Driving to work this morning, I saw a Lexus 400H with the HOV stickers on it... First, I'm 99.9% sure that is illegal, only the Civic, Prius and Insight qualify. Second, I couldn't see on the DMV website an online form or something to fill out to notify them of an illegally stickered car. I want to turn them in because they have MY stickers! haha Well not directly, but I've got my app in and right now I ain't gettin' them. Any suggestions?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ucsbgaucho @ Feb 1 2007, 10:15 AM) [snapback]383892[/snapback]</div> You're correct it is definitely illegal. If this car is using the HOV lane the CHP will eventually catch it and besides the usual HOV violation I'd imagine that there will be a fine for some sort of fraud.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ucsbgaucho @ Feb 1 2007, 11:15 AM) [snapback]383892[/snapback]</div> You may not have to do a thing. CHP is already aware that the Prius and both Honda hybrids are the only ones qualified to use the HOV lanes and have cited others for misusing the HOV sticker. If you want to report a violation in progress, call 1-800-TELL-CHP (now designated as their state-wide non-emergency number). Just make sure the sticker isn't one of those joke stickers you can find on eBay.
Do you have to report it while you see the car actually in the HOV lane? Because i just saw the Lexus on a surface street, but it had 2 stickers on the rear bumper, so I doubt its a joke.
Perhaps the owner replaces or adds the engine with some electric motor, and that qualifies for HOV sticker
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ucsbgaucho @ Feb 1 2007, 01:47 PM) [snapback]384001[/snapback]</div> No. While the CHP can't write them an HOV lane ticket unless they witness the violation, they can still stop and cite vehicles for simply misusing the HOV lane sticker, even if the vehicle is not travelling in the HOV lane. If a vehicle had been modified to run on electricity, they would have been issued the "white" HOV stickers, versus the "yellow" HOV stickers for hybrids.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ucsbgaucho @ Feb 1 2007, 12:15 PM) [snapback]383892[/snapback]</div> You MAY have just seen a FAKE sticker like THIS one ... being sold on Ebay, at least until legislators write their technical legality, out of existence. Until then, if they have 2 or more in the vehicle, they are legal ... whether in the car pool lane or other lane(s).
How pathetic that these neanderthals consider saving gas and pollution to be "neutering." I think they have it backwards... I think it is they who are "compensating."
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(KTPhil @ Feb 2 2007, 12:44 AM) [snapback]384269[/snapback]</div> Yes, the Ebay add states states in essence, you dont have to remove your testicles ... you can still own a 500hp 70's Chevelle and piss off the tree huggers with these fake stickers. If you look at his rating he seems to be selling them in a moderate quantity.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(subarutoo @ Feb 2 2007, 04:19 PM) [snapback]384603[/snapback]</div> Fantacy revenge: Yea Seriously though, I ponder how many folks think badly of hybriders. First I think it's just my imagination. Then, after finding a whole cult out there who obviously DO think bad of us, I realize maybe it's NOT just my imagination ... they really ARE P.O.'d that we get tax breaks and HOV privelages ... even to the point of pasting fake HOV stickers on their cars, in the hopes we'll feel as though they are 'sticking-it-to-us'.
I don't see this as a problem. If the driver uses an HOV lane without meeting the requirements, he/she can be ticketed. People do this all the time, sticker or not. Most of the time people don't get caught, because the police probably have better things to do---or they can't maneuver on a crowded road to reach the offenders.
I saw a single-occupant Toyota Highlander Hybrid (CA No. 5RZS124) with carpool decals traveling on the northbound carpool lane of the 605 the other day. We must go home around the same time, since I've seen it more than once. The next time, I'll try to take a photo of it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rick Auricchio @ Feb 3 2007, 02:52 PM) [snapback]384913[/snapback]</div> Being in the HOV lane illegally is only one potential misdemeanor. Having VALID stickers on the wrong vehicle is a different violation ... regardless of which lane they are in ... even surface streets.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(subarutoo @ Feb 2 2007, 12:19 PM) [snapback]384603[/snapback]</div> The laws of physics would make that rather impossible, though it would be entertaining to watch the attempt. (I was wondering where all those hits were coming from)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sporkmaker @ Feb 4 2007, 12:23 AM) [snapback]385041[/snapback]</div> Actually a PIT maneuver when properly executed can be preformed by any car/truck and successfully spin the target vehicle out.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sporkmaker @ Feb 4 2007, 10:54 PM) [snapback]385344[/snapback]</div> Do you remember the crazy CA/San Diego military tank driver a few years ago who went berzerk on their local freeway (believe it or not, it was my mother in law's plumber!)? Now, with that nut in mind, remember, there's always someone wasting more fuel than you ... not that this is an admirable goal HE could pit you with no problemo.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hill @ Feb 2 2007, 10:29 PM) [snapback]384731[/snapback]</div> I could be mistaken but I think the 'point' might have been missed here. (Don't ask me to explain the guy's 'other' sticker, however.) You mention the 'cult' who thinks bad of hybrids and I think that helps explain perfectly why 'neanderthals' may consider trying to make their own statement. (Obviously South Park wasn't enough.) The backlash from eco 'perks' that the state gives combined with the attitude that many electric/hybrid owners have (could very well be a small minority, but when I see a license plate that says '4UEARTH' I have to say, PUH-lease!) is going to set off more than a few people when it's insinuated that those NOT driving a vehicle that gets a certain gas mileage is somehow 'destroying' the earth, while another group is somehow 'saving' it. I'm all for alternate fuel vehicles and understand that we have no choice but to embrace them. I would PREFER to see completely fossil fuel independent vehicles. When you refer to groups that aren't on the eco-conscious bandwagon as 'cultists' do you really expect to then change the hearts and minds of these same people? Will anyone actually listen after that? Rational conversation just went out the window. You can't point fingers at others when you yourself aren't actually fixing anything. Purchasing a hybrid is not like putting a band-aid on the planet, you're simply not pressing the knife in as deeply. I commend anyone that can do their part as individuals but when it at least *appears* that it's simply to garner some sort of recognition or to use as some sort of tool of moral superiority, then it's rather pointless. When I'm finished with my 100% veggie diesel you can rest assured that I will have huge corn stalk graphics all over it (mostly because corn is THE symbol of cool) but I'm not about to berate or thumb my nose at someone else who has not taken the same path or made the same choices that I have. Just food for thought as maybe my experiences are limited to Southern California where 'smug' is not just trendy it's air, food, and water all rolled into one and hybrids seem to be just the latest in that trend.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(desoto @ Feb 4 2007, 10:40 PM) [snapback]385433[/snapback]</div> Great post, and I really like this line! I, too, cringe when I hear fellow EV drivers (well, and Prius drivers as well) talking about how they are "cleaning the air." Huh? Maybe dirtying it slower, but certainly not cleaning it! For that I think you have to drive in reverse all the time, and CREATE energy.