Ok, the cats have their own thread, so why not dogs too? Post pics of your dogs here! My "Siamese Cat of DOOM" rules the following dogs: Chocolate Sundae (chocolate lab), whom I still need to upload a pic of. She's real sweet and extremely smart. She is currently studying the book How To Make Humans Read Your Mind. Montclair Jumpstart, the Yorkie of DOOM. Currently lobbying to become President, and from there become Dictator For Life. She then intends to set her sites on ruling the world. Be afraid, be very afraid.... [Broken External Image]:http://www.geocities.com/angelas_desk/jumpersleeps.jpg And because everybody loves puppies.... My sister's neighbor's lab had a litter of one. Isn't he cute? Awww, the tip of his tounge is sticking out at us. He's only a day old when this was taken. [Broken External Image]:http://www.geocities.com/angelas_desk/bouncersson.jpg
My Golden Retriever, Charlie, discovered the true meaning of life the first time I threw a tennis ball into the lake for him.
Awww, Keelee is cute. And she's got a convertable too. Lucky dog! Oh that is so cute! I love all the wiskers bristling from Charlie's nose! And of course Empress Sasha is adorable too. All da fuzz....snuggly!
My Dogg Indo Well here's my dogg Indo, a purebred Korean Jindo --- and no, he's not named for a certain illicit substance that some of us smoked in our younger days, OR WAS HE? DUN DUN DUNNNN...... :twisted: For those of you on Dogster, the friendster for muts, check out indo's profile: http://www.dogster.com/?44844 - eph
Ok, You asked for it... Here is my Cocker Sigge. He is 13 monts old. The really funny thing is that he really loves the Prius, he has excellent vision thru the lower back window and forward over the back seats. Homepage (click on the button "Bilder" for more pics): http://w1.734.comhem.se/~u73402902/index.htm
One? Geez, I hope they aren't hoping to make money breeding that dog! I like dogs, but I'm not getting one. I have no desire to get up at 4:30 AM to walk a dog in the winter!
hdrygas: I can't tell what kind of pup Shasha is, looks pretty cute post a bigger picture. Starbug: keep us posted with baby pictures. swepri: I can't tell what type of pup Cocker Sigge is. I am guessing a Cocker? I went to your sight but my Swedish isen't very good, although one of my cars is a Volvo.
bruceha_2000 It may soung quite mushey, but the two best thing I have done in my life is marry my wonderful wife and adopt my fantistic pup. There is not a day that goes by that I'm not thankfull for the overwhelming joy they both bring me.
pug Here's our special needs pug, Kyllo. He's blind. He gets around pretty good, knows the house and yard layout, but the cats keep moving around on him and he runs into them and they get all indignant and swipe at him! :roll: He's going on 7 years old and plays with 'sound-activated' toys. Drive fun, drive clean, drive Prius!
Yeah a little mushy, but that's OK when talking about spouses and pets I see that you are in Portland, OR. You might think differently about that 4:30 AM walk if you lived here. The long term avg daily temp in January is 17F. Although there was one amazing day in January a few years ago when we were warmer than LA (about 50F)! We have an annual statistic on the number of hours it didn't go above 0F. And -10, -15, -20 are all common every Jan and Feb, and that is near Lake Champlain where I live, My in-laws live in Stowe, up on Mount Mansfield, figure 10 degrees colder there. These numbers don't include the discomfort of "wind chill".
I stand corrected. I think a doggie treadmill would be in order. I would opt for a winter home in Arizona though.
Yes, bruceha_2000 is right. Sigge is an English Cocker Spaniel. Right now he is a very sleepy dog after a lot of running in the woods earlier. /Paj
Hmm does it come with a winter job and a winter wife 'cause the one I have now (wife, not job) thinks it is too hot for sleeping when it is 68F. We don't even turn the heat on in the bedroom in the winter. There is enough residual heat from the chimney and pass through heat pipes to keep it above 55 at least Maybe I'll just stick with the cats. I can always play with one of the many dogs in the neighborhood if I want.
I can get you the winter job but winter wives tend to cause problems with summer wives. They not only have air-conditioning in Arizona, they also have heaters and fireplaces. Those tend to be less expensive than Lawyers. We have spent a little time in the northeast and would like to spent quite a bit more time there. It's beauty is comparable with the northwest and possibly more so. We hope to get there in the next couple of years and spend a summer or two seeing the area.
This is Beckett. Ten years ago this past weekend we adopted her from a beagle rescue league. She had distemper and needed lots of loving care. She's still wonderfully playful at her age. [Broken External Image]:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v135/beckettbtoos/photos/beckett002.jpg