According to Madison is #1 when it comes to the popularity of hybirds in the Midwest metropolitan areas. Based on year-to-date registration figures through September 2006, Madison is #15 out of all areas in the US, and it is the only Midwestern area on the list. 2.68 hybrids per 1000 households. Take that Chicago! And you Minneapolis! You too, Milwaukee! Click here for the full list.
OK, someone messed up their math. <_< Metro Statistical Areas Population - July 1, 2005 Estimate Rank / Metropolitan Area / Population 25/ Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, OR-WA / 2,095,861 27/ Sacramento-Arden-Arcade-Roseville, CA / 2,042,283 I sure wish they would compare apples to apples. Sacramento's Metro Area is NOT three times larger than Portand's. Sacramento is smaller, had more hybrid sales, yet Portland is ranked #1? :huh: Statistics . . . lies, and damn lies.
I'd like to see them break it down to small towns. My little town along the Jersey shore, according to the 2000 census, has 285 households and 718 residents. We have at least 3 hybrids (2 Priuses & a HyCam). If my math is right, that gives us 10.53 hybrids per 1000. Of course, if our neighboring town of 280 people and 120 households has even 1 hybrid, they'd have 8.33 hybrids per 1000. Lies, damn lies and statistics, indeed.
I am in Madison and ever since I have been looking to buy a Prius, I notice them everywhere. I think that Madison would be a great city too for a Smart car dealership to go up. I think they would sell a good number of vehicles here.
we saw quite a few more on our last trip through wisconsin than we had on previous trips, that's for sure. and people there still wave too :lol:
wow nice stats for this year... but if going with all registrations, i think seattle ranks much higher than 12th. what we need is amount of governmental registrations which includes local and state figures. we have the dept of transportation here that probably has greater than 50% in autos (obviously trucks and heavy equipment does not figure in this). we have a regional yard that had 12 hybrids and one regular ICE there one day. (normally the lot is 100% hybrids but rare to see more than 4-5 cars there at any one time)
Does anyone know where to find the full list(s)? Know where to get any other statistics related to sales? I'm doing a project for my GIS class and I'd like to map Prius or hybrid sales for the nation. I can probably use hybrid vehicle registrations by state, but I'd really like something more specific, like sales per county or zip code. Then I'm doing to map other data like air quality, gas prices, state incentives, # of licensed drivers, perception of environmental issues, etc. etc. to see if there is any correlation to actual sales. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! ~ Super Muffin Girl