Yep, add me to the list that have damaged their Prius' I was backing up out of my parking spot at work this afternoon and somehow did not see the Honda CR-V that was parked in the no parking zone. (We who park in the parking spots call the no parking zone the crash zone because cars have been hit there before) I was going 3, maybe 4 miles per hour and heard a crunch. I got out and looked at the CR-v and didn't see any damage and glanced at my Prius and thought whew, we were both lucky. I went into the building to find the owner of the CR-v and we both looked at both vehicles. It was then I saw the damage to my Prius. The rear bumper is cracked and the side of the bumper is popped out from the rest of the car. The left rear tail light is also cracked. Maybe if it weren't so cold the bumper wouldn't have cracked. I have already taken it for an estimate. The bumper is $190, the tail light is $200 and the paint and labor bring it close to $800. Insurance will pay,but I am concerned about my rates going up now. I have never had a claim in all my driving years. Should I get a second estimate? This estimate is from an independent collision repair shop. I was thinking of taking it to the dealer I bought it from. They have a body shop but they are about 45 minutes away from me. The local shop is just 5 minutes down the road, and on my way to and from work.
Sorry to hear about your accident. If your deductible is $500 or $1000 my inclination would be to stay away from the insurance. Your rates won't definitely go up but a claim is never good with insurance. this of course depends on your driving record etc... As for body shop estimates I would be more concerned with the quality of the work than the price... $800 seems pretty reasonable for a bumper wrap and tail light. That being said, I would get at least 1 more estimate. Dealers tend to be more money but its worth a shot. good luck.. Jon <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Renocat @ Jan 30 2007, 07:12 PM) [snapback]383055[/snapback]</div>
wow, that's a pretty cheap bumper! I got a quote for our 02 Camry and the rear bumper itself was $300 without paint/labour. (OTD price was $600+) Yeah, if your deductible is close to the value, I'll pay out of pocket. The few hundred claimed isn't worth it on your insurance record. Trust me. I told a friend who had a super minor accident just before he traded in his car. I told him not to claim since the damage was soo minor. He didn't listen and claimed anyway. When he traded in his car, the dealer saw the claim and deducted $500 from the trade-in value.
My deductible is pretty low...$250 My driving record is completely clean. I had one speeding ticket over 10 years ago. I have never filed an insurance claim and I have had the same insurance for more than 10 years. The repair shop has a great reputation. Several teachers I work with have done business with this shop. It has been in business for as long as I remember and I have lived in the area my whole life. Now...If I can get the school to enforce the no parking zone....
I would get a 2nd opinion and ask about the availability of used parts. I know it's a new car (like mine) but does the light really need to be replaced? I agree that in the long run you are probably better off eating the loss as the insurance company is going to charge this to you. Your rates may not go up this time but might go up much more next time. Good luck and keep us posted.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JimN @ Jan 30 2007, 09:14 PM) [snapback]383098[/snapback]</div> The tail light is broken, a piece is missing. Here is a pic, showing the cracked bumper and the broken tail light.
I got my Prius back from the repair shop yesterday. I had a similar slow speed accident except I backed into a rock wall protecting a sign on a pole. It split the bumper and dented it in 3 places. I got two quotes, one for AUD$313.15 to remove, repair, paint and replace the bumper and another for $800 to remove the old bumper and underlying structure, paint a new bumperand fit new parts. My insurance company accepted the $313 quote. I must say that the repair shop specialised in welding plastic and restoring plastic to its original shape. There was no underlying damage and the repaired bumper looks brand new. Cost to me was $200 and I am on a lifetime max no claim bonus (in other words my insurance premium does not alter because of a claim). The repair company knew nothing about a Prius but did not have any problems with the car.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Renocat @ Jan 30 2007, 07:27 PM) [snapback]383103[/snapback]</div> If it were me, I'd take JimN's approach and call around the salvage yard network. Get a used tail light and put it in myself. Hard for me to see the extent of the other damage, but the tail light may be most of the cost. Also, if you have 0$ deductible and you're accident free, then you might consider raising your deductible.
i think you got a pretty good estimate. without seeing pics, its tough to imagine anything other than a door ding being under 1000 especially with multiple parts involved.
Renocat, From the photo it really doesn't look that bad. I would like to think that I could live with that chip out of the tail light if a "cheap" replacement couldn't be found. I've sunk quite a bit of money into repairs in the last 7 years on a couple of other cars. It has taken me a long time to realize that I don't own show cars. I drive them. Things happen. They won't stay perfect. I wouldn't spend $800 for a hunk of plastic and a light but I'd probably go for a used or patched bumper for a couple of hundred. My philosophy is that chances are sooner or later (and I really hope later if ever) someone else is going to ding that bumper. Should that unpleasant time come I'll have it replaced on their dime. Since you found a good body shop stay with them. Good shops are hard to find. I'm sorry your car's dinged and I'm sure you feel awful (as I would). Please do not misinterpret, as this is only intended to be sympathetic and reassuring. Keep us updated.
just went thru this with the mystery of the broken tail light- used from junkyard? not in this part of the usa!!!! lucky to see a whole prius on the road!!!! it's a one piece replacement sans electric- not cheap. got mine from metro toyota- waiting for the weather & schedule for installation
My mom basically had the same problem with her prius, Backing out of her garage she backed into my brothers Tacoma, absolutly no damage to his bumber but her bumper was dented it her tail light broke and it was pretty expensive to fix. Because of this and other close calls she urged me to get the back up camera when i picked mine up last month but i decided it just bumped my payment up to much. i dont know i dot really find backing up to bad you just have to get used to it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JimN @ Jan 31 2007, 10:49 PM) [snapback]383659[/snapback]</div> I interpreted the posts as sympathetic I was torn between livng with it our replacing it. I decided to have it repaired. Like barbaram said, salvage Prii are hard to find here...barely any on the road. It will be repaired Monday and all will be behind me ( no pun intended!)