To pass the time until my Prius arrives, I finished reading the owner's manual. I am not trying to pick on the quality of the translation; there is a great deal of information and Toyota has done a capable job. My favorite phrase in the manual is on pages 98 and 99, about the (Auto) Anti-Glare inside rear view mirror. "Adjust the mirror so that you can just see the rear of your vehicle in the mirror." No problem there! Are there any other sections of the Prius documentation that bring a smile to your face?
I posted the following on this old thread: During the (long) wait for my Prius to arrive, I've been reviewing a copy of the Owner's Manual, to prepare me for that glorious day. (Soon, I'll be asking for pop quizes -- "Quick! Where's the SS/SE disable switch? You have 3 seconds!!") Anyway, amongst the various yellow caution warnings in the manual is one which, for some reason, just makes me laugh: Code: CAUTION Do not put your finger in the key slot. Your finger might be injured. ---- It just makes me flash back to Robert Stack in Airplane: "Get that finger out of your ear! You don't know where that finger's been!"
I knew the answer within 3 seconds of reading the question. Does that mean everyone fails their SATs because there is a time limit to finish and the tests were printed months in advance? ;-)
I don't know if this will be funny after my translation from Swedish (which is translated from English, which is translated from Japanese I suppose): "Be careful when using the steering wheel buttons to avoid accidents in traffic" In my understanding the steering wheel buttons were meant for other things than avoiding accidents in traffic. And shouldn't I be careful when turning the AC on or adjusting the sound level? There is a lot of minor errors in the Swedish manual. And a terrible mix of Swedish and English screenshots of the MFD. And all the U.S. lawyer varnings of course. /Paj
Not verbatim, but I love the "Caution: avoid hitting passengers or cargo when adjusting the seat" (like we need to be reminded of this? Is this as necessary a caution as, say, avoiding touching the orange cables to keep from getting electrocuted?).
:lolup: Yeah, I hate it when that happens. (Particularly cargo, 'cause it's usually harder, and can damage the bumper more.) :mrgreen:
Thanks for these. My favorite information in a box is white, not yellow. From p. 44: NOTICE: Be sure to return the support rod to its clip before closing the hood. Closing the hood with the support rod inserted into the slot could cause the hood to bend. So that's how they got it to bend that way!