrong number.

    So what was wrong with the car ? I have no clue, but more importantly I don't think Toyota has a clue either.
    1. On the first problem occurrence, they didn't do anything, they said it was a "glitch"
    2. On the second occurrence, same thing, a "glitch"
    3. On the third occurrence, move some battery cables and other bs...
    4. On the fourth occurrence, they changed a computer, forgot the name...
    5. On the fifth occurrence, they drained the tank
    6. One the sixth occurrence, they replaced the tank
    Was the sixth occurrence the last occurrence ? I hope I'll not be here to see it, but nobody can tell if the problem will keep happening or not ! It may.... or it may not. Tomorrow, in a month, in a year or never. Well I don't care anymore, not my problem. However I found this a little worrying for Toyota since they are gradually planing to extend the HSD to their full line range: if Toyota doesn't even know how to service their own car, they are running into big troubles in the future.

    Oh and by the way, from all the tow trucks Toyota Roadside Assistance sent me, only one knew to operate the Prius as good as an owner does (Start button, Smart key, "Touch-control" shift lever etc.). All the other ones had no clues on how to operate the Prius !! :rolleyes:

    The car has now 13,000 miles or so. by now, it should have been to service only twice, for oil change etc. at 5k and 10k miles. Instead, with all these problems it went to service eight f*cking times !!! After this nightmare I consider getting my car bought back to be the very minimum compensation. Indeed, what a pain, what a lost of time:
    • find the good dealer, order the car at the right price, get it financed
    • wait three month for the delivery
    • get insurance, license plates, registration, Fastrack, HOV stickers etc.
    • get the car towed, get rentals
    • pick up the car
    • open the Lemon Law case
    • etc. etc. etc.
    No, buying this Toyota Prius was certainly not the smartest thing I ever did !

    What car I'm going to get to replace my Prius? Well, I don't know I'm disgusted with cars now. Certainly not a Prius and definitely not a Toyota. Maybe a good ol' agricultural gas guzzler like this one ?

    <div align="center">[attachmentid=6557]</div>

    With its good ol' agricultural technology, maybe it'll never brake down ? :D

    This Prius was my first Toyota but not my first Japanese car. I also owned several other foreign make cars. Are Japanese cars better, more reliable than other cars ? No, they are not better. No, they are not worth. It's just the same sh!t !!

    One last question, for the ones who continue reading me up to this point: in the case I buy an hybrid (Prius or Civic) and since new HOV stickers are not delivered any more, do you think I may be able to transfer my HOV stickers and authorization from my old Prius to a new [hypothetical] Prius / Civic ? Another reason to be soooo angry !! :angry:

    Thanks again to PriusChat and its members for all the help and valuable information.

    Attached Files:

  2. Beryl Octet

    Beryl Octet New Member

    Aug 27, 2006
    Abingdon VA
    2005 Prius
    Well, at least your automotive clusterphuck story ends with getting some money back. My last one ended with us selling the car for less than was owed on it and having to dip into savings to pay off the loan. Better luck next time!
  3. SomervillePrius

    SomervillePrius New Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Somerville, MA
    2006 Prius

    What a terrible story. Had I the same experience I would opt for my $ back as well. If you are ok with the size of the prius then I would suggest looking at the Honda's. A lot of people swear by them and you see a lot older accords still on the street.

    I hope your next car treats you better!

  4. LMA

    LMA New Member

    Sep 15, 2006
    Cloverly, MD
    2006 Prius
    Okay, I can understand your personal frustration level is high, but I don't see how you can genuinely write off an entire model, an entire car company, and an entire country's cars, as you do in your post, based on your experiences with a single car! I could see it if you'd returned the entire *car* six different times and every single replacement car you received developed serious problems, but basically you have one particular unit that sucks -- hardly the basis for deciding to never buy Japanese/Toyota/Prius again. What makes you think anything else you buy is going to be so much better? Me, I'd just trade it, as offered, for another Prius. And maybe start servicing it someplace else.
  5. Beryl Octet

    Beryl Octet New Member

    Aug 27, 2006
    Abingdon VA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(LMA @ Feb 13 2007, 03:35 PM) [snapback]389684[/snapback]</div>
    Being stranded and waiting on the tow truck really really sours that new car experience. I'd probably be gun shy of Toyota after that experience.
  6. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    &quot;Somewhere in Flyover Country&quot;
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(LMA @ Feb 13 2007, 02:35 PM) [snapback]389684[/snapback]</div>
    Some of you have done the exact same thing with GM and Ford vehicles. Some of you have written off American vehicles based on second-hand stories. How can you fault her with a straight face.
  7. Charles Suitt

    Charles Suitt Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2004
    Dallas TX
    2012 Prius
    :rolleyes: INTERESTING... How much trouble one will take to express frustration. Any mechanical contraption [including an automobile] can have mechanical problems. Perhaps the Toyota reputation for quality makes us set high expectations which, in my experience, have been fulfilled. I agree with a previous post... Don't 'write off' an entire manufacturer or model for one bad vehicle. I do agree that he did right to invoke the Lemon Law after his dealer's failure to correct ongoing problems. Ultimately though, Toyota did make appropriate offers.

