I've seen discussion about people trying their darndest to fill out their energy bars. Is there any added benefit MPG wise to having all of your bars as opposed to say 5 or 6 bars?
I think it's simply a matter of seeing if you can get teh battery to full charge. There is no advantage to doing so, other than one's own entertainment.
Manny, You can ignore them if you like, the computer will handle the obsession for you The only thing to know is if the battery gets close to overcharging ( by the computer's determination) the car will dump the excess. And if it gets too low, the car won't have as much power. Unless there is a mechanical problem, this won't happen unless you are doing something like charging up Angel Pass between Vail and Denver
<in my best roseann roseannadanna voice> gee mr. richard fader from fort lee new jersey, you ask a lotta questions.
low bars Last friday I had my windows tinted. It took about an hour. When I left I noticed my bars were down to 2. It drove fine and recharged to 80% so I just forgot it. Then on Sunday I drove from Tucson to Palm Springs. My first 3 tanks have been at around 55 MPG. I got 46.7. Not bad for 75MPH. The cost of gas in Palm Springs was $2.21. The other side of blythe was $1.91. On the way out of Palm springs I had 389 on the tank. Blythe was 97 miles out. 389+97=486. OK worst case 45MPG at 11.9 gal I should get 535 miles. To save 5 bucks why not. Oh, outside temp was 109 to 115. At 15 miles to go the last bar starts blinking. Great no problem I'll make it fine. NOT With 5 miles to go the dash lights up like a christmas tree. Bells are going off and my bars are at 1. 75 MPH, I don't know what is going on. I coast down the next off ramp and it is deserted. I roll around the corner and down two blocks to the next gas station. Power off. fill up. $2.39. 11.3 gals. would not take any more. Outside temp 115. Power on, Show a few error messages resets and all is fine. 46.5MPG. A few days later I went out to lunch and when I came back bars were down to 2. outside temp 103. I'm taking it in on Saturday, but I'm sure they will find nothing wrong! Has this happened to anyone else?????????
Tuscon Dave....I'm confused. You ran out of gas...there's no assurance that you have a full 11.9 gallons of USABLE fuel...that's maximum capacity, I think the reserve is 0.5gallons. It IS odd that you only made it 10 miles after the last bar started blinking, but it does start blinking later 'on the go' than it does when the car has been off then restarted. Plus, you can't know for certain that you had a full tank to start with...if you were 0.5 gallons short of full to start and then add the reserve now you've got a max 10.9 usable. Now, throw in some inherent inaccuracy of the computer mileage and you can certainly run out. I don't believe it's normal to run out 10 miles after flashing, but now you know....maybe the temp was a factor?
Manny - I think the car actually performs at it's best nearer the middle of the battery range, since then it has plenty of charge in reserve if needed, and planty of capacity available to absorb charge as needed. So trying to fully charge it is probably not a good idea. If you JUST DRIVE IT! it will generally manage itself fine. The exception is cold weather: with the heater on full blast the ICE never shuts off and the battery is always near full. Not good.
10 miles from blink to empty... sounds like you have a slow reacting gas gauge... a common thing i think at least for my car.
only place i know of that dies because of having too many bars is in San Diego over by the marine base.
Which base? Miramar or Pendleton? Oh yes... there's 2... makes for even MORE bars, not to mention all the bars and clubs in Hillcrest, the Gaslamp District... Little local neighborhood bars...