Hi Everyone, I'm reaching to for an ask- I have a 2010 Prius with 202,000 miles. My Dr.Prius app is showing the battery in "fair" condition. I notice my mpg isn't what it used to be. I love taking care of my car and being proactive, and thought I'd ask if anyone in the greater Boston/RI/NH/VT area has a battery reconditioning kit laying around that they would lend to me. I'm happy to give you money, or trade/barter my time. A little about me- I've worked on cars since I was 18 (now 33), live in Providence RI and am getting my masters in social work. Would love to keep my prius going to 300k miles. Still doesn't burn a drop of oil between 5k mile changes
Ever heard of lent out tools never being returned or if returned broken and / or abused. 20 years ago there used to be network of conscientious lender. Best of luck with your request.