Used Oil Analysis (UOA) or Analyses and Extended Oil Change Interval

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by dcoyne78, Dec 15, 2006.

  1. dcoyne78

    dcoyne78 New Member

    May 26, 2006
    [attachmentid=8679]I wanted to create a thread where oil analyses could be found easily. I am attaching a spreadsheet with some known analyses. One thing I have noticed is that some of the TBNs are much higher than others at similar mileage with the same oil, this may be due to many factors, but a simple explanation may be that different labs use different methods to determine TBN. I know that during the synthetic Oil Life Study that Blackstone changed methods and the TBN went to lower numbers for the same sample. If people whose data are in the spreadsheet attached could let me know the lab they used and the date of their analyses I could add them to the attached spreadsheet (or you can put them in yourself if you don't mind.) I wanted to recognize Tochatihu (DAS) for putting the spreadsheet together. I may re sort the database to show how things look as the oil change interval(oci) is increased, and then sort on iron and aluminum. Do we know what the average miles on oil is for the Blackstone universal averages? Thanks.


    Edited to correct who created the spreadsheet and changed spreadsheet with updates for jayman's lab.
    Update on spreadsheet 1/4/2007, added sub3marathon UOA
    Another update 1/10/07 and some corrections let me know if I've made mistakes on your UOA. Thanks.
    Update 1/22/07 added Scott C 's analyses
    Update 2/24/2007 added my analysis
    Update 6/7/2007 added two analyses 10000 miles and 12000 miles

    Attached Files:

  2. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    I have my used oil tested by Caterpillar Toremont Labs. Asides from an early high Na level, the Prius is very easy on Mobil 1

    I also would like to see more results of using dealer or cheap 5W-30 to establish baselines. I should contact Duffy's Taxi in Winnipeg, at last count they were operating 45 Prius taxi cabs.
  3. dcoyne78

    dcoyne78 New Member

    May 26, 2006
    Thanks Jayman. I agree that it would be nice to see a few UOAs from dino, from what I have seen over at bobisttheoilguy (aka bitog) if someone is going to stick with a 5000 mi oci to maintain their warranty then synthetic oil is a waste of money. I didn't realize this until I had 50K on my car, but I might have used the Mobil 1 anyway as cheap insurance and maybe for a little better fuel economy. For a lot of people the extra $16 per oil change is worth it for peace of mind.
  4. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(maineprius947 @ Dec 16 2006, 02:00 PM) [snapback]363149[/snapback]</div>
    I guess that would depend on the operating conditions. In "normal" conditions of temperatures not lower than -20 C or hotter than +35 C, you are entirely correct.

    Temperatures to -40 C, the cold flow properties alone make a synthetic very desirable. This is true of a 0W-30 or especially a 0W-20. I have noted about an average 5-10% better city fuel economy running 0W-20 instead of 0W-30 in winter, especially in temps colder than -25 C. In temps of "only" -15 C or warmer, the difference isn't noticeable.

    In January once I'm back from my vacation I'll post my UOA if you wish.
  5. dcoyne78

    dcoyne78 New Member

    May 26, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman @ Dec 19 2006, 06:20 PM) [snapback]364354[/snapback]</div>
    Thanks Jayman. You are definitely right about the dino in extreme temps, especially on the cold side. I don't see the low temps that you do. It would be great to see your UOA.

  6. dcoyne78

    dcoyne78 New Member

    May 26, 2006
    I just added another oil analysis to the spreadsheet, results looked good after 5K, TBN down to 2.9, I will resample at 7.5K. No makeup oil so far, Mobil 1 Oil Filter, OEM Air filter changed just before last oil change.
    Oil in service on 9/26/06

    Blackstone Labs Oil Analyses for 2004 Prius oil in service 9/26/06
    Oil Type Mobil 1 0W20 SM
    Date 12/23/2006

