I don't know what it is about these cars that messes with our perceptions the way they do. I have a 50 mile one way commute. The road that I drive happens to give me a straight shot in to work. Much of the city part was enough to get me grumbling angrily at the DOT and the sheer randomness of the traffic lights in the area. About 5 years ago, the state started a major widening project on this highway. It was nice watching the traffic light count slowly drop, and the commute time gradually shorten. Then I got moved to day shift. Now I get the "fun" of driving rush hour traffic to and from work. My commute time increased by 30 minutes on the inbound side. This was enough to have me looking strictly at the Prius when my Saturn VUE started giving me problems for the 7th time in 15 months of ownership. As I was also going to have to give up two other vehicles, one being my commuter, to eat the negative equity, I needed a car. A small SUV would have to wait for now. After buying the Prius, I was alot happier not listening to the engine burn up money while sitting and crawling through the construction zone. I didn't grumble angrily at the slowly creeping traffic anymore. Well, as of yesterday, the most heavily travelled part of the highway was officially opened. Traffic lights have now been cut in half, down to four for the suburban part of my drive. While traffic now flows much more smoothly through this stretch of road, I am resigned to the fact that I won't ever see 99.9 mpg segments on my display again, unless there is a wreck. I will now be finding it a bit harder to keep the computer at or above 50 mpg on my commute. Leave it to the Prius to make one actually MISS sitting in traffic and creeping along slowly - reveling in the fact that you aren't using one drop of fuel in the process. Oh well, at least I'm not losing 20 to 30 minutes a day in sitting in stopped traffic.
Actually, yes. The stretch of highway near where I live is quite hilly. It takes its own toll on my overall fuel economy. :? They were replacing a bridge on one of the local county roads nearby. The alternate that I found, allowed me to run in stealth throughout the vast majority of that roadway. It was not unusual to pull up to the house with the battery at 1/2 on the indicator.
when i test drove a prius on the highway in the dead of winter in new england recently, we got 99.9mpg quite often on the highway. the car had 700 miles on it and we were driving 65. it was flat and straight. was this a fluke? or did they tweak something to get more sales. it really surprised me and i've been looking forward to experiencing this when i get my own car but i get the impression here that it's not normal.
If you were looking at the real time mileage on the Energy screen then Yes, you can expect to see that a lot--almost any time you slow down or go down hill. If you're talking about 99.9 on a 5 minute bar when you're traveling 65mph, then no way will you see that. I've had a number of 5 minute bars over the 75mpg mark, sometimes 2 or 3 in a row in ideal conditions, but never when going 65mph on anything flat. Don't be fooled by, or even pay much attention to the momentary mpg, it really doesn't mean much when accelerating or decelerating, it's only the steady state that gives you any idea what you're doing over a given stretch of road.
ahh, thanks for the clarification. though i believe i'll leave it on that screen when my friends are in the car to make them jealous.
I keep the screen on Energy when I drive as I enjoy seeing the 99.9 mpg and also it helps me "learn" to drive the car in a more energy efficient manner. I am trying to train myself how to get the car in stealth mode as often as possible. I find many times by getting up to cruising speed and then quickly lifting my foot off the gas pedal and then very lightly and quickly replacing my foot on the pedal, I can cruise at 99.9 mpg. I try to do that as often as possible. (This does take some practice.) I find that my speed on relatively flat roads can be maintained in this manner and having the gas pedal depressed more (i.e. not using this technique) really just uses more gas than I need to. I'm averaging about 47/48 mpg (car calculated) over my first 1300 miles. My trips are usually only 20 minutes long and in 20 - 30 degree weather in the morning and in the 40s in the afternoon. Warmer temperatures in the 50s improve the gas mileage.