... lunatic fringe, whacked-out democrats gone ape, anyone who drives a Tesla now constitutes open season, fair game, a rife political target: "Vandalism Is Not Free Speech!" Elon Musk Speaks Out After Rise In Tesla Protests, Defacements | ZeroHedge So happens, your best gal drives a Tesla? Might lend though, getting her to the local gun shop for firearms training, a carry permit. I recommend two coats of Mother's California gold. It's a lot of elbow grease. Really helps the graffiti to buff out, nicely - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
My Brother lives behind the tinsel curtain - and it's easier to get political politeness than a CCP in SoCal. For SoCal? I'm actually happy with that, because anyone who would mention firearms as a solution to a minor property crime should probably be more 'properly regulated.' As far as the Donkeys 'eating their own?' We've seen THAT too. The End Of A Republican Party | FiveThirtyEight
As a driver of an old prius you should well know about prius hate. In fact your prius is the one most rw people understand is a prius and target. They started hating the gen2 quickly, tree hugging liberals want to save gas, gonna show them some hate.
... kindly forward this along if you please, a head's up to your Tesla friends. These are the peeps targeting you, singling you out for retribution, surreptitiously paying activists, to vandalize your EVs: Elon Musk Reveals The Big-Name Democratic Donors Funding Attacks on Tesla Stores | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew Our democrat friends, having themselves some good clean fun, hitting out, vandalizing Tesla EVs, and Tesla dealerships - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile ps - ... fyi, good pal of mine from the local drivers' group, has already had his headlights kicked out, on both his, and his wife's Model Ys -
They will just blame Trump supporters claiming that it's a False flag operation..... They still think Biden is sharp and healthy (and honest ) and that Harris is authentic and deeply intelligent!!!!
Protests aren't attacks. Racoon puppets aren't weapons. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/growing-protests-target-tesla-showrooms-with-mariachi-bands-raccoon-puppets-and-cardboard-cybertrucks/ar-AA1A88mf Have any of these protests turned violent? I'm only finding reports of after hours vandalism. Which isn't good, but is a far cry from a group of protesters turning into an angry mob trying to lynch people.
... our democrat friends now going in, to Tesla dealerships, armed explosives: Transgender Activist Arrested for Allegedly Leaving Explosives at Tesla Dealership — Fox News Mocked for Referring to Him as a 'Woman' | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald We're getting to the point our policy community will have little choice but concede, it is long since time for formal declaration of the democrat political party as, a hate group: Anti-Musk Liberal Protesters Arrested for Mobbing Tesla Showroom in New York (VIDEOS) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald Now a cult, hive mentality afflicting the democrat political party, America hasn't seen anything like this, since the Peoples' Temple: https://img.libquotes.com/pic-quotes/v1/jim-jones-quote-lbp6t8t.jpg Remember, the reverend Jim Jones? Jim Jones - Wikipedia Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
When the Left Became an Online Mob - Apple Podcasts Interesting..... One of my few conservative subs is The Dispatch and today's episode features a soon-to-be PNG'd leftist. I'm seeing some interesting parallels with the recent TSLA/Musk hate. One of the first things they teach you in anti-riot training is that people are smart, but mobs are stupid. I cannot say that I'm glad it's happening, but I can be a little less sad that it's not the far right this time.
There is no other time that matches Jan 6 2021 in American History. When a mob turned on the Constitution of their country to please one man, willing to kill police and Congress members if need be.
... following the money, will inevitably lead us right back to, Obama-World, the George Soros people, just like it always does: Musk Confirms X Hit By "Massive Cyberattack" & Possibly Carried Out By "Coordinated Group Or Country" | ZeroHedge Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile