Hi all, I test drove the new Prius last weekend and loved it, but want to make sure it will work with my (steep) driveway. Has anyone measured the Angle of Approach on the Gen 5 (XLE/Limited)? If some kind soul would be willing to measure their vehicle, I would be super grateful! I can't post links as a new member, but if you Google "Race Ramps Approach Angle Calculator", there is a tool that requires two quick measurements to calculate it.
If they've still got the demo, go down there and measure? Or another test drive, and test it on your driveway... FYI, I tried doing that measurement (on our '10), and there are a few complexities. In particular, that the front bumpers tend to curve towards the corners, necessitating doing the measurement at vehicle centerline. To achieve that, maybe bring along something like a multi-section, carbon-fiber tent pole, long enough to span the centre-to-centre of the front wheels, slide it in there? The thickness of what you press against the tires would be a factor too, maybe.
From my notes - I got the overhang and angle numbers from a Toyota spec, and the nose clearance is calculated from them. G5 approach angle = 13.6° G5 departure angle = 21.5° G5 front overhang = 981mm G5 rear overhang = 869mm G5 nose clearance = 237mm Better on both than the G3, which was the worst Prius nose-scraper, but not as good as the G4. Similar to G2. G1 was apparently the best of all Priuses for angles + nose clearance. For all Priuses, you'd be better off reversing up your drive. (Some of my numbers for other gens were estimates from photos, so I wouldn't be as confident of publishing them as the G5 above, and some were from old specs).
I have to agree with the G3 to G5 comparison. There were a few places locally where I routinely scraped the nose of my 2010. I've yet to scrape the nose of my 2023 in any of those same spots.
Thanks, super helpful! Thanks as well, Mendel, for the advice... perhaps I should just use another test drive to answer it once and for all...
I can negotiate steeper inclines if I approach at an angle eg. 45°. So far that’s always worked for me.
I've heard about approach (and departure?) angles, typically with off-road capable SUV's, never looked it up. Interesting to know. We occasionally back up into a steep up-slope driveway, and either backing in or exiting, it's kinda eerie, looking at the front of the car practically on the pavement. Guess there are limits...