so you're justifying having a car that gets 8mpg so you can pull a boat? is your boat so big the only vehicle rated to carry it is an H2? Figure 8mpg, towing a BUNCH of weight... doubt you're even getting 5 bro... There are lots of SUVs/trucks that I'm sure can pull the same weight or more, and although their mileage prob sucks too, I can guarantee it's got better EPA numbers than EIGHT... Either way, nice to see you're at least SORT OF counteracting the damage you're doing to the earth with the hummer, by owning a prius as well. I just hope you drive the prius 10x more often than the H2 on average.
Actually, I think he meant to say, “Check it out, the best and worst of the world. BTW I need the big one to compensate for my small one, and the small car to compensate for the big car.â€</span> There is only one world. One of those vehicles “F#c!s up the world<span style=\'color:brown\'> like nothing else.â€
Not me but I can think of a few other posters and one moderater who would not object to the original post. (perhaps Wolfman???)
Come on now, do you all really think that your saving the world by driving a Prius. There is so much waste going on that a few thousand Prii don't add up to jack. I guess that I'll just have to get some slaves to pull my boat, but that won't make make the conservationists happy either. Hey you never asked what kind of milage the boat gets, but I guess that doesn't count.
Am I saving the world by driving a Prius? Well, I'm probably not saving it, but I'm doing what I can to help, in conjunction with others in many different places. I don't think anyone's expecting an auction for galley slaves to move the boat; rather, they're a bit dubious that an H2 - not exactly the favorite vehicle of many who post here - is what's needed for the job. But hey, at least you have the Prius! :clap:
oh i dont think i CAN save the world by myself, but i can easily believe that i may be at the front of the line in the "save the world" movement that will continue to be ineffective until the line gets MUCH MUCH longer than it is now. but that is no reason to get out of line is it? and unless the H2 has the highest rated towing capacity, i think you could have done better. best is one thing, capable is another. the H2 definitely is bottom of the mpg race though.
A good friend of mine has a big boat and he went to trade in his Ford Navigator, or was it the Expedition, I'm not sure. He went and looked at other SUVs and they tried to sell him a Hummer. When he found out the abysmally low towing capacity of the Hummer, he laughed. He said the Hummer seemed to him to have zero redeeming values. Horrible MPG, horrible towing capacity and he didn't like the handling either. He figured it was all about show and zero about utility. Of course, this is the Hummer II. The Hummer I has great tow capacity but then it's a totally different vehicle.
If wolfman's one moderator who'd commisurate with this guy then I'm another. I have an Expedition parked in a carport at my house. It'll see barely 3000miles/year now, but is invaluable when I need it. Those things vary widely. Hauling cyprus mulch for my wife to landscape. Fishing trips down long remote muddy roads, family camping and ski trips. It no longer serves as a commuter vehicle, and I'm not out to impress the 'chicks' or show that I'm 'manlier' than other guys. The H2 does that (for some). It's a horribly inefficient and polluting vehicle that really is no better than any other full size SUV and probably worse than most as far as utility than most. But, a Harley isn't the most fuel efficient and quitest motorcycle either, yet there's a sex appeal, a pride that some get and some don't. And it's not up to me to decide what makes one person happy or another one unhappy about those kinds of decisons. Ok, FDNY's arguement about needing something to haul the boat falls a little flat for me too...there are cheaper and more logical choices--a nice used Pick-up truck would serve quite nicely and save you lots of money. So yea, he's got a little of the show-off poser thing going on. So the heck what. He'll get over it after about 25k miles, like every other H2 owner does and then trade it in for something more reasonable. Why do you think you see those at street side of the used car lots all the time. I say welcome our new user and give him a break. We all have our sins, do we all need to be burned a the post for them?
