<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Jan 31 2007, 06:43 AM) [snapback]383243[/snapback]</div> Yep, you are probably right. Probably just a troll, looking for attention as he gets none at home.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tleonhar @ Jan 31 2007, 01:45 PM) [snapback]383509[/snapback]</div> Entirely normal for the b-man. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Dragonfly @ Jan 31 2007, 11:35 AM) [snapback]383422[/snapback]</div> IsrAmeriPrius researched him and found it out, based on information he had given about himself.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Feb 1 2007, 01:25 AM) [snapback]383709[/snapback]</div> There could be identity theft involved. On the internet, no one knows if you're a dog.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Jan, 10:25 PM) [snapback]383709[/snapback]</div> ...so, maybe the information about "himself" was really about his dad? or his neighbor? (or his owner?) Why on earth would you find anything the <strike>guy</strike> dog says credible?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Dragonfly @ Feb 1 2007, 09:54 AM) [snapback]383963[/snapback]</div> Well, if you do a quick Google on the DRBERMANMD screen name, you'll find that someone using that name has been kicked off other automotive boards. http://bimmer.roadfly.com/bmw/forums/e65/5511703-1.html http://bimmer.roadfly.com/bmw/forums/e65/6232548-1.html http://bimmer.roadfly.com/bmw/forums/e65/3389964-1.html This doesn't establish whether or not he is actually a doctor, but does show that someone using the screen name is certainly a curmudgeon. I'll leave you to decide whether or not it is the same person. If we're playing a guessing game as to whether he is actually a doctor, let's review some of his previous posts. We know that he has patients, and that he has a staff. We know that he is in the NYC area, because he claims to have had many patients in the World Trade Center. Assuming that some of this information is true, it shouldn't be too tough to figure out if he is a doctor or a doberman. Dobermans don't have opposable thumbs, so they can't hold a scalpel (a requirement for graduating from medical school). What don't we know? Well, we really don't even know if the good doctor is a doctor... we can only make assumptions. We also don't know what kind of medicine he practices... is he a psychiatrist, an OB/GYN, or a gastroenteroligist? Is he in private practice, or does he work for a hospital or medical school? Does he own a Prius, or does he own a Lexus LS430? Do his friends call him Alvin, Dave, or Charles? I'm sure we could figure out the answers if we all put on our Scooby Doo hats and thought about it for a while, but why bother to waste the time? Is this discussion worth it's own topic? Hmm....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(danoday @ Feb 1 2007, 10:51 AM) [snapback]384003[/snapback]</div> No we don't. We don't know any of this. All we know is that he said these things. Again, why would you believe anything he says?
This is true. Since everything he says is 180 degrees from reality, I think we can safely assume his name is NOT Berman, he is NOT a doctor, and he certainly doesn't like in New York. Proof to the "not a doctor" part: look at any of his postings in the health insurance thread. He shows he has zero knowledge of modern American health care practices.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(danoday @ Feb 1 2007, 01:51 PM) [snapback]384003[/snapback]</div> Hmm ... how very interesting. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(danoday @ Feb 1 2007, 01:51 PM) [snapback]384003[/snapback]</div> And dobermans can't type. At least not without spelling errors. But let's cut to the chase and think ... when was the last time you saw a doctor that had enough free time to spend chatting on a car enthusiast forum or two all day long? I don't know about you, but the doctors I've seen hardly have time for things like lunch and dinner let alone frivolous web chatting.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Feb 1 2007, 05:00 PM) [snapback]384116[/snapback]</div> Does this mean we can look forward to a defamation of character lawsuit from him against google?
Okay, so what IsrAmeriPrius actually found out, is that there is a Dr. David (I think it was David) Berman who is a practicing MD, I forget where, and what field of medicine he practices (which I also have forgotten, since I didn't really care). It is possible that his son, or someone else with adequate information is using his name (i.e. identity theft). That probably cannot be determined. I actually thought that when someone started calling him Doberman that it was intended as a compliment for his savage loyalty to his neo-conservative idols, and was surprised when he objected so heartily to the nickname. American Indians often took the names of animals, to represent the noble qualities of those animals. And while calling someone a "dog" is usually an insult, calling them a doberman suggests fierceness, which could be a compliment. Here's a thought, since the d-man has never spoken a true statement as far as I am aware, maybe his objection to the use of that name is also a lie, and in truth he enjoys the monicker. Just a thought.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Feb 1 2007, 07:29 PM) [snapback]384158[/snapback]</div> It was never intended as a compliment, exactly...At first, he said he didn't mind, but the objections started when it became used more widely, and not in a nice way. It was partly a play on his moniker, and also reflective of his behaviour. If I have any more nicknames, I'm just going to keep quiet.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Feb 1 2007, 06:29 PM) [snapback]384158[/snapback]</div> Maybe he is really a Doberman and decided to steal Dr. Berman's identity to disguise the fact he really is a dog. Bottom line is you can't really believe anything Berman says. *If* his name is even Berman. Maybe he is the father of the current Dr. Berman. Maybe a patient. Maybe he just opened the phone book and used whatever name his finger stopped on. Dr.s are known for bad handwriting, not bad spelling and grammar. Dogs, on the other hand, are notorious for bad spelling and grammar. But dogs have a much better sense of humor. I think it may be a cat posing as a dog posing as DBermanMD. A cat would think DBerman a really funny pun on Doberman.