    We have had, now, four Toyotas: 1986 Camry Station Wagon [given to son, still running well with ~130K miles, routine repairs], 1996 Camry [running well with ~115K miles, very minor issues], 2004 Prius [traded for 2007 Prius, no issues except minor warranty upgrades], and 2007 Touring Edition Prius [less than 2K miles so far.. no issues].

    All in all, our Toyota experiences make the Cadillac, Mercedes and Jaguar we drove look pretty dismal by comparison.
  8. Betelgeuse

    Betelgeuse Active Member

    Oct 11, 2005
    New York, NY, USA
    2005 Prius
    Ug. What an awful experience. Unfortunately, there are always going to be cars like that, no matter the model; this is why companies can't claim that their cars are 100% reliable. Well, you can rest assured that lemons like that are relatively uncommon and, no matter what model of car you get, you're unlikely to have an awful experience like that again.

    If it were me, I think that I would continue to play the statistics game: look at reliability ratings for cars and pick the ones that are statistically most reliable. Toyotas are certainly up there on the list, as are Hondas. If you're totally off Japanese cars (an irrational, but understandable, feeling), I imagine you can probably find a relatively reliable American car (they're not all that rare these days). . .
  9. glenk

    glenk Member

    Dec 13, 2005
    Fairfield, CA
    2013 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(LMA @ Feb 13 2007, 03:35 PM) [snapback]389684[/snapback]</div>
    I agree with LMA, sounds like a sucky service department. Let us know who it was and I'll stay clear of them if my Prius needs service in the bay area.

    This could happen to any car, or make. An intermittent problem takes skill, perserverance and sometimes luck to find. It looks like you didn't get any of either.

    My wife drives the Prius and this is our first Toyota after 30 years of driving four Accords and a Civic without ever getting stranded. If this happened once to her, she'd probably take back her semi-retired Civic and leave the Prius at home. That's how sensitive she would be to this.
  10. LMA

    LMA New Member

    Sep 15, 2006
    Cloverly, MD
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(malorn @ Feb 13 2007, 03:58 PM) [snapback]389700[/snapback]</div>
    Personal experience. Just lost a LONG reply I was writing here (grrr!) but long story short, I had to replace the entire engine on my '94 Saturn SL2 after 31K, happily drove it another 100K after that, AND bought a 2000 Saturn SL2 for my husband despite that experience.
  11. daveleeprius

    daveleeprius Heh heh heh you think so?

    Oct 30, 2006
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Charles Suitt @ Feb 13 2007, 04:03 PM) [snapback]389703[/snapback]</div>
    I think in 1986 the Camry wasn't really a station wagon it was more like a 4 door hatchback. I remember my neighbors had a 1983 Camry hatchback and I thought that was pretty cool. Then my parents bought a new 1988 Camry LE white with maroon interior. THAT was cool.

  12. Jeannie

    Jeannie Proud Prius Granny

    Apr 24, 2006
    Central New Jersey
    2006 Prius
    Sorry to hear you had so much trouble with your Prius. I've had mine a little less than a year, 7500 miles on it, and no problems. I'm glad you were able to work out a deal to get a refund! Good luck with your next car.

    I'm a satisfied Toyota owner, but lemons DO happen, and I've read enough stories on this forum to believe the poor service you got. And when you have major problems with a Prius, you really HAVE to use the dealer service. My last new car (the only other new car I've had) was a Chevy, so I knew that my regular mechanic who'd nursed several old clunkers for me over 20 years was capable of handling everything except the 5 or so recalls I had over 8 years. Fortunately there are several Toyota dealerships in my area and I've asked around about them, so I'll know who to go to if I ever have major problems.
  13. Dave

    Dave New Member

    Dec 23, 2003
    Santa Cruz, CA
    2004 Prius
    I'm sorry to hear you got a lemon. I've got 85,000 trouble-free miles on my 2004. Would I write off the entire car company if I had your experience? Probably. Does it make sense to do that? No. But with the amount of frustration you endured, emotions carry more weight than sense.
    Again, I'm sorry you got stuck with a lemon. Best of luck with your next vehicle.
    I don't know about your HOV lane stickers. I would try the DMV website for starters.
  14. Chuck.

