Nobody guaranteed that DMV would stop issuing HOV stickers till you got yours, Driver-72. They ran out. You didn't get there in time. As for how one can apply and how the rules were interpreted, you can complain all you want. Do you expect anyone to actually admit how things operate? Good luck suing the state of California.
Dear Driver-72, You are apparently a person of substance as evidenced by your choice to pay over $30000 for a vehicle to be used for commute purposes. I have a way out of your dilemma. I will sell you my unused stickers. Let the bidding begin at, say $10000 minimum.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MarinJohn @ Feb, 08:58 AM) [snapback]388044[/snapback]</div> Good idea but the stickers go with the car. Non-transferable.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Feb 10 2007, 09:55 AM) [snapback]388073[/snapback]</div> That was not the OP's check that was cashed.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(BORNGEARHEAD @ Feb 10 2007, 04:03 PM) [snapback]388140[/snapback]</div> Great video! HTFU should become a standard acronym.
I will trade you my New August 2006 Shiny Candy Apple Red Prius with 22000 miles on it for your 2007 and $25,000 cash. You see the way I figure it that sticker saves my wife 1 hour a day off of her commute. She bills at $150 an hour. That is a savings of $750 a week, $3000 a month. $36,000 a year. Thats how much an investment that little $8 sticker was.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ohgreys @ Feb 6 2007, 04:12 PM) [snapback]386270[/snapback]</div> I was thinking the same!!! I would love to see this episode. :lol:
I can't help but notice that although many of the Priuschat members are probably lawyers (like myself), not one has stepped up to say, "You bet! We'll spend our valuable time to draw up the complaint, and pay our secretary to type it and process it for court, and pay our own money for the court filing fees, and spend even more of our valuable time litigating for you. Because we believe in you!" Which is what you say to a client whose case you actually do believe in. If the OP ever actually consults a real lawyer, instead of complaining in chatrooms, I hope he will utilize the "free half-hour consultations" available in most yellow page law office ads because he will probably not be happy about paying legal fees for a realistic but unfavorable legal opinion. There is actually a legal concept called "puffing" which means a slight exaggeration of the positive qualities of an item for sale. (What a shock that such a thing might occur at an automobile dealership!) Also if information is equally available to the buyer - for example, applicable laws and quantities of HOV stickers remaining for sale - then the buyer is not legally entitled to depend on the seller keeping him informed about such things. Nonethess I sympathise with his disappointment, and posting in chatrooms is a fairly harmless way to express frustration (versus visiting the lying salesman with a loaded firearm.)
[/quote]If the OP ever actually consults a real lawyer, instead of complaining in chatrooms, I hope he will utilize the "free half-hour consultations" available in most yellow page law office ads [/quote] Actually, the process to qualify and file a substantial class action suit, as I'm sure the other attorney's here know, would be much more extensive and in fact, cost prohibitive, unless its something of the nature of an asbestos or cigarette case. I couldn't imagine even considering one over HOV stickers, and the $30,000 cost of the car wouldn't even begin to cover it. Actually, I couldn't even imagine a consultation "for free". We charge $200 for an hour consult, but that's another subject....... B)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rangerdavid @ Feb 12 2007, 04:46 PM) [snapback]389218[/snapback]</div> Well you are certainly right about the class action costs. I guess I was thinking that the number of Prius purchasers at that particular dealership who might have been defrauded wouldn't amount to enough to support a real class action suit, so in my mind the way to go (if any) would probably be an Unfair Competition / Unfair Business Practices claim under B&P section 17200 et seq. Free consultations are pretty common here in California; most local bar associations will agree to provide free referrals to attorneys who agree in return to give the referrals a free half hour consultation and there are also ads in the yellow pages like that as well. Also, the State Bar asks its members to do at least 40-80 hours of pro bono work per year and many of us volunteer at legal clinics (often held in vacant courtrooms at the courthouse) of various sorts i.e. civil rights, family law, landlord/tenant, etc. But it's hard to work up a lot of righteous indignation because someone who is not a carpool will not be permitted to use the carpool lanes. I don't know that I would be willing to donate much time to that cause.
Well, its obvious that the OP hasn't made a response for several pages, so I think this thread should be put to bed now....not much more to really add here.
Get over it. Learn to drive the car as it was designed to be driven. Become one with the Prius movement. If you bought the car for the sole reason to drive fast in the car pol lane so you can get to work faster. You should consider smelling the roses a little more sincerely. By the way... My sister did exactly what you did and got the stickers. She does NOTHING but complain about the "crummy mileage" she gets. She keeps asking me what I do to get such good mileage. I just tell her I never drive in the car pool lanes. never go faster than 64, and I am working on my pulse and glide technique.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(KatJavandel @ Feb 12 2007, 07:34 PM) [snapback]389210[/snapback]</div> But the visit to the lying salesman with a loaded firearm would be more entertaining. Then he can use the unfair treatment by the DMV as a defense.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(YodaddyAlex @ Feb 6 2007, 04:23 PM) [snapback]386281[/snapback]</div> So the only people that should get HOV stickers are the ones that bought for their cars for altruistic environmental reason? Or should there be no HOV stickers.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Curtis SAC @ Feb 13 2007, 10:38 PM) [snapback]390048[/snapback]</div> This is 'what' kind of logic/reasoning? Do you prefer to be raped or should there be no pay for working?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MarinJohn @ Feb 14 2007, 02:45 PM) [snapback]390347[/snapback]</div> Someone opined, "to be blunt, if you only bought the prius or any hybrid to be in the carpool lane then I am glad you did not receive it and I am glad there are others like you out there" Does this person feel that HOV lanes access stickers are OK as long as that was not the only reason you purchased the car? I find that position to be childish. Or does this person think that HOV lane access stickers shouldn't be issued at all? The HOV lane access was definitely the reason I looked at hybrids when I was car shopping last year. The gas mileage and tax break were the clinchers after that.
I just hate crybabies, which the OP certainly was. Cry cry cry cry if you don't get what you think you were promised. Well welcome to the real world! I love my Prius for the car, not some sticker. We now return you to your regulary scheduled program already in progress. -Dave :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Curtis SAC @ Feb 14 2007, 06:01 PM) [snapback]390599[/snapback]</div> I'm sorry but buying a car based on the idea that you can cut a few minutes off your commute is childish when the true reason to buy a Prius is to help the environment with emissions and gas usage. If you are so set on getting in the carpool lane, *GASP* CARPOOL WITH SOMEONE!!!!!!