OK this is a quintessential Washington question. When will you put your headlights on for the winter and when will you turn them off. My Ford had automatic headlights and I did not have to worry about it. My previous SAAB's headlights would go off when you shut it down and took the key out, so the lights were on for the winter. Drive to work in the dark, home in the dark. As I remember this started in October, ended in very late April. How about you?
I always leave mine on. Fogs too. They automatically turn off when the car is turned off AND the door opens, and upon startup they pop on instantly. That way I never have to worry about it.
My lights (both primary & secondary) will be on all Winter long, since Minnesota is dark most of my commutes throughout the cold season anyway. After just a few minutes of driving, the filth that gets sprayed onto them reduces the brightness. So all the more reason to just always have them on, even during the day. Obscured views due to snow piles means visibility is more difficult as well. So every little safety advantage you can get is a good thing. As for turning them off, over a decade of experience having to shut off secondary lights manually (since I installed them myself by simply tapping off of the 12-volt) has taught me to just automatically do it anyway. Otherwise, I'd be stranded with a dead battery. The habit is now a brainless routine, just like making sure to lock the door on the way out.
I don't think I would want lights that went on when the key got as far as ACC. Nothing like trying to crank a car at 20 below when the lights are pulling the battery down at the same time As for when? You are somewhat farther north than I. Since I usually get to work at 6 AM, my lights have been on going to work for several weeks.
Like Brad, I have started just leaving them all on all the time. Having just traded in my Buick Regal with automatic lights, I have forgotten how to manually turn the lights on and off. Like someone else said of having to insert the key into the dashboard, "that is so-o-o 20th century". I really am surprised that the mirror automatically adjusts at night but the lights don't. Seriously, the first night I drove Priapus, I didn't even think about turning the lights on because I was so accustomed to them just coming on all my themselves (whether I could tell they were on or not). Then realizing that I was driving a dark car just past dusk sort of freaked me out. I know that historically I have almost pulled in front of headlight-less dark cars. To make sure this never happens to me, I leave them on. Also, during the day they act as daytime running lights which is just safer.
well since ive had to turn on my lights to go to work for the past month i guess i turn em on when its dark. being this far north, in the winter, its not dark at 4 pm but its getting there. add a typical WA day being overcast and rainy and that makes it darker still. but also keeping in mind that the lights must affect the mileage somewhat, i would not use them on those rare days when its sunny out. does the Prius have sensors for daytime running lights? i know in most cars the voltage is lower.
The option for DRL, is in software, the dealer can set it, it is on by law the Canadian Prius, so maybe?
My rule of thumb is that whenever it's dim enough outside that I can't see/read my instrument pannel at a quick glance very easily, then it's time to turn my lights on. So if it's just dark enough to put em in deep shadow, then I should have my lights on.
Star: that wouldnt work very well with the Prius as it can be very dark before you would not be able to see the gauges. realize of course that there are no analog gauges on the car.
Oh yeah... I forgot! I guess this only works in Beast, who does indeed have analog gauges. I guess you can always put your lights on when you start seeing others on the road with their lights on.
It is now dark when I get up. Twilight when I go to work. It will not be long until it is dark when I go home. Oh well. Who need the sun? Not me. Though Sasha is a bit upset she does not like the seasonal change and she does not like the rain in her bathroom. She seems a bit put out every fall, like someone has it in for her! LOL I love to watch her indignation every fall. This is the first Newf who has felt this way but it is quite clear she hold me responsible. It reminds me of "Door into Summer"
dont feel bad henry. other than a few weeks during the summer when its early dawn (dusk level light) it is always pitch black when i go to work
LOL, my lab doesn't like the rain either. She has to be drug outside and out from under the eves of the house, and told very sternly to "go potty". Otherwise, she gives you a look that says "hell no!" and runs back under the eves. She only likes water if it's in the form of a lake.
hmmm... my dog cant stand the rain either. when its raining out, he only goes out when he has to and walks on wet grass like his feet hurt or something
Mine will hold it for DAYS before finally giving in and going (went over a week once, because it was non-stop raining, and she was not going to get wet!). No matter how much water your force her to drink, she will not go til it stops raining if she gets into this kind of stubborn mood. Needless to say, we don't have to worry if we need to be gone all day and have to leave her in the house. Her ability to hold it is both a blessing and a curse.
Maybe you could pitch a small awning out in the appropriate area, then she could do her business without having to stand in the rain.
Older book on robots, time travel, and a cat who holds his owner responsible for the weather outside. Dogs have owners, Cats have staff. bruceha_2000 wrote "Maybe you could pitch a small awning out in the appropriate area, then she could do her business without having to stand in the rain." She has such a place won't walk that far in the rain. I think she would rather make me be responsible for the weather.
OOOHHH now i know what you are talking about... that is Robert HEILEIN you mean... he is in the same vein as Assimov, Ray Bradbury, and other Sci Fi writers. he wrote Starship Troopers Have Spacesuit will travel Citizen of the Galaxy