I've had to temporarily suspend sending out the Digests because we have had a recent influx of bad email addresses/over quota email boxes. To be a member of PriusChat, you must have a valid, current email address listed in your profile. We are going to begin a crackdown soon to filter out the members who are using "filler" email accounts or simply invalid email addresses. We at PriusChat do not use your personal information for any purposes outside of this site. You will be contacted with site information such as notifications of PMs, notifications of replies to a thread you selected to watch, the email digests, etc. We will not sell your information to a 3rd party or use it at all outside of the realm of PriusChat. Worried about others on the site using your email address? Simply go to: Profile/Profile/Profile Settings/Privacy/Always show my e-mail address And select No. I'm going to give everyone a week to update your email accounts if needed, then we will be deleting the accounts of anyone without a valid email address. Thank you for your help, everyone. Waking up to 1,200 returned emails on Monday morning isn't the best way to start the work-week. Danny
What if I don't get the digest? (and don't want it?) Danny, will you delete the account even if we don't subscribe to the digest? Nate
Digests are one of the best features of Prius Chat! Click on the word Digests just under the PRIUSCHAT.COM logo at the top of the page. Or click here: http://priuschat.com/forums/digests.php
Ok, how do I make the email button (next to the profile, PM, www, ignore buttons etc) go away? I only use a "junk email" address because I can't find a way to make that particular button go away. (Profile/Profile/Profile Settings/Privacy/Always show my e-mail address; And select No. <---I have had this selected as 'no' from the every beginning) OTOH, I don't subscribe to any of the digests, so would I be effected by this ban that you are putting into effect? I keep my 'junk email' box cleaned out too, so it never bounces emails (it is a current and valid, always in use address).
Starbug, Your e-mail address button does not show to me, and I've (allegedly) got moderator privledges! I suspect that only you can see that button b/c it's your account. --evan
Basically we'll be instituting a new feature that will be able to validate the email address you use, and if that email comes back bounced the system will delete your account. The email server was becoming overloaded on the weekends due to attempts to resend digests to invalid email addresses, and this was causing me to have thousands of returns as well as some of our members receiving hundreds of copies of the digest because of the server strain. With our continued growth, I can't continue to just wake up every Monday and delete those thousands of emails and then receive the numerous emails every week of members stating they got multiple digests. And yes, Starbug, you'll see the email button on your own account all of the time. But others can't see it. Try logging out and viewing one of your posts, I bet you'll see that it's gone. Thanks everyone.
So it appears that I am subscribed to digests, but I have never received one. My email address is valid (I get the emails from topics I am subscribed from and I just double checked it) and I know it's not full (gmail). I wonder if the digests are being bounced for some reason (they are not going to the spam folder) and contributing to the problem.
Star as long as it works and you keep it emptied out, then its not a "junk email" Danny is referring to the people that use a junk email account, and NEVER check it. so it fills up and then bounces everything back. OR if its not log into on a regular basis, then it gets suspended or closed and bounces everything back. just make sure the address is valid and works as shown as the mailbot probably wouldn't be able to get around any spam workarounds that many people use when putting emails in public places.
I am a victom of multiple digests, right before danny temporarily disabled digests, I had recieved 5,000 copies of the digest in less than 3 days Danny what are you using to check? i'd like to put it on my site.
Well I feel better now. Thanks guys. I don't mind emails from people I know (and have come to know thru these forums), but I didn't want complete strangers to send stuff/spam to me. So you all that I can see your email buttons, you've set your profile to allow the public (as in PCers) to "view your web info"? Is my www button visible to you guys? I don't mind if anyone can see that one. Or maybe I should just ask which buttons can you guys see? I'm just curious now.
no we can not. be default, your email is hidden. if you would like to unhide it go to "profile" at top of page click on "profile" tab click "profile settings" located left side of window click "privacy" there you have "always show e-mail" and choices of "always", "never" or "only to friends" there are also other settings you may alter... many people want to know this but think they must be prvillaged to do stuff like hiding their online status... now with this info, you can feel privillaged too.