    Eng mi 55358
    Oil Mi 4903
    Al 3
    Cr 0
    Fe 5
    Cu 1
    Pb 0
    Sn 0
    Mo 94
    Ni 0
    Mn 0
    Ag 0
    Ti 0
    K 0
    B 47
    Si 12
    Na 5
    Ca 2273
    Mg 11
    P 631
    Zn 739
    Ba 0
    Visc 53.9
    Flash 365
    Fuel % <0.5
    Antifr % 0
    H20 % 0
    Insol % 0.4
    TBN 2.9
  7. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(maineprius947 @ Jan 4 2007, 01:28 PM) [snapback]370780[/snapback]</div>
    That doesn't sound right, the TBN going to 2.9 after only 5,000 miles. At 10,000 miles the lowest I've seen so far has been around 4.9. Or does my testing lab and yours run different TBN measurements, to further confuse the situation??
  8. dcoyne78

    dcoyne78 New Member

    May 26, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman @ Jan 7 2007, 07:13 PM) [snapback]372236[/snapback]</div>
    I think our labs use different tests to determine TBN, I noticed that some in the spreadsheet were much higher than others which is why I asked people to give me their Lab info. If you look at the results from DAS who I think (could you confirm this DAS?) uses Blackstone Labs, his TBN tends to be lower than yours at similar mileage and using the same oil. If you have looked at the synthetic oil life study from a few years ago (which also used Blackstone Labs) the TBN test method got changed in the middle of the Mobil 1 part of the study and the results were posted for both old and new TBN from 12000 to 18000 miles. Based on that study one method gives a TBN about 2 times the other, my guess is that your lab uses the first method and Blackstone uses the second method (there may be several different tests, I haven't researched it.) So as usual, you hit the nail on the head, I think the confusion is different test methods. It would be nice if there was a single test that all the labs used. According to your lab at what TBN level would the oil be "used up"? At Blackstone 1.0 is considered too low, but the people over at bitog like to see TBN at 2.0 or more.

  9. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(maineprius947 @ Jan 9 2007, 11:33 AM) [snapback]373035[/snapback]</div>
    Ah, that explains that. My testing lab considers TBN<3.5 essentially used up. There should be one standard, this tends to really confuse the novice Priuschat member
  10. dcoyne78

    dcoyne78 New Member

    May 26, 2006
    Agreed. For those who look at the spreadsheet and are new to used oil analysis (UOA). Note that there are at least 2 ways to measure TBN (total base number) one gives numbers that range from 3.5 to 8.0 for oil used between 5000 to 13000 miles and the other ranges from 1.5 to 3.5. Higher numbers are better and unused oil starts at either 10 or 15 depending on the oil and method used to measure TBN. More info can be found at Bobistheoilguy, but this might be TMI for most people.

  11. dcoyne78

    dcoyne78 New Member

    May 26, 2006
    More stuff added to the spreadsheet and note that there are two sheets now one with PPM and the other with PPM/ 1000 oil miles. So far it looks like Iron and Aluminum are the main wear metals (except new engines which will show high copper). Iron tends to be .9 to 1.4 PPM/ 1000 mi and Aluminum .3 to .6 PPM/ 1000 miles based on oil change intervals (ocis) ranging from 5K to 13K miles. See post #1 for the spreadsheet
  12. p626808

    p626808 New Member

    Mar 10, 2004
    2010 Prius
    Nice spreadsheet.. thanks for putting it together
  13. dcoyne78

    dcoyne78 New Member

    May 26, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(p626808 @ Jan 23 2007, 07:30 AM) [snapback]379432[/snapback]</div>
    No problem, most of the credit should go to Tochatihu (aka DAS), who put the original spreadsheet together, I have added a few of my own UOAs and yours (p626808) and tried to add a few other things I thought would be of interest.

    My latest analysis at 7.5K miles is below, I will update the spreadsheet eventually. Strangely the TBN went up from 4.9K to 7.5K , a jump from 2.9 to 4.6. I added 4 oz of oil to make up for the oil removed for analysis, but I don't think this is enough to make such a big difference, I am not sure what to think about the TBN, I may ask Blackstone to re-test the TBN. Other than this everything looked pretty good. Any comments would be appreciated.

    Blackstone Labs Oil Analyses for 2004 Prius
    oil filter Mobil 1, air filter is OEM, oil placed in service 9/26/06 at 50455 mi
    Oil Type Mobil 1 0W20 SM
    Date Feb-07

    Eng mi 57983
    Oil Mi 7528
    Al 4
    Cr 0
    Fe 8
    Cu 1
    Pb 0
    Sn 0
    Mo 88
    Ni 0
    Mn 0
    Ag 0
    Ti 0
    K 1
    B 40
    Si 11
    Na 3
    Ca 2210
    Mg 12
    P 599
    Zn 700
    Ba 0
    Visc 51.5
    Flash 370
    Fuel <0.5%
    Antifr 0.0%
    H20 0.0%
    Insol 0.2%
    TBN 4.6
  14. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(maineprius947 @ Feb 20 2007, 02:31 PM) [snapback]393381[/snapback]</div>
    Your results are very good.

