The phonebook screen on my 2004 Prius seems to have a place to enter phone numbers manually (since I need to wait for a "fix", due in November, until my Motorola V710 can transfer the phonebook). Yet when I push the button for the phonebook, it says "caution, phone book empty." Then, there is a screen that looks like one should be able to start manually (from the touch screen) entering data, but it doesn't isn't highlighted, meaning it can't take any imput. Can one manually enter phone numbers into the Prius Bluetooth phonebook? If not, why not? Thanks, Mark (Just got my 2004 2 weeks ago, and basically love it.)
Nope, you can't manually enter numbers into the phone book. At least I was never able to figure out how. I always got the same "phonebook is empty" error that you got. If someone calls you, your system will remember the last 5 numbers called as well as the last 5 numbers you manually dial (through the Prius dial pad) and you can select those numbers as a sort of "one touch" dial, but not while the vehicle is moving (see pg 116 of the navigation manual)
Really! Cool, I didn't realize that. I know the last number recieved always goes into slot 6 of the first 1-Touch page, but had no idea you could recall dialed out numbers. I'll have to pull the manual I guess!
Oh that's right Evan, you have the speed defeat switch installed, don't you? If that works for the phone, then you should be able to get to the list of last 5 dialed in or out. Normally, that page is ONLY available while staionary.
Can't enter phone book So you *can't* transfer the phone book from the Motorola V710 to the Prius? I've tried and called the dealership and have found no way to do it. Is a fix coming? It's a bummer not to have the phone book in the Prius system. Scoop Bergen