My hobbies are: HUGE golf fan, I am very happy with Retief Goosen's win the other day. I sent the day with him and his wife on a VIP tour of Universal Studios Orlando a couple of months ago. Very nice couple. I also like to ride around on my Segway around near my school. I also love boating. I go out on our boat ever weekend.
Hobbies Well, I am an electronics engineer who made his hobby into his profession, without losing his involvement with it as a hobby. That is one of the main reasons the Prius attracts me, besides the well-known reasons of low emissions and good mileage. So, I like to tinker with electronics, work with wood occasionally to make furniture but also grow trees (not in my back yard as I planted 18,000 black locust trees and they don't fit behind the rental house in Sunnyvale) I am also active on the Internet - activism like DEN at who stand up for endangered species and nature in general, such as the current action to stop off-road vehicle damage in forests. (Please sign!) My main transport vehicle is not my Prius (though it is my only car) because I commute by bicycle. I spend much more time on the road at my bicycle than in the Prius, though the Prius gets more miles. Several other of my activities are related to energy conservation: I once built a 3000 Watt solar electric system (still in use in the Netherlands) and I advice on the use of renewable energy and energy reduction possibilities. I like to reduce my own energy use as well (hence the bike) so I install waterflow reducers on taps, set the toilet at lowest reservoir level, install fluorescent lighting, switch the stove off from March through October (It's California!) and set the water heater for low temp. Additional isolation is not very rewarding in a rental place, but there are several other things that can be done easily - for example switch off what you don't use. And I like to convey the message to others - so I built some websites to share the experiences, see Greetings to all - sorry it became such a looooong story! Cor; 02 Aqua 14k4 46MPG calculated
My hobbies: Used to play volleyball until I broke my wrist and couldn't for a long time, gravitated to other things. Sailing. I have a boat but haven't had time to use it and with my wife's Rheumatiod Arthritis, she has no interest. Currently learning to figure skate and ice dance. I spent so much time at the rink with my older daughter it seemed like a better way to spend the time than just sitting. Good exercise, and a challenge. You watch those kids and think they make it look easy, it is probably harder than it looks. Its even harder than that, especially starting as an old geezer. I also enjoy wood working. Currently making a custom bookcase for my younger daughter's bedroom. Small house, couldn't just go out and snag something at the store so I designed my own.
Hobbies?... oh.. like.. things we do for fun? besides Prius stuff? hmm... Hiking.. fitness on my Bowflex... occassional run (prefer hiking)... jumping into the ocean every once and a while.. as long as i'm down in L.A. and not up here. too cold up here... hmm.. used to golf.. haven't in a long time though. Tinkering with cars, computers.. and anything else that most people dont' know how to assemble or build. But.. i have no specialy.. hence.. no career yet. *shrug* :mrgreen:
I love making movies as a hobby/ All of my work is displayed at my website which is linked below The CSP Section Has all of the funny films... that can be found here...
I can't say that I have steady hobbies. It just depends on the moment. There was a point some time ago when I looked at all the stuff I had acquired that are now meaningless, the time I had spent on endeavors that resulted in nothing, and the other things I didn't do which I regret not doing. So now I'm more likely to spend time doing something all-out until I either get bored with it or something else catches my eye. This approach, I believe, has allowed me to try many different things and even get very good at some of them. To that end, I wanted to try building a computer so I got into that pretty heavy for a while. I wanted a website to illustrate some of my professinal work, so I got into websmithing and made one for my high school graduating class and a family reunion. When my wife wanted a new credenza, I got into woodworking and have since made things for around the house and gifts for friends. I saw a Sherlock Holmes book at Borders one day so I read all the stories; the same with E.A. Poe and Shakespeare. I want to learn Latin. Basically, if you ask me next year what I'm into, my answers will all be different. I try to maintain an attitude that keeps me open to try all sorts of things without focussing too intently on any one.
Hobbies?? O.K. Has anyone jumped out of a perfectly good airplane from 30,000 feet. I have, but only twice from that altitude, I have 300+ jumps from around 12K - 15K. Skydiving is the ultimate rush. On the tamer side I like to play golf or at least attempt to, I also like to fish. And let's not forget the new Prius. Anyone interested in skydiving contact me please.
Hmmm.... In olden days I used to assemble Heathkit Electronic Kits... I still have several that work ... but that was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far....oops. I like to read, mostly history these days, but still quite a bit of science fiction. Before we moved to Houston, I used to help with the New Orleans Science Fiction convention. I am trying to get back into one of my first hobbies - model ship construction. Once the temperature drops, I should be able to get the spare room set up with all the equipment/tools I have collected over the last few years and get back to work _ I specialize in 1/72 scale boats. and of course there's the Prius.... :crazyeyes:
ooo... skydiving... there are only a few rushed i want out of life.. 1. to be able to drive around 200mpg or faster 2. skydiving... i will some day.
my hobbies would be reading 25+ years of computer geekishness community service, most notably Rotary International and volunteer fire dept but also lots of other stuff.