A reporter asked on this board for some people to get in touch with him. I called right away and we spoke. He opened the door for further input and I took advantage of it. I followed our phone conversation with this email (read the last paragraph a few times): - - - - - One of the main reasons I'm buying the Prius is to drive demand. Every executive knows that you should provide the consumer what they want. And I believe that until we convince the "Big Three" American automobile manufacturers that people really are concerned about the environment and want alternatives to gas-guzzling, high-polluting vehicles, they simply aren't going to make them. For example, there has supposedly been a program in the United States driving automobile manufacturers towards the creation of highly-efficient vehicles. I say “supposedly†because I haven’t seen any results. In fact, we not only saw no gains in vehicle efficiency, we witnessed the introduction of the Hummer, the Expedition, and several other such land-barges. Perhaps one reason we saw no improvements in vehicle performance is because there was no proof that Americans would buy such a car even if they managed to make one. But now things have changed. Japanese automakers have proven that if such a car were available, Americans would buy them. Not just buy them but wait in line for months to buy them. As a result, Ford has introduced their attempt at a hybrid vehicle and Dodge quickly threw their measly Silverado to the public. In affect, the American Automakers have finally caught up with Honda and Toyota of the mid-1990s. So back to my initial point. I am buying this car to increase the demand of hybrids which will increase production of highly efficient vehicles and lighten the consumption of fossil fuels. I realize that I alone can not convince the Big Three that a change needs to take place. But I have tens of thousands of Prius owners and wait-listers backing me up. No number of lobbyists or back-pocket politicians can change that. Within my lifetime, non-hybrid and inefficient vehicles will be phased out the way of leaded paint, asbestos, and leaded gasoline. When that day comes, please ask me if the car was worth the wait. - - - - - The short answer is that one man spouting on about a dream of children playing together can not change the world. One woman who simply didn't want to give up her seat on a bus can not change the world. One man who believed that the use of military might was not required to stage a revolution can not change the world. Not even one person driving a Prius can change the world. But in the same regards, one man driving a Hummer can not ruin the world. It's the thousands and millions of people who stand with the individuals who change the world for the better or the worse. I take offense with the quoted comment above, that the people on this board will not change the world. Comments like that make me want to stand on the table and shout, "Stop thinking about yourself and believing that what you do is unimportant. Wake up and realize that we all play a part in this world." I chose to believe that the decisions I make on a daily basis affect the world around me: from the way I treat people to the gifts I give my nieces to the world I leave for my children. And that is why I drive a Prius.
TonyPSchaefer You said it better than I ever could. This is the reason I bought a Prius and I want all my friends to as well. It would be great if our society embraced the direction that vehicles like this would take this country, but it won't. So it's up to us as individuals. Changing the world, one household at a time.
ok Evan, you are missing the point here. we did not say the H2 has no place in society. i simply am saying that the "Best of Both Worlds" is most likely true when refering to the Prius, but the H2??? i think that one could better by at least a half dozen other choices. and the Expedition is one of them. to say the H2 is best at anything is pretty shaky ground. i think that what most here are trying to say. Tony: i had full faith in your willingness to stay in line
That decision is not one you nor I can make for another individual. This is still a free country and we can make those decisions on our own and of our own criteria.
the day some one tells me how to spend my after tax dollars is the day I stop being nice and in your face. If the guy want's a Kenworth to haul his boat I couldn't give a crap, and to tell him otherwise is no one elses bussiness. You can be assured that his Prius gets more use than the H2.
I agree totally that everyone has the right to buy what they want in vehicles. But I totally disagree that others don't also have the right to their opinion in what others buy. One person's civil right to buy something doesn't negate another person's free speech rights to talk about it. And in Economics there is such a thing as supply and demand. When one group of people buys vehicles with terrible gas mileage, that increases demand for gasoline. When the demand goes up, the price goes up. So the law of supply and demand means that everyone who buys a gas guzzler is affecting the cost of the gas I BUY. Plus, everyone who buys a polluting vehicle affects what we all breathe. So although I agree that everyone has the right to buy an H2 or whatever else they want and I support that right. I disagree that it is "none of my business". I have free speech rights. And as long as I have to buy gas at prices that are affected by an entire market, and I still have to breathe air that is affected by that same market, I have a constitutional right to make comments. To be civil and polite sure, but to say nothing? I disagree. It IS my business. It is ALL of our's business.
I never claimed you didn't have a right to disagree with his choice. You don't have a right to tell him or decide for him what he can/should buy. And just the same you have the right to speak out against that choice I have the right to speak against the opinion you expressed. And around and around it goes. Please show me the quote that someone said you didn't have the right to speak against it. You've got the right to say a lot of things...that doesn't make them fair or accurate, nor does it make you immune from rebuttal.