Terminate Initialization by connecting TC and CG Adventure

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by fragglestickcar, Mar 10, 2025 at 1:09 PM.

  1. fragglestickcar

    Apr 4, 2018
    New York
    2006 Prius
    So Techstream started issuing "Terminate Initialization by connecting TC and CG for thirty seconds" when programming TPMS. Googled it, saw TSB 0084-09, and like fifty other guys on the internet, couldn't shake off the error no matter what permutations of steps I tried.

    Saw this way-back-when 2016 post on ToyotaNation by "Protech":

    "With the narrow tapered side DOWN, TC (pin 13) is the FIFTH from the left on the BOTTOM row. The CG (pin 4) is the FOURTH from the left on the TOP row."

    Well, this fellow's got his wires crossed, I said to myself since as you can see from my Mini-VCI connector, pin 13 is fifth from the left top, and pin 4 is fourth from the left bottom, tapered side UP. Therefore, if you reorient to Protech's tapered side DOWN, pin 13 is FOURTH from the left BOTTOM and pin 4 is FIFTH from left TOP.


    So I continue googling and futzing for another two hours, then decided maybe I'm the idiot. I re-google the connector diagram, and duh, Protech's right, and the Mini-VCI numbering (as the male side) is if anything, the mirror of the female side.

    After jumping for twenty seconds, the multidisplay shows the debug screen, and the error registering TPMS ids is gone! I have to wonder if all the frustrated accounts about the persistent TC/CG error could be attributed to the same mistake.
  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Wait a minute what's the problem in text stream It's not text problem It's your VCI cords problem right because I don't have any of these problems entering in the four codes for the TPMS sensors and the light goes off and I drive off but now with an AP200 I don't even have to pull tech off the shelf along with the CF-13 tough book and all that so now it sits most of the time dead with the AP200 you don't have to do anything but type in the four numbers within what is it a minute Hit enter and the light goes off and you go so I'm not sure what's happening other than maybe your VCI cable is wonky run by your tire store and they'll wave a wand over the business and the light will go out in short order or mess around with the pins and on your OBD2 port I generally don't like to be doing that If I can't get the correct cable then we're going to end that and just go to the AP200 now nobody should be really trying to buy or hack the Toyota software because there's just no need anymore 5 years ago it was a very different story
  3. MAX2

    MAX2 Active Member

    Aug 12, 2024
    Third planet from the Sun
    2007 Prius
    There was such a topic.

    TPMS Reset via DLC3 | PriusChat