Hobbies Hobbies? Star gazing! 27 years working in a planetarium will do that to you. All things Medieval! See avatar. My wife and I love medieval history. Some of you may know what KSCA means. One idea of a fun weekend is battling 800 other armor suited like minded folks. Flying! Private pilot and former aircraft owner. Sure do miss my PA28. Stained glass! Everyone needs some form of artistic expression. Mine's a pane. Cooking, especially BBQ. I love burning good meat! Roses! Especially antique roses! Found a new hobby. Prius watching. Getting pretty good at it while we wait for our Prius. I can spot an '04 from 20 miles. Still working on my "classic" recognition skills though. From San Antonio, SAPrius
Yes, I have them too! We like going to the antique shows around LA area on Sundays and finding neat treasures, old antique and sparkly jewelry, old books, and all sorts of things. And, collecting old Matchbox/Lesney cars from the 50's and 60's... I have many of these with original packaging and boxes. Putting the car's top down and going to the beach (I live about 2 miles form Laguna's best beach!) is also a pastime for me. Dianne
My current hobbies are: fitness, particularly weight training and kickboxing (though I think of it as more of a lifestyle than a "hobby," though I suppose my collection of workout videos/DVD's and workout "toys" could be the hobby part of it); gardening/landscaping (less than I used to, when I tore out all the sod in the front yard of my new house, brought in fresh soil, and planted bird and butterfly-attracting plants--now I just maintain and add a bit here and there); cats (I volunteer at a local shelter, where I socialize cats, trim their claws, brush them, and otherwise just get the used to people); vegan cooking (and collecting cookbooks, though I don't use them often); French music; Reading.
Boy, don't I feel like the ultimate underacheiver!!! Actually, I don't. I am very fortunate in the overall scheme of things. I like my job, where I feel I make a difference and in my spare time I like to collect world coins, read books, work as a cub and boy scout leader, spend waaaaay too much time surfing all things Prius and going geocaching ( with the kids. The prius, with it's destination by coordinate feature, is a great geocaching car!
Let see... I am single, so nearly everything I do is classified as a hobby according to my mom. Reading. SciFi & Fantasy mostly. Long live Terry Pratchett and Louis McMaster Bujould! Books on Tape, I don't use my iPod for music! Actually I don't use my iPod at all because it sucks for BOT. I use my iRiver. Anybody want to buy my iPod 30? I just got it back from Apple warranty repair. It is still in the packaging. D&D, Amtgard (SCA like thing...sort of...) Cruising on my GoldWing Knitting sweaters Flying, although it has been a while and I need BFR and an airplane. I really miss my Mooney 40C! My dog. But he isn't really a hobby, he is family! ...and my latest hobby has been obsessing over the Prius. Damn dangerous hobby!
Well, let's review the short list: -- fiction & history, and a fair number of comix Swimming (for fitness and clearing the head at the end of the day) Bird watching / day hikes Film and video (without much foresight, I own in the area of 600 laserdiscs. And before that, I had a Beta VCR. Boy, I sure can pick 'em :roll: ) Usual computer geeky stuff: Love to write code in Python -- have completely given up on Unix scripting, awk and Perl. (I write Windows apps for $$ -- not for pleasure :wink: ) And now the Prius (even though I don't have it yet) House and yard maintenance There's also two hobbies that I need to either get back into, or drop: . Haven't for years, but I love diving in Puget Sound. However, hauling around a 40 lb. weight belt and a tank are more of a challenge than it used to be; and the one disadvantage to maintaining my weight is that all that fat was a great insulator against the cold. But if you're considering it, I cannot recommend it enough -- it's a wonderful experience! Been thinking of switching to sea kayaking... great for birdwatching of shore birds. Writing film/comix reviews
Great to be in the company of such energetic people. I also made my vocation my hobby. After 33 years in the Canadian Navy(including 2 years on exchange with the USN in Pearl Harbor,sailing back to Canada in a 34' sloop), retired after driving a couple of ASW destroyers and sailed south as far as Manzanillo, MX and return in a 54' wooden ketch. Now busy with Amateur radio (VE7GJE) and helicopter flight simulation when the boss gives me a break from the chores. When the Prius arrives next month?? I'll be much to busy applying all the goodies I read about here plus keeping the mpg records and the vehicle bright and shiny.
1. Running - As of 2004, I've become an ultramarathon runner. Plan to do a couple next year and WS100 in 2006. 2. Hiking - I love to get closer to nature. I have gone through several long dayhikes (30-40 miles) around the Bay. I did Half Dome last year in 5.5 Hr (3 up and 2.5 down), Mt. Dana in 2.5 Hr, and the Mt. Whitney for 10 Hr (5.5 up and 4.5 down) this year. Plan to spend 10 days to complete JMT this year. 3. Computer - a hobby as my profession (software engineer) and a way to make living 4. Classical music - never bored for 20 years. 5. Prius - I really enjoy it every moment. 6. Family - My wife and two lovely kids. 7. Thinking and reading great literatures - make myself better as well.
1. collect German nutcrackers - mostly Steinbach. Have run out of space for them so haven't acquired any for a little while. 2. reading - mostly fiction 3. playing computer games - nothing with guns or any live action for that matter. 4. day hikes - to counteract all the sitting reading and playing computer games. 5. my Prius and - my family says I'm obsessed. 6. photography - mostly on those day hikes 7. want to get back into art but afraid someone will ask to see what I've been doing - YIKES!