My Inaugural Post

Discussion in 'Order Tracking' started by ePH D0GG, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. ePH D0GG

    ePH D0GG New Member

    Aug 22, 2004
    Date Ordered: 8/20/2004
    Dealer Ordered From: Toyota Town, Stockton, CA
    Timeframe given for delivery: 2 - 3 months
    Color: Silver or Black
    Option Package: #9
    Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: approx. 40

    August 30, 2004 - 7:30 PM ~ With dreams of a Prius zooming blissfully in my head, a cell phone rings off in the distance. I grouchily answer the call.

    "Hey buddy, got some good news for you!"

    Oh cool, my weekly update from Asif of Toyota Town, Stockton. Maybe he's called to tell me that I'm now number 30 on the list? Or perhaps, Toyota Town's allocations have gone up? Nonetheless, I'm happy to hear his voice as it confirms that he kept his promise of keeping me updated on a weekly basis.

    "We just got a Prius with your exact specifications with your name on it!"

    The cool rush of adrenaline fills my veins. Only 10 days? I must still be dreaming ... my subconscious' idea of a cruel joke. Surely, this is the part of the dream where Asif engages in a progressively loud evil cackle, puncuated with a firm, 'YEA RIGHT SUCKA!' Asif, surely you jest?

    "You're kidding me dood."
    "Nope, you are one lucky man."
    "Hallelujah! Asif, I could kiss you brutha!"

    This is where my dream finally becomes a reality. The gf and I are taking a one-way rental to stockton this saturday, 9/4, for the big pickup. We intend to drive it around San Francisco and finally back to LA for a good break in. I'm curious to see how it handles the Grapevine, but I'm sure it won't be a problem.

    Some final thoughts - i'll echo the sentiments of many on this board that Asif of Stockton Toyota Town is the diamond in the rough of all sleazy car salesman. He has been nothing but professional and we did the whole transaction over the phone. Call him: (209) 327-0488.

    I just wanted to take this time to thank all of the people of this board for sharing their insight and experiences. Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to get to this point. I feel kind of guilty for getting it so fast, considering the 8 month wait times that folks are experiencing here in SoCal ... but then again, I don't feel that guilty :D

    - eph
  2. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    congrats and welcome aboard!! I'm sure you'll love the car!

  3. bookrats

    bookrats New Member

    Mar 12, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    Congratulations! (And that's a great avatar, BTW -- like the Chairman Mao of the dog world.)
  4. pshady

    pshady New Member

    Jul 23, 2004
    San Gabriel Valley, CA
    Congrats and ditto on Asif. He's the best. I made the same trip down from Stockton to LA, and I can tell you that the Grapevine is no challenge for the Prius. I blew by so many cars, and never felt lacking for power (only had to restrain myself from going too fast during the break-in period).

    Have a fun drive down! Long drives are definitely better with the nav and all the toys in the car!

    Post a pic of the delivery if you can!
  5. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Not 1 person of the other 40 wanted it? Wow.
    How old are you? The grapevine ain't what it was when I was a kid ;-) In fact, anyone who sees it for the first time now would wonder what idiot came up with that name! Way back when I was a youngster, it could most easily be described as a really big Lombard Street. If you didn't overheat on the way up or burn your brakes out on the way down, your day was made :) Now you just have to see if a vehicle can hold 70 or so and make sure you don't get stuck behind a semi. As pshady said, Prii have what it takes on hills
  6. ePH D0GG

    ePH D0GG New Member

    Aug 22, 2004
    48 mpg avg

    Picked up my prius last saturday (9/4) from toyota town in stockton. I suppose my gf and I really looked like out of towners given my shaved head and some unsightly tatoos. As soon as I opened the door to my rental, a slick looking salesman asked how he could help me and I said, bring me to Asif! He then proceeded to make a disappointed look as if to silently say, "that darn Asif makes all the Prius sales". I could barely hold my brewing anticipation as Asif was paged to come and meet me.

    Asif came out and my impression of him being professional yet warm still held true in person. As promised, I had an '04 prius, silver #9, at MSRP, detailed and ready to go in the customer service port. Many an onlooker were gawking at it and asking ever the weary salesman if it were for sale. I held the satisfaction in my heart that it was all mine, and I was about to sign the contract that made it official. The whole transaction was a breeze, and I was out of there in no time. After some last minute inspection (the predelivery checklist thread on this forum rocks), I was on my way for a trip that would take me to San Fransico and back to LA to put the Prius through its paces.

    I decided not to take the Grapevine back, but instead took the scenic 1/101 freeway that hugs the California coast. Being a leadfoot with my previous car, a BMW 330ci, driving the Prius 'correctly' took some getting used to. I found the car to be surprisingly peppier than I thought it was going to be, and it had no problem at all with steep inclines both in San Francisco and on the way back to LA. All I can say is that this car is truly an engineering miracle. On a side note -> the GPS navigation voice sounds pretty cute, though I didn't tell my gf that lol :D. I photo-documented the whole adventure from beginning to end, so I'll post that once I get a chance.

  7. Batavier

    Batavier Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    The Netherlands
    Way to go ePH! Gratz on yer new ride! :D