OK the voting is in... although we only got 10 votes...(11 if you count mine) and Red Robin In Bellevue Square won. so now we need to set a date so first lets do prelimins ok and narrow down the weekend at least. so vote on one of the two weekends listed. or if neither works for anyone, post suggestions here.
ooo yay. first vote! It is officially 100% what *I* say. K. Coming off power trip... ...and MUCH better. I selected the week of the 25th since I'm going to interview for a job within a week of arriving. I need to get back into a routine. Figure I could start right away if necessary and at least work there a LITTLE bit before I ask for a day off... I could probably make either, but spacing stuff out a bit more is a little easier for ME...
I'm going to say weekend of the 25th just because. But as long as the actual DAY of the meet is a Sunday, I'll be able to make it. That is the only day that I get off at a decent time: 5pm (my work schedual has had some changes...so now I work til 8pm or later every night). Can we make it dinner at Red Robin (as opposed to lunch)?
Oops the 25th not the 18th subtract one. My wife is working the 25th and off the 18 and she already thinks I am wacko. If she is working I would not have to expend points for going. Though I might get her to go to Bellsquare, but it will cost me.
henry henry henry... i dont think i can subtract one... i guess your only recourse is to talk someone who was going to vote for the 18th to vote for the 25th instead. now i havent voted yet... but i plan to vote for the winning option.... and since its currently tied, i cant make up my mind...
Ok, let me as them... *tells dogs to speak* They say "I want a cookie!" Hmmmm....I think I'll ask them later after they get food off their minds.
Ok, I'm totally off topic, on the wrong continent and all but on sept 18 it is 34 years since Jimi Hendrix died . I believe he is buried in Seattle somewhere (probably in a graveyard). If you don't go there you can at least play Electric Ladyland while running on battery. I'm sure Jimi :angel: would have loved the Prius, he was kind of a techno geek after all. Sorry, you may now return to the original topic. /Paj Had to edit that, my math was way off too
34 years? Wow, I hadn't realised. Yes he is buried somewhere in Seattle. I can't remember where. Seattle also has an entire building full of musical stuff dedicated to him. It's called the Experiance Music Project. I haven't been in it, so I can't say anything more about it.
Actually isnt he buried in Burien or Renton or oh hell, i cant remember where he is from now... he was buried in his hometown and he wasnt from seattle...
It wasn't Seattle? Dang, I thought it was... maybe I'm thinking of somebody else. Does anyone know where he is buried?
Weekend of the 25th for me, and generally Saturday is bets... often I spend Friday evenings retrieving the wife from Portland, and Sunday afternoon/evening taking her back. (We so need that Prius so we can have two cars.) And perhaps I'll see some of you at bradca21's place today...
I need to change my vote to the 18th because my boss desided to go out of town on the 25th and leave me in charge of both the hobby shop and his dog at home. *sigh*
ok star, you can take henry's vote since he picked the 18th by mistake and vice versa.... so now the vote is correct... so we need to get more votes in!! tell all your friends!
OK this is IT!!! Greenwood Memorial Park 350 Monroe Avenue Northeast Renton, Washington 98056 Tel: (425) 255-1511 Driving Directions: From I-405 Northbound + From I-405 Exit 4, turn RIGHT onto Ramp + Take Ramp (LEFT) onto SR-169 [SE Maple Valley Hwy] + Turn RIGHT (North) onto SR-900 [Sunset Blvd N] + Keep RIGHT onto Local road + Turn RIGHT (South-East) onto NE 3rd St + Road name changes to NE 4th St + Turn RIGHT (South) onto Monroe Ave NE 0.0 From I-405 Southbound + From I-405 Exit 5, turn RIGHT onto Ramp + Turn LEFT (East) onto SR-900 [NE Park Dr] + Turn RIGHT (East) onto NE 10th St + Turn RIGHT (South) onto Monroe Ave NE