    The TBN might be in error. It's not a big deal though. If you're curious, take another sample and have it retested.
  15. dmckinstry

    dmckinstry New Member

    May 4, 2006
    Cheney, WA (Near Spokane)
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman @ Feb 20 2007, 07:00 PM) [snapback]393651[/snapback]</div>


    I just got my report from Western States Cat, and am a little concerned. There was only about 1000 miles on this oil (Prius at 40k), but they said the sample shows fuel dilution and low viscosity. I'm not sure if I'm reading it right, under Viscosity there's a column for Fuel, Water and 40C. Below fuel it says Y, below water, N and below 40C 20.0. Infrared Anyalysis shows Soot 28, Oxi, 20, Nit, 62 and Sul 20. For wear metals, most indicate 1 or 2 parts/million, except 4 for sodium, 8 for potassium, 102 for moly, 1050 for calcium, 3 for magnesium, 402 for phospor (phosphorus?) and 470 for zinc. I guess these aren't especially bad, except it is only 1000 miles on the oil. I do wonder about their spelling of abbreviations though.

    At the bottom of the report they interpret the sample as showing fuel dilution (Is that from soot in the IR analysis?) and low viscosity. I would guess that's from fuel dilution. But what could cause fuel dilution. I would hardly think the Prius runs too rich. Could cold weather driving short trips cause that?

    They suggest an oil change and resample in 3000 miles. Next Monday, I may do an oil change (with the dealer this time), check the oil immediately after and again in 3000 miles.

    What are your thoughts. Is this a big concern? The farthest I've ever gone between oil changes is 5500 miles, and usually under 5000 miles. All but two changes have been at the dealer.

    Dave M.
  16. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dmckinstry @ Feb 20 2007, 11:32 PM) [snapback]393673[/snapback]</div>
    Whoa, that's not exactly Hit The Panic Button ... yet. However, what I would do, is take another sample, and send it off to be retested. Or if you're really worried about this, take another sample, change the oil, and have peace of mind while waiting for the retest to arrive.

    Before you do so, do me a favor? Take out the dipstick and carefully sniff the oil. Or, wipe onto a kleenix and then carefully sniff the tissue. Even minor fuel dilution is readily apparent to most noses.

    With most fuel injected cars, even a lot of short trips in cold temps don't cause that sort of fuel dilution. If it really is fuel dilution, I wonder if perhaps an injector has a slight leak. But let's see what the retest shows before jumping the gun.

    I'm leaving tomorrow on a brief business trip, back Friday night. Whatever you decide to do, please keep me informed.
  17. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dmckinstry @ Feb 20 2007, 11:32 PM) [snapback]393673[/snapback]</div>
    - Sodium is probably sodium alkyl aryl sulfonate, which is used as an emulsifier for oil additives

    - Potassium can have many sources, some is present in fresh oils, in coolant, and atmospheric

    - moly is an antiwear additive in motor oils

    - calcium is a detergent/dispersant in motor oils

    - magnesium is also used as a detergent/dispersant in motor oils

    - phosphorus is part of the ZDP antiwear additive package

    - zinc is part of the ZDP antiwear additive package
  18. dmckinstry

    dmckinstry New Member

    May 4, 2006
    Cheney, WA (Near Spokane)
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman @ Feb 20 2007, 07:43 PM) [snapback]393683[/snapback]</div>
    OK. Thanks. I'll do the sniff test tomorrow. If I don't smell anything, I'll let my wife smell it. She's especially sensitive to chemical smells.

    Dave M.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman @ Feb 20 2007, 07:55 PM) [snapback]393700[/snapback]</div>
    Thanks for the rundown. It seems like those are all normal parts of the oil.
    I'll probably just send off a fresh sample on the weekend. The reduced viscosity doesn't especially bother you then?

    Dave M.
  19. dcoyne78

    dcoyne78 New Member

    May 26, 2006

    Did you get the oil up to normal operating temp before pulling your sample? I have read that not doing so could result in the appearance of fuel dilution. I would not worry too much because your wear metals are fine and there is little evidence of antifreeze. I would use a name brand oil, and bring it to the dealer and tell them you will be doing oil analysis so they actually put it in the engine. The dealer bulk oil is not very good.

  20. McShemp

    McShemp New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    SA, TX
    2006 Prius
    Is there a "virgin" test result for Mobil1 5W30 (or anything close, 10W30, 0W20, etc.) in the spreadsheet? I don't really want to re-test if it's already been tested. I will be using Blackstone.