When I bought my Prius, I was given two different sets of info on service. The Prius-specific info said to have the car serviced every 5000 miles or 6 months. The generic dealer info said to have it servcied every 3000 miles or 3 months. When I asked my dealer which one to follow, he recommended the 3000 mile/3 month schedule (though I suspect that that is because they will get more money out of me in the long run since I'll be paying for more service calls...this so-called Prius "specialist" doesn't seem to know much!). What are the rest of you doing?
Just to put things in perspective: Toyota Sweden says 15 000km/1 year (9300miles/1 year) That's usually a small service (oil change). Bigger service every 30 000km. /Paj
every 5000 miles/6 months. wouldn'thurt to get first service at 3000 to remove any manufacturing gunk lost in the fist oil change,
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I think changing oil less frequently than every 3k is penny wise and pound foolish. I have several cars, one with close to 200k and only the head has been done, another has 160k zero problems. I changed my oil every 3k on each. We also have 2 more new cars 05 & 04, the recommendation on both of those cars is change every 10k. I won't be waiting that long on either car.