    Chuck. Former Honda Enzyte Driver

    Oct 24, 2006
    Lewisville, TX (Dallas area)
    2007 Prius
    I'm also sorry to hear about your troubles - that would bother me a lot.

    Lemons do happen.

    Having said that, don't you think a more dispassionate version of your story would be taken more seriously? While I definitely can understand you being upset, posting a pictures of a lemon and a huge 4x4 pickup truck, etc.. is a bit of an overkill and detractes from the facts.

    I'd not only suspect a lemon, but perhaps a bad dealer. Going so far as to say the Prius is bad or all Toyotas are bad is a streach. While lemons do happen, I don't see many reported in either the news or PriusChat.
  15. Trevor

    Trevor Member

    Jul 5, 2004
    Staten Island, NY
    2006 Prius
    Sorry to hear that your journey came to and end. I think that part of the problem is that the majority of Prius aren't in the shop so the mechanics don't get enough practice on them.

    Hopefully the dealer will send the car to Toyota and not put the lemon back out on the street.
  16. San_Carlos_Jeff

    San_Carlos_Jeff Active Member

    Oct 4, 2005
    Northern California
    2012 Chevy Volt
    The stickers are not transferrable so I think you're SOL on those.
  17. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    sucks that you couldn't find a tech who knew their way around the prius.

    that's the hard part about prius ownership... if something goes wrong you don't have a conventional car and rarely do you find someone to fix it who has half a clue as to what's going on in there.

    haven't seen such a problematic prius yet, sorry you had such bad luck. i guess the statistics weren't on your side this time :(
  18. kn6vv

    kn6vv Junior Member

    May 30, 2006
    Loveland, CO
    2014 Prius
    Prius fr,

    As I read your Prius story on your “lemon†I could not fault your decision to get your money back. Many states do have “lemon†laws to protect the consumer and I’m very delighted to hear the law worked in your case for you!

    My own opinion, however, with the limited facts given makes me wonder if the car is a real “lemon†or not. I might be more likely to call the Toyota service department that worked on your Prius the real lemon. Giving the car back to you 6 times without proper repairs is most unacceptable by anyone’s standards and if I were a Toyota executive that dealt with complaints from improper service at a Toyota dealer, I would be VERY upset with this service department with the facts as you give them and heads would roll. Your Prius may in fact be a real lemon OR one of the best ones to roll off the Japan assembly line with the exception of one simple part (example: blocked fuel filter) that causes the ICE to shut down when it should not, you just don’t know. Based on the experience of most Prius owners on this forum, I think the Prius in general is a very well built car and considered reliable.

    My own 2006 Prius has about 7500 miles on it and I have yet to need any mechanical repairs. This is my first Toyota so I have no experience with Toyota service BUT I expect nothing less that outstanding service from my local dealer service department based on the testimony and experience of other Toyota fans here.

    If you do purchase another Toyota, be it a Prius or other model, I would definitely find another Toyota Service Department and I would let Toyota of North America see your documentation of improper service to your 2006 Prius! My guess is there is a part that is otherwise a simple repair (maybe hard to find) but after 6 times of improper diagnostics, that one problem is not getting fixed!

    Best wishes to you and your future car purchases!
  19. SW03ES

    SW03ES Senior Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Gaithersburg, MD
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(prius_fr @ Feb 13 2007, 03:19 PM) [snapback]389676[/snapback]</div>
    Your situation sucked, but it was absolutely in the extreme minority for the Toyota Prius, and even more extreme minority for Toyota as a brand, and an even MORE extreme minority for Japanese cars in general. As someone who has had Toyotas, and many high mileage Toyotas, in his family for nearly 20 years I can tell you with authority that these are very well built and reliable cars, and they are much better built and much more reliable than a lot of other manufacturer's cars. Writing them off would be a mistake.
  20. Devil's Advocate

    Mar 3, 2005
    Las Vegas, Nevada
    2005 Prius
    Sucks dude!
    I had the same problem, except the dealer (Peunte Hills) that the car was towed to actually fixed the problem (Bad O2 Sensor, also got a new cat out of the deal) that happend at about 11, 000 miles.

    I now have over 93,000.00 pretty much trouble free miles, escept I did just replace the front wheel bearing assembly $111.00 for the part and my labor. But hey almost 100,000 miles not bad.

    Better luck next time, and remember lemons grow on all different trees!