Doesn't this shot of Seattle just SCREAM sex appeal? I mean, I know my car does too, but I guess after enough time you have to shake it up a little, and a new avatar and new smiley spread at the bottom of my signature are doing that quite nicely. Gotta admit guys, I'm starting to get butterflies! Pray that everything goes well today (Sept 3rd), as closing is supposed to happen and there have been a few issues. We have a new senior loan officer that's taken it over and that should help the efficiency end of it at least. All goes well, I'll hopefully be meeting a lot of you a week from today as we unload the moving truck and I pour beer (or umm... apple juice, yeah that's it) down your throats! Time to go pack some more...
Great picture from West Seattle. I now have a Avatar! Sasha "Empress or the Universe" and Belle. Sasha likes Beast, more room to move around for a Newfie.
I just finished house-sitting for somebody with a Newf! His name is Bear, and he's freak'n CUTE! I an now covered in Newf fur and drool stains. I want to take him home with me......
Hehe, speaking of dogs... I've been meaning to put this pic as my new avatar! My sister's neighbor bred their lab, and this is a pic of the only puppy in the litter, only a day old. Cute, no?
Um, Brad, the dog is sitting down. Wait until she stands up, then she'll look HUGE, especially if she gives Henry a hug while HE is standing. Good luck on the move!
Haha, Newf hugs are fun. Bear-Newf enjoys "mauling" me in that fashion when I walk in the door. They are like giant teddybears.
Newfs are lap dogs just ask Sasha. Gentile Giants. I previously posted Lord Barons eulogy for his Newf. He is much more eloquent than I. My older dog was named Scannon once thought to be the name of Lewis's dog. I have been reading Undaunted Courage. It is now thought that the Newfs name was Seaman a more typical Newf name but because of bad spelling (yea!!!) and poor hand writing (a poor spellers first refuge) it was thought to be Scannon. The drool and hair becomes second nature. Our first Newf saved my wife life twice. They have protected our children and on one occasion our neighbors children when they were attacked by an aggressive German Shepard who's owner thought it was cute to have an aggressive attack dog. Fred (Barbara-Allens Uruses Major) pinned that dog to the ground and held him by the neck with out harming him until the children were free and I called him off. The dog ran off and never left his yard, ever until they moved away.
GOOD BOY! We need more dogs like your Scannon. Too many agressive dogs out there that nobody will/can stand up to. I do not recomend an aggressive dog to try to attack me.... I have --and will-- put him in his place for it. Yes, funny how giant breeds don't seem so giant after a while, isn't? And they always seem to be lap dogs too.....
The Giant breeds, though short lived, are by in large gentile giants. I have not meet one Great Pyrenees, Burnies Mountain Dogs, Mastiffs of various stripes that have been mean dogs. It seems they have little to prove.
Well if you notice, the smaller the dog, the more he feels the need to prove himself. Just look at the "terrifying" little Pomeranians and Yorkies that try to crash through the car window just because you were getting into your own car! Those dogs make me laugh (especially if it's an insanely-cute dog). :lol: I've never been hassled by a giant breed; best dogs out there.
that is true... the smaller ones have highest incidences of bites for 4 out of 7 years the miniture poodle lead in most bite incidences... the chiwawa roll: well you know what i mean) also has topped the "most aggresive dog" list a few times too.
I think Yorkies should be added to that list as well. My mother has one. The dog is either very brave or quite suicidal... she's attacked rottweilers, pit bulls, chows, great danes (took two at a time!), labs, golden retrievers, cats..... She could kill a large dog. If he choked on her! :lol: :rofl:
It's easy Dave - Chihuahua, it's those dang silent 'H's that got you stumped I'm not big on dogs one could kick more that a few feet for all the reasons previously posted. All bark, ALL the time. If we understood dog, they are probably saying "PLEASE don't hurt me, PLEASE!!!!" Shut up ya mutt and I won't WANT to hurt you! And I won't even talk about SOME of the people who own them. A dog humor story: I went into my neighbor's house the other day because there was some alarm going off ( turned out to be a clock). It wasn't until I was coming down stairs that their miniature dashund started his yapping. I talked to him, all the way out the door, but never saw him, he was hiding under a chair. Some watch dog, lets me IN the house and then wants to scare me into staying????
Small dogs try hard. I have always had medium and large dogs so I like them better. My mom has had small dogs. She adopted a small dog that I think had been abused by a male. Tolerated my dad, bit my ankles all the time and my son who was 8 or so. There I drew the line and got the news paper out. My mom and I had a bit of a show down. The dog never did actual damage but I was not willing to trust it to my son's ankles. The sad thing is that some people feel a need to make their dogs aggressive. Has something to do with the owners inadequacy as a human. They choose pit bulls, rottweilers and sheppards and make them aggressive. Very sad. I once knew a person who tried to make a Newf aggressive. Very sick individual, and a very sad and confused dog. He had nothing in his nature to make him act that way. I was with a Newf club that helped rehabilitate the dog. He was a great dog that wanted to be loved. The dog ended up with a good family. I don't know what happened to the owner, I hope he found help and is better as well.
I have always prefered large and giant breeds; never cared for ankle biters. But my mom never wanted anything taller than her knees, so there ya go. I'm a big fan of Newfs, Danes, and Irish Wolfhounds. They all have such great personalities, and are so huggable. My mom's Yorkie tries so hard to be scary. Her growls sound like a human doing a very bad immitation of a dog's growl. It's hilarious (and sad). The only one that actually fears for his life when approched by her is my neighbor's Golden Retriever. But then he's not known for bravery.... :lol: Poor guy. How can you make a Newf aggressive?!?!?! They don't even have the mental wiring to even try! Poor Newfie. That guy is sick.