Looking at doing some preventive maintenance on our recently acquired 2010. It's at 211k miles. We've racked up a quick 3700 miles on it over the last few weeks and it seems pretty good. I want to replace the water pump with a genuine Aisin. I'm a bit nervous about fakes on Amazon. Rockauto has the Aisin WPT-190 for $210 + shipping. Gulp. Amayama.com sells the same part for $98 + $33 shipping from Japan, for a total of $131. Not bad. The big sellers from Ebay are also selling from Japan for a little less. MH2Store has sold 250 of them for $125 shipped. I guess I feel pretty confident that amayama is not selling fakes. Are the ebay sellers located in Japan also trustworthy? Why so much cheaper than Rockauto? I don't see this kind of pricing with Honda parts.
I would not buy new Toyota components off of eBay. Do a search - there are horror stories. moto g power ?
I've never bought Toyota parts from EBay or even Rock Auto but have had good results from Amayama but it's pretty slow with overseas shipping. When I need things faster, Sparks Parks has been good and McGeorge was also good but, now, it seems they've either no longer in business or got bought out so not sure, now. Ask your Toyota dealer if they match on-line Toyota OEM prices. Mine used to but stopped a few years ago....bummer. (But they do give a military discount and are very fast to get parts, so that's a bonus.)
I searched and didn't find anything relevant to my question (are Japan-based ebay sellers selling fakes?)
https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink/topic?url=https://priuschat.com/threads/p0303-p0101-p0171-p219a-severe-misfiring-at-low-rpm.210850/&share_tid=210850&share_fid=1171&share_type=t&link_source=app I'd go with Amayama parts. moto g power ?
The part sold through the Toyota dealer network is 161A0-39015 and bears both the Toyota and Aisin logos on the casting, but the one Aisin will sell you (WPT-190) directly has the Toyota logo ground off (as in not just missing, but actually removed by grinding). It has been speculated here that it is the lower binned units that, having failed Toyota's QC, get their logos unceremoniously removed and are subsequently sold through Aisin. FWIW, I got the OEM part through Amayama for $117+shipping, and it was still less expensive than the lowest offer from any online supplier of genuine Toyota parts.
Amayama has revised the process for describing your vehicle, going from just manufacture dates a system of "frame numbers by market", which has left me unsure and guessing. For giggles this morning, on the main page I tried entering my VIN as a search string and what do you know: it took me to a specific start page for Toyota Prius, ZVW30L-AHXEBK 04.2009 - 12.2011