I was intrigued enough by the disparity between Dr. Berman's Priuschat persona and the expected persona of real physicians that I spent some Google time awhile back to find the real person - and I believe the Dr. David H. Berman, gastroenterologist in New York, specializing in liver transplants and treatment of hepatitis, graduate of Chicago Medical School 1984, clinical instructor at Mt. Sinai Hospital, and whose Park Avenue Medical Professionals practice advertises in a Jewish newsletter, is indeed our esteemed correspondent here in Fred's. Everything I've just cited tallies perfectly with statements Dr. Berman has made in a variety of posts, when he has casually mentioned his specialty, his locale, his grown children, etc. The Hepatitis Treatment finder website posts a composite testimonial that Dr. Berman is positive, is caring, and has excellent treatment outcomes (his patients speaking here, not him). I'm inclined to believe he's no fake, despite his usual habits of discourse that are more common to a thoughtless, hostile adolescent than to the musings of a mature, highly educated man, but it takes all types to make a world. I'll say further that, in my experience at least, I've NEVER encountered people in face to face conversation who exhibit a hundredth the hostility, disrespect, jeering and heavy verbal abuse so common in these threads - I really think if any of us ever met Dr. Berman we'd come away thinking he's just another typical nice guy. He's just one of those personalities who, safe in the anonymity of a chatboard, gives in to the temptation to be juvenile. And I don't think ANY of us don't have those juvenile imulses, it's just that some of us find maintaining the social graces is more rewarding than giving in to such impulses, while others, like Dr. Berman, apparently enjoy indulging their childish streaks more than they value reasoned conversation. I WILL say that Dr. Berman's style in this chatboard brings his attention to detail, his avoidance of carelessness, and inclination to thinking before acting into serious question, and since these are all attributes I'd want to be HIGHLY developed in a physician, so much so that they pervade everything he does right down to demeanor on a chatboard, I would never go to Dr. Berman for medical treatment. Ever. But in person he's probably just as nice a guy as your next door neighbor, even if he did several times in various posts advocate the deliberate murder of innocent women and children (not by bombs, mind, but by direct, aimed rifle fire. Kind of an astonishing stance that I think most people would reject as beyond barbaric, but that's our Dr.). Mark Baird Alameda CA
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Feb 1 2007, 10:01 PM) [snapback]384244[/snapback]</div> Well, if you could google it so could anyone wanting to be Berman. And they're only going to post the positive testimonials, aren't they? See if you can find out the turnover rate for office staff. If he goes through three or four assistants, secretaries, etc a year, that's a red flag for Dr. Positive and Caring (as long as you're a white male Republican that can afford a Park Avenue specialist.) I'm sure the patients with the excellent treatment outcomes are a lot more positive than the patients with the negative outcomes. Dead people don't complain much. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Feb 1 2007, 10:01 PM) [snapback]384244[/snapback]</div> No. I don't think so. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Feb 1 2007, 10:01 PM) [snapback]384244[/snapback]</div> You are the third person to make a similar statement. You'd think that would be a red flag to "Dr. Berman". It plays right in to the identity stolen by a Doberman theory. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Feb 1 2007, 10:01 PM) [snapback]384244[/snapback]</div> No. I don't think so.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Feb 1 2007, 07:01 PM) [snapback]384244[/snapback]</div> You musta missed this happy little quote that Alnilam kept reminding us of (where is Alnilam anyway)? doberman: "and if noko could take out california or parts of it - so be it - they never wanted money spent on star wars or related technologies - they never wanted a strong military deterence - ironic they are first in noko's nuclear sights - ironic how they must be feeling in berkeley tonight - must be resting comfortably seriously , we can understand why noko launches a nuke at us and takes out part of california - if they do i hope we dont do anything silly in return like strike back and make any more people mad at us or give reason to those to attack us again. i would just offer a peace settlement - give him san fran or la in return for a peace treaty " //priuschat.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=25312&view=findpost&p=330432
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Feb 1 2007, 07:01 PM) [snapback]384244[/snapback]</div> Wow... you're good. I didn't have it narrowed down quite that much, but the evidence pointed toward one of the Berman's at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. The big tip off was tracking back one of the IP addresses used to post messages on some other automotive boards. resolved back to Mount Sinai School of Medicine. The IP whois utility is kind of fun to play with: http://ws.arin.net/whois ; especially useful for identifying spammers. A check of http://www.opensecrets.org seems to show that no doctor named David H. Berman (or variations thereof) has donated money to Republican candidates (at least, not anyone from New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut). This kind of throws a wrench into the whole Berman thing... if he is so strong a Bush supporter, why didn't he slip a few bucks to the GOP sometime in 2002, 2004, and 2006? Still not convinced that our Dr. Berman is the same guy as the one at MSSM, but the evidence at hand certainly seems to imply that. Of course, if we ever confront Dr. Berman, I fully expect that Fred will pull off his mask to reveal Old Man Jenkins, the crooked real estate developer. Then he'll say "And I would have gotten away with it too if it hadn't been from you meddling kids." Then Scooby would say "Rooby rooby roo!", and we'd all laugh before heading off to the malt shop.
here's the licensing site. http://www.nydoctorprofile.com/search_results.jsp Click on "search" and type in a name. For his, three results found. 'Tis public information which is why I find it more than strange that he uses his supposed given name and then conducts himself in such an outwardly contrary fashion.